National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

6 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 5 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD- Mainly they divided trical candidates in two groups. 1st containing sc and st candidates, 2nd had general and OBC and around 35 people in 2 groups. 14-14 candidates each turned up for GD. They gave engineering related topics- for first group engineer as politician and for 2nd energy audit and engineers role in it were the topics. every candidate is given 2 chances to speak. 1st everybody is asked to pitch their own ideas and thoughts. again the invigilator will ask you to add any relevant points if you want. Finally they will ask one of you to summarize wholediscussion.
Tips: Just speak relevant things, don't try to sell fake facts, they will catch you. and whilesummarizing don't add new points,stick to whatever the group has already discussed, theywere adamant about it. one of our group mate got scolded in spite of speaking very goodbecause he brought incorrect fact and while summarizing tried to add new point.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: For me it was kind of stress interview. One of the panel member asked me the question even before asking me to sit. After greeting them I tried to answer the first question, but he was ready with second question. both the questions were regarding transformer protection. I explained buchholz relay for transformer protection with diagram, they asked about other ways of transformer protection, I could only explain one more method of over current protection.They said explain two more, but I couldn't. Afterwards, they asked me about types of circuit breakers and working I answered them 50-50. advantage of HVAC transmission I told. After that they asked me random questions like material used in transmission, material density, comparison between different material for transmission based on resistivity, cost and density(I was not able to answer most of them, and I was stressed out), suddenly everybodystarted asking questions (4-panel members), I took my time, and most of the time after taking considerable time for answering difficult question I  would tell I don't know. When questions got exhausted they asked me which subject is my favorite, and whether I have any knowledge of management,  I told mathematics is my favorite and for management I had taken 3 optional EE, MTP, MM. they asked about basic definition of management, bernoulliequation for liquid,and Archimedes principle of floating body (I don't know why).
Tips: Keep calm and take your time, even if the ask too many questions at a time, and say no if you really don't know the answer. Finally HR asked me to briefly explain all the projects I have done(15 minutes)

General Tips: Nothing specific, don't give up even if you don't know A single answer. I couldn't answer more than half the questions. Try to use pen and pencil to illustrate the things which you can't explain with words and please never sell fake facts in core job interview, if you don't know, say so.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 5 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Initially there was a GD. Civil had two groups. Everybody got a chance to speak once. In the end anyone could volunteer to summarize the discussion. Topic of my GD was: 'While planning the township for Coal India employees at a mine site what all information is required?' Few students got shortlisted for the personal Interview which was the next round.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: We also had a document verification where they checked our X, XII and semester mark sheets. The only extracurricular certificate they accepted was of NCC. Personal Interview was for approximately 20 mins. In the interview they would ask you your favorite subject and question you about that. So it is best to prepare that subject well and go. For e.g. if you say concrete technology then they will ask questions like what are the tests for fresh concrete, hardened concrete, tests for aggregates etc. They will also ask for specifics like slump value of pumpable concrete.

General Tips: It was a challenging experience. I didn't expect to get selected. Keeping calm is the key. I had given many interviews for different companies. Giving sensible/intelligent answers is critical. Giving haphazard answers gives a wrong impression. Do not have expectations from any company.
Skill Tips: If you are going for a company prepare the question 'Why this company?' well. Coal India employers want to make sure that you will stay with them. They had asked me this question along with a lot information about the company such as What are Coal India's subsidiaries? Where are they located? In how many years does one get promoted from E1 grade to higher grades? Find out more about the company well before going and if possible speak to alumni working there well in advance.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 5 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Selections are based on pointer, there is a GD.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Interview Round (technical and HR both). People who are interviewing want to see whether you understand them or have just mugged up. Projects which might have done is also important. Contrary to the popular belief, pointer matters period. Don’t try to fake, interviewers are good at catching them and then screwing you over because of it, just be honest.
Tips: Know your abilities and when asked about something which you know nothing of, answer truthfully. Please have a shave before coming. Remember you are selling yourself. Everyone's extra nervous on their first interview, it gets better with experience. If you have messed up one too many interviews take a time out and think about it, talk with your friends, get honest feed back and build on it.

General Tips: I'll stop now with a quote. "Do not disturb yourself by picturing life as whole; do not assemble in your mind the many and varied troubles which have come to you in the past and will come again in the future, but ask yourself with regard to every present difficulty: 'what is there in this that is unbearable and beyond endurance?'
Skill Tips: Be through with the basics, I cannot emphasize the importance of this. Placements are full of stress, anxiety, rejection. So in those times don't start any "habits" which you might regret later.Try meditation it helps.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD for students with more than 6 CG, 22 students sat for GD, 19 shortlisted for interview, 12 were finally selected.GD topics are general for any mining student , GD is category wise.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: For interview you should know whatever you did in your training.

General Tips: Easy selection process, they are strict about CGPAs.
Skill Tips: Take the interview in Hindi and be chilled.
Skills: Industrial training /Coal Camp.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Round 1-Group discussion. Proper kind of GD was organized. Everyone was given a chance to speak.So you can clearly put up your points.
Tips: In GD don't repeat the points which someone has already covered.Try to come up with the points which are closely related to the topic. Try to cover both the aspects of the topic, positive as well as negative.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Round 2-Interview.There was a panel of 6 members.Everyone was above 45 and kind of chilled out.It started with some HR questions and then tech.In tech part they asked very basic things like Ohm's law, how fan works, how tubelight works etc. No grilling on any topic!
Tips: In interview, be calm and don't panic while answering questions.Take your own time to answer the question(only if you know the answer properly!)

General Tips: In tech part, mention only one topic which you have prepared well. Please don't tell every topic you have studied.I t was a cool experience and it feels awesome to get placed in PSU!
Skill Tips: IV K Mehta for power systems and switchgear. Any book on induction and synchronous motor will also help.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: They shortlisted some 40 students based on their CGPA in the respective categories, after coming to campus there was a GD out of which some 17 people got selected.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Then there was a Personal interview and 10 got selected at the end.

General Tips: It was a wonderful experience knowing half of the things not knowing quite some of them and finally getting selected. One thing I knew I did not fake around with any of the question. Guys Never feel bad if not selected, because it is not destined for you. there is something better waiting for you.
Skill Tips: No extra preparation required just the normal notes of class and wherever doubt existed got it cleared from NPTEL videos they were really helpful.Be confident in whatever you know. Don't take any tension about whatever you don't know as you cannot change anything regarding that. Never beat around the bush. Be straight forward. Always go with a smile come back with a smile and be Confident. Confidence matters a lot.
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