National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

7 interviews found

user image Abhishek Shreeram Arora

posted on 19 Nov 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview involved two questions, was asked to write code for the given tasks, which the interviewer would then "execute" manually to check it.
Was asked to go in detail on how the computer handles the program at a low level (like displaying the stack state after each call to a recursive function). Apart from that, I was questioned on some C fundamentals, namely memory allocation and segmentation faults.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Write the backend server code for a tic tac toe game
  • Q2. Write a program to store a tree on a file. Also write code to reconstruct the tree from that file. Think of efficient techniques

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All types of C/C++ Aptitude and I/O questions were asked.
Was not a very easy round.
Tips: Prepare from -----/ and -----/
I had done everything in these 2 links.
Other than that, you can prepare from "Test your C Skills" by Yeshwant Kanetkar. PDF available online.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 40-50

Round: Test
Experience: Two coding questions were asked. It was hosted on CoCubes website.
Questions were pretty basic.
First one was ad-hoc, requiring to count the number of set bits of a number.
Second one was the standard, minimum cost path DP problem.
Tips: Prepare from geeksforgeeks, careercup and ambitionbox.
If you know competitive programming, you should not have much of a problem.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: Had to write code on paper. 2 questions.
First one was to rotate a matrix by 90 degrees. Pretty standard question.
Second one was to remove all negative elements in an array to the right end. Do it without extra memory.
Tips: Apart from correctness of solution, they check for code quality. Code written must be clean, indented and with properly named variables and functions.
Keep communicating your ideas to the people who will be supervising the test. They will understand your thought process that way.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Wrote the class in JAVA. Explained the methods, and optimized them. Variables were named properly.
Also generalized the class for an nxn matrix tic-tac-toe game.
Interviewer was very friendly. Wrote the code on paper.
Tips: Prepare on class design beforehand. They are quite likely to ask you questions on OOP.
Write clean code.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Just had to write the functions. Wrote code in C++.
The interviewer tested me on edge cases. Asked me to prepare test cases.
Tips: Make sure your code is ready to tackle those dirty edge cases.
Knowing standard library functions is beneficial. Make sure you learn some important ones. They can come in handy.
Write clean code. You can choose any language you are comfortable in.

General Tips: Stay calm. Prepare well.
Focus on the data structures that Microsoft usually asks about.
Skill Tips: A good internship helps in the process. I had interned at Google, so I got selected relatively easily as compared to other candidates. Make sure your resume is as impressive as you can make it.
Stay calm in the rounds. That way you can think better.
Communicate with the company officials. They will know you and your thought process that way.
Don't stay quiet in the interview rounds. If you have doubts, ask them. I had made this mistake when they came for internships and did not get selected because I didn't clear my doubts. The interview should be ideally like a discussion, where you present your thoughts and ideas, clear your doubts, and come up with a solution.
Skills: Resume, Communication, Analytical Skills, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving, Coding Skills And Knowledge On Data Structures
College Name: NIT Surathkal
Motivation: It is one of the biggest tech giants in the world. I definitely wanted to be a part of it.
Funny Moments: Since I had only 2 interviews, while others had 5, I came out so early that they thought I was rejected.
They later discovered, they were wrong.
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: As I got PPO from the company it was little better-luck for me as I escaped from On-Campus Competition.But yeah for getting intern and then PPO it was well challenging. But you can enjoy in parallel with little continuous hard work and smart preparation/work-out. Better find what will be asked in interview then learn accordingly concepts instead running behind CGPA(its enough 8- 8.5). You might get disappointed some time just try to catch plus from it and move forward. I have seen cases a student got rejected in one company placed in better one. You never know where is your destination. Better fix multiple than one.Now the pattern for Aptitude is changing. You will be given 60-90 min. and you have to code solutions for problems. Many of our batch-mates were not used to it. I was also rejected in more than 2 companies just because of not having good efficiency in handing online test. Be ready well before for such cases. Follow code-chef etc. Your preference for preparation should be DSA>OS>DBMS
Skill Tips: For Data-Structure and Algorithms preparation I followed NPTEL lectures and Corman. Whatever concept you learn from these try to implement using C/C++ or any language you like. It improved my coding as I started writing more Structured/Modular code which makes you more impressive in interviews. For more problems refer and It was really luck for me during both intern and PPI interview I was asked questions from these websites. As these are favorites for all interviewers. Its better to write code first on paper than on compiler it reduces bugs/errors like NULL-pointer error. Aptitude C/C++ follow any good book and go through once. For C refer Dennis Ritchie. For DBMS/OS follow ppts or their standard textbooks. Try to learn as many concept as possible. Don't depend on your prof did he teach or not.
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: The interviews take up almost your complete day. Each round lasts for 45 min .The level of difficulty keeps increasing with each round. It is a bit exhausting and by the time you get to final round but trust me guys it's worth it.
Skill Tips: For Microsoft your code should be perfect and written in perfect programming style
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: 0. The most important thing. Know your level. Improve yourself by practicing more and be well aware of how smart you are. Wishful thinking can only get you so far.1. Writing fluent and optimized code is an art. I was lucky because I have been coding for a long time. If your coding skills aren't great, practice! I answered one crucial question completely wrong and still got through because of this skill.2. If you know an answer to a question, do not answer it immediately. Try to derive that answer from scratch and understand it before you go about blurting out the answer out of excitement. Let it look like a challenge.3. Learn External Sorting and Kadane's algorithm.4. Learn some basic OS facts like details about a program stack and what not.Make a CV right now! Compress it to one page. No one cares about your extra-curricular activities as much as you do. Include relevant details. Selection Procedure Preparation
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Don't ignore aptitude because it is really important. Never give up on any question in interview. Tell your interviewer anything you know about the question even if it is too simple to tell. Be confident.
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Before going for the interviews, take a sheet of paper and write an error free code, with extremely well named variables and optimized runtime each on Matrices, Linked List and Binary Tree. This will ensure that you have confidence and don't feel rusty while writing the code. Check your code twice to make it error free before showing the interviewer.
Skill Tips: geeksforgeeks is the most valuable site. The questions are generally taken from there. has the most common questions asked by Microsoft. Try to even brush up on OS concepts. Some interviewers ask that too. Practice all questions on linked list. This is generally the first interview question.
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