National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

76 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 17 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was online. In the verbal section they asked synonyms and antonyms. In the Quantitative section they asked Questions on ratio and proportion, shares, average etc. There were reasoning questions but not technical questions.
Tips: Do Quantitaive questions from R.S Agarwal or you can go through the previous TCS placements  papers available on net.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Well i had the technical interview for about 30 mins. First they asked whats is my favorite subject. I said DS. So they
asked few Questionss on DS like stacks, queues, and sorting Like how to swap two numbers without using another variable. they tell me to write the codes for insertion sort and queue And they went through my resume and  asked few Questions on all the subjects i have  learned.they also asked questions From DBMS,NW,SE and even Microprocessors But only the basic stuff. Questions were like whats software development life cycle(sdlc), whats TCP/IP, what do you mean by Implementation etc. After technical i had a managerial interview . They asked some puzzels and Questions from SE like what are the testing methods etc.
Tips: Be thorough with the basics of all the subjects you have studied.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked Questions like what are your hobbies, your weaknesses, extra curricular activities etc and they asked more Questions  based on the answers i gave.
Tips: You can just answer freely but confidently.

Skills: Software Skills, Networking, DS, DBMS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first section was verbal english, the questions were asked from synonyms, antonyms and questions based on a passage. It is an objective test without negative marking . In the quant section questions were pretty good.
Tips: In Verbal Section Try to do the synonyms part first and then the passage because passage takes more time.prepare quntitative section with R S Aagrwal book.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In the technical round they asked a range of questions ranging from C, C++, DS, Networks, OS, DBMS, java etc.
Tips: If u know the basics you can easily crack it. For every question try to give some answer even if you don't know the answer dont sit idle.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR interview was only for 15 mins. they asked me the normal HR  questions like tell me about yourself and then they asked question on some current affairs.  they  asked me about my home town Bangalore.
Tips: Show them you are really interested in this job.

Skills: C/C++, OS, DS, Networks, DBMS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: TCS had shortlisted 25 students, 5 each from CSE, ECE, EEE, MCA, M.Tech(CSE). I was one of them, so I had
direct interview, no aptitude test for me.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The technical round was pretty easy. They asked very basic question from OOPS, C , C++, OS, DBMS. The questions were like tell the basics concepts of OOPS (polymorphism,inheritence etc). They asked what is the difference between C and C++. For OS they asked scheduling algorithms, fragmentation etc and for DBMS they asked the normal forms.
Tips: Don' t benervous ,reply to questions calmly they are there to help you if you get stuck at some point. Cover your basics and be smart to present yourself.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In this round they gave me some situations and asked me how would I react to them. They asked me to give some
example of IT service which I might have used in last 24 hours.

Skills: OOPS concept, C/C++, DBMS, OS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was really cool ,easy Quantitative questions ,Verbal was also easy as i am prepared for GRE .Verbal consisted of synonyms ,antonyms,blanks and reading comprehension.Out of all the sections analytical/reasoning section was too easy to score.
Tips: For verbal GRE previous papers are very useful and if you are already prepared for GRE then verbal is very easy for you.
Duration: 75 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Panel just asked basic concepts of Chemical Engineering like types of heatexcahangers,Chemical weapons, Alternative fuels.Nothing related to C++ was asked.They also asked why do you want to shift from chemical engineering to IT.
Tips: Dont panicthe panel people will make you comfortable and most of the time they are friendly.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: they were  asked about my interests, my hobbies. Standard question was asked as usual ..."Tell me about yourself" .  Latest developments in IT sector was asked.More stress was laid on my extra circular activities.

General Tips: For people with low gpa I would strongly suggest to take up this opportunity seriously else go for a dream job in your core.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal section  contains:
1.10 questions on Antonyms & synonyms 
2.comprehensive passages 
In Quantitative  80 - 90% of the questions are from the last 5 years papers .
Tips: Prepare Quantitaive and Reasoning part with previous TCS papers available on net and prepare Verbal English from Barrons 12 th Edition.
Duration: 80 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked questions on number series ,C. they gave me a puzzle to solve. They concentrated  mainly on the basics of my subjects.
Tips: Prepare C & DS. prepare some well known C programs and also prepare basics of your course subjects.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All common HR questions like 1.Tell me about ur urself 2.Why Software 3.Why TCS 4.Family background 5.why should our company hire you .Some questions to check my adapadability in different situations and conditions like willing to work in the night shifts or not.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: In quantitative questions on mixtures and ratios were asked. verbal are very difficult.In reasoning very simple but time consuming questions were asked.
Tips: Prepare from  GRE Barron's 12 th edition model test papers for verbal they will give questions from that directly as it is and prepare data analysis.
Duration: 70 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Questions were asked from  basics of C++,C and DS.they also asked questions based on my resume.also they  asked me some questions on DSP as it is my core subject.
Tips: Go through the basics of c and C++ if u r ece or cse otherwise be strong in one of ur core subject.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked me some general HR questions like tell me about your self and about your achievements.they also asked that which place is suitable for you to work and why.they also asked about my strengths and weaknesses and they asked to me  how you are working to overcome those weeknesses.they tell me to rate my communication skills .

