National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

5 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 3 parts in the test.First part consisted of HR questions like 
1.What is your goal in life and how important is to have a goal in your life? 
2.Site an example where you have shown leadership skills? 
3.What are your strength?
4.What are your weaknesses and how do you manage to overcome them?
5.According to you how should an organization be? 
Second part consisted of simple reasoning & Analytical questions.Question like complete the series,who is standing next to whom,calculate the age of somebody etc. which you all are aware of and which can be easily solved. Third part consisted of verbal English questions where you have to guess which should be appropriate in a given sentence out of given choices.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: No technical questions were asked but they did asked about my project and training(HR Questions like did you find anyone there difficult to deal with, if yes how did you dealt with the person)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Same HR questions from aptitude test were repeated in the interview also.Other than those tell me about yourself was the first questions they asked,rest of the questions were tell me the first things your colleagues gonna notice about you and which type of work field you prefer(production,quality,marketing,sales etc.) and what do you knowabout the company,why do you want to work in this company(give 3 reasons).I underwent 3 round of interviews.The interviewers were very frank and it was more like interaction and you feel absolutely free to express whatever you want to.The interviewers also show keen interest in you so its not at all an interview kind of thing and it was a nice experience to interact with them.
Tips: They also give you some situations and ask your opinion and how you will cope up with the situation.

General Tips: While giving answers to HR questions its in your favor if back yourself with reasons and examples.before the interview be thorough with the history of the company,something recent about the company,in short have a brief knowledge about the company.Ask question which shows your interest in the company whenever given opportunity.Have a positive attitude.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a general Aptitude test - simple mathematical questions, around 10 - 15 Verbal questions and around 5 HR questions - your three strengths, why did you choose Michelin?
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were three rounds of HR interview - one in the campus and the other two in Chennai. They were mainly targeting on testing my willingness to work with the company. In the first interview general questions like tell me about yourself; what is the difference between a manager and a leader; which situation is more important - a leaderbeing a manager or a manager being a leader; how did you come to know about Michelin, explain your strengths (this is the key area where you could impress them the best) were asked. The next two interviews were mainly focused on testing the communication skills and if I was willing to have a long term commitment with the company. Questions posed - The first question was Take me through your resume (stress your academic and extra-curricular achievements); how would you like to see yourself within the next 5 years; explain about your trainings and projects; how do you visualize Michelin - as a universal company or the one dominating in only one country; what do you expect would be your role technically in the company ( the rubber compounding); why do you think the setting up of a plant in India is required (the climatic conditions and the road system in India is completely different as compared to other European, American or Asian countries. The tyres working excellently there could not be expected to show the same efficiency here. The initial components during the rubber compounding has to be varied accordingly and suitably the products have to brought out); what profile do you prefer more - leading or technical ( quality management); what would you prefer taking up as your first assignment- technical or management; is it fine for you to work abroad?The 3 interviewers who interviewed me were from 3 different nationalities - France, US and UK. It was a bit tough to understand the French HR's language, so needed a bit more concentration.They were very friendly and there was nothing to be tensed about.

General Tips: Stay cool. Speak out clearly. Try explaining your strengths with real time situations where you had proved them.You are always free to ask queries at the end of the interview. Make sure you ask them the most relevant and impressing questions, this would be an added advantage. "Tell me about yourself" is one most common question,so remember to include all your strengths here. Have an overview of the company's profile before you go into the interview room. This always helps in any interview. Also be sincere while answering the HR questions in the initial Aptitude test, they try to cross check your opinions.Be confident and you will definitely clear off the interview..
Good Luck!
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: They were basic Maths, English and Reasoning questions. So, time was sufficient enough to complete the paper.
Students who have done the questions without silly mistakes have been selected for the next round. From around
380 students who have written this apti around 45 were selected for the interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They are concentrating mainly whether the student be with us for long period or not. They are all basic HR questions like Tell me about your self, what do you want to become after 5 years, what is your aim, what do you know about Michelin and all such kind of basic HR questions.The final interview took place in Chennai and the final interview was taken by HR managers from USA,UK. That experience with them was awesome. On the whole the whole interview panel is friendly. It was not like interview but it will be like interaction.

