National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

6 interviews found

user image Poluri Jayaprakashreddy

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round is a online test containing 10 verbal, 10 logical ,20 numerical aptitude questions total 40 question and duration is for 45 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 39 people got shortlisted for round 2. Round 2 is like hr interview all u need to do is speak and be confident

Round: puzzles round
Experience: 25 got shortlisted for round 3. Round has puzzles and gestimation questions. You need to clearly explain Guestimation question.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 13 got shortlisted for final round. Its again Hr interview by all the company members. Out of 13 few were asked puzzles. Finally 10 people were selected.

General Tips: Placement experience was amazing. Interviews were really good . They just wanna check whether your confident about what you speak or not. Those people were really friendly so no need to be tensed.
Don't freak out looking at the new puzzle try thing new to solve it. Be confident about your self and what ever you tell them.Which ever quote u make about your self be ready with example and what you have learned from that example
Skill Tips: No book preparation is required. U need to be good at solving puzzles and explain what ever your doing. During test last section i.e., numerical will have few lengthy questions so don't waste your time on one question.
For Guestimation u have to make appropriate guess and explain them why that guess , how does things change in different environments
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Shamanth M K

posted on 1 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Skill Tips: Speak well, and prepare for aptitude.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Akshay Deshmukh

posted on 27 Nov 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: aptitude test (by cocubes) -approx 200

Tips: 1. cocubes aptitude is easy, pattern is good (better than inspiring-minds)

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: 1.puzzles interview after clearing apti-approx 30

Tips: 1.go through indiabix site general puzzles like rope,bucket problems, general time-distance or work-time problems, logical reasoning is same as CAT or any other entrance.

General Tips: interview with a panel including VP- 13
selected -9

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First was an online aptitude round of 40 questions to be solved in an hour. Most questions were of average CAT level with few easy ones slipped in between them.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: Other Interview
Experience: The second round of interview was one-on-one with a panel member, In the second round, questions asked were based on what I had written in my resume. Since, I said I had interest in finance and economics, I was asked about the reasons for rupee depreciation against dollar (hot topic at that time) and possible repercussions from it. Besides,few regular puzzles were asked.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: The third round started off with regular HR questions. After that, I was asked a guesstimation cum case study question about the price of an English newspaper in Mangalore given its targeted profit and also info was provided on costs of various logistics. Various costs had to be considered and English-reading population of Mangalore had to be guesstimated. After this, I was asked another puzzle, difficult compared to previous ones, solving which seems to have sealed the deal.

General Tips: For the HR questions, there are readily available blogs and sites which will give you the general framework of avoiding blunders and by-passing tricky questions along with a general answer. It's better to follow these and also add a tinge of your own individuality to it.
Skill Tips: The preparation stage was exhausting as one had to go through company profile, brush up Apti skills the night before etc. etc. depending on individual way of preparation. The first and foremost challenge is to go through Apti rounds coz that is where maximum elimination happens and generally, lot of people in NITK are pretty good at solving Apti questions accurately and quickly. Once, done with Apti, it all depends on how you express yourself at the interview and prove your knowledge and depth at things that you say you are good at.

In Analytical prepare Probability, Puzzles based questions
Skills: Aptitude, Analytical , Guesstimation, Case Study
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user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: In the first stage, a written test having three sections (logic, math and English) was conducted. From this test, thirty six students made it to the interview stage. Both the second and the third stage were personal interviews.

General Tips: Solve few mathematical puzzles as well as general aptitude questions from various sources. It was not a very exhausting procedure, It was fair and simple. Clearing the first interview round was the main hurdle.
Skill Tips: In my opinion, the only two things that this company looks for is the student's ability to solve mathematical puzzles and to evaluate his or her communication and PR skills. Brush up on Problem-solving. Moreover, on a lighter note, it is very helpful if you just keep talking about your interests and how this has helped you shape the person that you are, as this would leave them with lesser questions to ask and check the students communication skills etc. simultaneously
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user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a test regarding basic aptitude and English. A few people were selected based on the test.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: An interview will be the next morning based on your resume, co-curricular activities and quite a few interesting puzzles.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: A 2nd interview regarding your guessing skills and a few more puzzles and some HR.

General Tips: Sleep after giving exam hoping you will get an interview. Go attend the interview only if you are interested in math.
Skill Tips: Any books that have puzzles for interview. I didn’t prepare much for apti.
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