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: ONLINE test
There were 3 sections.
1.Verbal (synonyms,antonyms,passages etc)- 20 min
2.Quant-(38 questions)-40 min
3.Critical reasoning(3 Data Interpretation questions)-30 min not sure about duration
Tips: Prepare Passages,synonyms,antonyms from Barrons book.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked about microprocessors,microcontrollers,difference between them.they also asked about My current project. they also asked questions from C like what happens when a global variable has static,tricky questions on pointers and structures.and on oops(C++) concept .finnally questions  on networks,TCP,UDP,layers and their functions ..then some NON-Tech questions like where do you want to see yourself after 5 years from now,what do you expect from TCS.
Tips: Go through basics of C,networks,your branch subjects because TCS had panel members from all braches,you will be
sent to corresponding member.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General HR questions like Tell me about yourself and they also asked about  my project,why do want to join TCS,which concept do you like most in our PPT,they tell me that speak about 'greenhouse effect' for 2 min.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: TCS gave direct entry to top 25 students based upon the CGPA .5 students each from ECE,CSE,EEE,MCA and Mtech CSE were selected directly for interview .i am selected on the basis of CGPA.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was Technical cum HR interview
They Asked to me about my project,OOPS concept,storage class specifier. they Gave me a sequence of numbers and asked me to build a binary search tree.they Asked to me about time complexity of various sorting algo & how are they calculated.swapping of 2 numbers without using temp variable.Then swapping 3 integers a,b,c such that it gives a=b,b=c,c=a without using temp variable.Sorting an array which consist of either 1or 0 with best time complexity. types of trees.what is stack,queue.what is semaphores.Given a array of numbers how would you know if a particular element is deleted.
Tips: They can ask questions from anywhere C/C++,DS,OS,CAO,network or your core subject but the questions are generally basic.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They Asked about my family background,about Software development cycle.About case testing,about Some waterfall model and about My future plans.
Tips: Just be confident, it doesn't matter if you don't know the have to give your best.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was an online test. The questions in each section were very easy and also there was no negative marking.
Tips: Attempt as much as possible and avoid silly mistakes.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They were asked two questions :
1.How will you copy a unix file to a windows system on the same network?
2.The interviewer gave a puzzle to join a 3x3 grid of points using 4 lines.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round was a management aptitude round along with HR.
They started by asking a few questions about my DRDO training. Then they asked questions like
1. In your project group of 3 if one person is unavailable how will you tackle the situation, if 2 are unavailable what will be your course of action etc.
2. If you have to manage an information providing system when there is a big rush and the server goes down, what
steps will you take and in what order.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was computer based test.In verbal contains mainly antonyms and synonyms .  Quant is easy but time consuming .In reasoning 3 questions were given for 15 marks.Each questoion was  set of Statements  and conditions .According to the conditions in statement we have to predict anwers.
Tips: Solve R.S.Agarwal for Quantitative section.Solve TIME materials for Reasoning.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The technical interview was about 40 min . they asked mainly questions from my core subjects(specially ECE) and also from C They asked about memory leak,virtual functions,general questions on pointers etc.In core they asked about digital counters  and micro processors interfacing .
Tips: For ECE guys,especially, prepare C,C++,DS,OS (for any company,even core like qualcomm).Dont neglect them.In core learn digital circuits,mps,Fourier transform.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked general HR queations .they asked about Latest movie and latest novel.They even asked me to tell the story of latest movie that i seen.
Tips: Make sure that they are satisfied for first 2 questions particularly.Prepare well and be confident in interview.

Skills: C/C++, DS, Digital Circuits, OS, Fourier transforms
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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