General Tips: NO CGPA matters here, just be confident while giving your interview. Tell them that we want to be with your organization in a way that I want to hold some high position after 10 yrs. Make them feel that you will be with them for long period. That's it. Don't worry much, a person with good managing skills will get through easily and lastly highlight your achievements very much, those will carry lot of weightage.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We were given 2 hours for the entire Test.The first three sections were simple and of basic questions.
Tips: Care must be taken while answering the rest six questions, because further interviews would be carried out completely on those answers.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview was not done but in some of the HR interviews, questions were asked about the Final year
project,Industrial training/projects etc., which were in the resume.First of all MICHELIN is a very good world class company and I wished to get selected by looking at the company's profile, environment, future chances of career growth etc.,About the interview I observed that most of the interviewers were very friendly and i did not feel any stress or pressure at any time.The organizing,leadership and management skills were examined very well and were found to be very useful.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Details of the answers written for the six questions in the prelims test. These answers are very important and should be perfect.Shortlisted candidates were called for final interviews in CHENNAI.The final round of interviews were also HR interviews and three foreigners from UK,Dutch,US have taken the interviews for me individually. Every interview was almost similar and basic HR questions were asked in every interview. As a whole, questions were asked about my personality, goals, willingness to join the company,proper planning of your career, how would you prove yourself best for the company, about final year project, industrial training and projects etc.,And through out the entire process the resume and answer book with the answers to the six questions in the prelims were seen and questions were asked about them.

General Tips: Be confident on what you say in the interview because most of it is HR and stand on your answer, don't jump between sides.Your resume should be very perfect and let it not contain anything about which you are not confident enough to answer.Most important things about this company were
i) The BOND/service agreement was for FIVE years
ii) The compensation which you need to pay if you break the bond and mode of its payment
iii) The salary which you get if the training is in foreign
iv) Duration and location of the training etc.,
and we did not have clear information about these things till the end.
It is advised to have very clear idea of these things at least before you attend the final interviews of some of Multi National Companies like MICHELIN.Finally, Be cool,get relaxed,have a SMILE on your face and ROCK the interview.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All the questions were subjective.The first interview was on campus.Completely HR.
So in the 1st interview apart from those questions they will ask about your family history.
Why you were impressed by Michelin and some co curricular activities.
The next two interviews were in their office in Chennai.Both were taken by foreign officials. The first one was HR
again and in the second they ask you about your project work industrial training in detail.
Tips: Make sure you don’t bullshit in the HR written questions.Because that booklet stays with them until your final interview. Don’t fill the whole page.Be precise,no stories.

Round: Test
Experience: Sequence completion and that sort.Age and work problem.
The level was really pathetic,not even 0.1 percent of CAT level.
Total Questions: 20

Round: Test
Experience: Math questions.We had a question 99*0.99=?
And another was speed time distance problem.
Total Questions: 20

Round: Test
Experience: Which sentence is correct,synonyms and antonyms, simple grammar questions.
Not even GRE level,simple English.
Total Questions: 18

General Tips: Please make sure you clear all your doubts during the ppt and the interviews, whether it is regarding the
remuneration or the bond or your posting location. Be confident and clear of your views.Knowing a foreign language is a big plus point. Since most of the HR interviews are taken by the foreign officials (with more than 20 years of attachment to Michelin).I suggest you show that u are willing to commit and let them know that u want to make yourself indispensable to the company.Clarity in your views will show your confidence. Do not bullshit in the HR interviews. They are experienced enough to know when you are fibbing.
Good Luck to all of you.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
Motivation: The company has plants setup in various parts of the world and is a great opportunity for those looking for global exposure. Michelin requires a five year bond and only those students who are sure of their commitment should apply for the job. Overall the company is a good opportunity and is perfect for people who want to pursue either technical or marketing fields.
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