National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

1 interview found

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: PPT and Resume basis shortlisting - resume was in their own format and it concentrated on your area of interests. Everyone was allowed to write the test.

Round: Test
Experience: Test shortlisting - Aptitude to be precise just diagrammatic reasoning. 11 crossed this barrier. It would be good if you practice this type of questions. There is enough time, just be calm.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Interviews - final round. 4 got selected. HR and Tech both.

General Tips: Don't boast anything ever in your resume or the company's form, will harm you during interview.your field of interest should be a real one know it all.keep your mind open while solving apti-it helps. Never lose your confidence during HR-especially for low pointers like me. a low pointer isn't as harmful as a stressed mind. lie, lie and lie with confidence until they stop firing another question. prepare your story in advance. and I'm telling you this with experience- never tell them you didn't like studying or busy in games and stuff...just lie.
Skill Tips: Solve some of the diagrammatic reasoning problems from any book you can grab. Sound tech knowledge of your interest field required, so you know the books. For mechanical specifically, manufacturing knowledge would help a lot, most preferable - pumps, pipes, welding, material science, composite materials.
Skills: Aptitude, Diagrammatic reasoning
Motivation: This was my fourth interview, so by that time I knew truth and boasting is not gonna take me anywhere. So I prepared my story, - ups and downs and got the job. It was challenging and hence rewarding too, can't say exhaustive because even with this low pointer I never lost confidence in me and went for companies that I liked (total 7). So go ahead, confidence is the key. Also go through the glassdoor and youtube channels reviews and interview glossary of the companies, helps a lot.
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