National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

27 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first section was Data Interpretation which basically consisted of Data Matrices Based on which questions were asked.The Time Limit for this section was approximately 15-16 mins. The second section was number series and the time limit for this section was about 4-5 mins. The 3rd section was Quantitative which was given a time limit of about 25 mins.Except the 1st section , the other 2 sections had a negative marking scheme.
The Aptitude papers were very interesting to solve and not boring at all. It was for 45 mins and hence not very lengthy.
Tips: Since the aptitude tests have negative marking, do not try your luck and answer only those questions that you are sure of.
Duration: 45 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Initially every person in the group was given 1 min to speak on the topic and give their views after which the topic was open to discussion. The discussion was for about 10-15 mins after which everyone was given another minute to give their views and close the topic.
Tips: The group discussion had an easy topic and all that anyone needs to clear this round should have good communication skills.For the group discussion, Make yourselves heard and at the same time, give others an opportunity to speak. For those who lack communication skills, work on them because it is a very important aspect that every company looks for in an individual.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The technical interview went on smooth because I had worked on my Basics and got them right.
Tips: Work on your computer science basics because that is the least requirement for the technical interview.( C, C++ ,Data Structures, DBMS, Networks and Operating Systems)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview was good and easy.Finally after I had cleared all the above rounds, I was called inside to fill the Employment Application forms and that's when we came to know that we got selected by IBM !!
Tips: Look confident and think positive and keep smiling because the panel likes to see pleasant faces.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Data matrices was for 16 min (no neg marking)Number series was for 4 min (very simple,but there's negative marking)Quant  was for 14 min (simple,but neg marking is there)
Duration: 34 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: First I was asked to introduce myself. Then everyone spoke out their view for 2 minutes and then there was an open discussion on the topic.I didn't support the topic.
Tips: Just speak out your views. Don't get tensed.If u don't speak out u, might be eliminated in the gd round itself.
Duration: 10 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This lasted for around 15 minutes. Many of the questions were basic questions like what is a stack,queue and they asked me to write a c code for fibbonacci series and i was asked a few SQL queries like creation of a table,deletion of a table and difference between truncate and delete in SQL..and finally i was asked the language i like the most..that is to give a preference order among the languages which i liked i chose c first then java as c is the standard for all the other languages..

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR round lasted for just 10 minutes. I was asked the usual hr questions like tell me about yourself,how do u define success,my strengths and weaknesses.The main question the HR guy stressed was the implications of being a perfectionist,-was it good or bad.The last question was if i was comfortable with working in any place in ibm (ibm islocated in 6 locations all over india).

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were three sections each of objective type. In first section there were data matrix questions (15 mins 15 questions). In the second section there were questions on sequences and series (4 min 20 questions). Third sections was quantitative (20 mins 12 questions).Out of 71 they shortlisted 60 people.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It went well.They eliminated 20 people in this round.
Tips: Perform well in GD.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In this they asked questions on C,C++,DS,Core Java,DBMS,SQL. They asked me basic questions.First they asked difference between c and c++. In DS they asked basic questions on Stack and Queue. In core java they asked Inheritance. Normalization and joins from DBMS

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In they asked simple questions like tell me about yourself, and also something about types of engines.
Tips: You need not prepare much for any interview. But you should have basic knoweldge of some subjects

General Tips: Prepare well c, c++, ds, os, sql. for any normal company there is not much need of programming. You should have basic knowledge.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a section on data interpretation which was for 15 minutes or so and was only to test how fast you could grasp a new thing. Then there was a section on number series which was fairly simple followed by one on quantitative maths. All of these were part of the first round of written test out of which around 100 people were shortlisted.

Round: Test
Experience: The second round was technical with 2 sections, the first one being basically for-loops and flowcharts. Questions were time consuming and there was always a shorter method. Second section involved concepts of networking and operating system.After this round 38 people were shortlisted for interview.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This interview mostly consisted of operating systems, data structure and C.He first took a brief intro and after that asked me the subject which i was best at. I would advice you to say anything except operating system because I made that mistake and he went so deep that the only thing i could do was comprehend the question because solving it was way beyond me (the question was involving system threads). Anyways i could still answer some of the questions in operating system like how to generate file descriptors in the best possible manner, then an output of a code was asked which involved concepts of heap,stack and pointers. Then he moved to data structure where he asked one question regarding nearest neighbours and we had a lengthy discussion on this one. 
I had a really nice experience especially the interview because it was more of a discussion rather then then question and answers. The person who took my interview later told me that he himself did not know the answer to the question and what he was interested in was my approach. The interview lasted for 2 hours and besides being exhausting it was fun too.
Tips: I would just like to advice that these people are not looking for answers but the ; path you choose, basically your approach. So whatever you think, speak aloud and let them know your approach; that's because if your thinking on thewrong lines,  they will correct you and hint towards the right one. So make use of them,

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Initially there was a general written aptitude test. It consisted of 3 sections. No technical questions at all, just to check your IQ. Questions were not difficult but time was very limited.Each section has to be attempted in the same sequence..1st section consisted of 20 Q on matrices. There were few matrices(5x5, 6x6 etc.), each of them consisted of some numbers and alphabets and few Q on them such as swapping the rows and columns, locating rows n columns satisfying certain conditions(time - 13 min). NO Negative marking2nd section consisted of 20 questions(time - 4 min). on number what no.comes next in the given pattern etc..3rd section was mathematical quant. It consisted of 15 ques(time - 15 min).The last two sections had NEGATIVE MARKING.So,be careful.
Tips: Attempt all Q in I section ad attempt only the ones you know in the last 2 sections.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The Process is done in 3 steps:1.First 10 min,everyone gave their opinion about the topic2.The Mid 10 min..we had the actual discussion about the topic3.In the end ,the conclusion was drawn by each one of us..
Tips: Take a piece of paper and pen to jot down important points about the topic.They test for basic communication skills in this round.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My technical interview went on for 30 minutes.First he checked my resume. He mainly concentrated on projects. My project being on NETWORKS...he asked a couple of questions related to NETWORKS..then he asked me about cloud computing. I explained him everything..
Tips: Be thorough with your projects.For this round,be thorough with BASICS like C,OS,DBMS,OOPS.....Have a little knowledge about current technologies like Cloud Computing etc..

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR went on for 30-45 min. For me,it was the most difficult round of all.First Question was "Tell about Yourself". Just talk about yourself, your  education, achievements, family background, your pros,cons etc..Then comes the actual test. He asked all kinds of possible questions that can be asked in a HR.What was basically tested is 'will u stick to the company' and 'Can you withstand in all kinds of situations ?'
Tips: Just make him believe that you'll stick to the company and that you can withstand the corporate world..Be patient while answering all questionsFinally ask a few Questions from PPTor about company/ kind of work,. This shows your interest in the company

General Tips: Just know about your PROJECTS VERY WELL.Be Confident,have some basic communication skills,basic subject knowledge and be patient.Show interest in the company..You'll easily get through...All you need is a little luck on that day, put your talent, use your skills and crack the JOB.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: through internship
Experience: I did my internship at IBM EB and I was offered PPO. I did not attend any interview at Campus.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was a good experience and I have to say that interview was too enlightening.
Tips: Be thorough in Data Structures and Operating systems.Solve as many questions as possible on data structures .

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written test was divided into three section of analytical, number and quant of 13,4 and 15 min respectively.
Analytical was based on matrices type questions where they switch few numbers to others and ask questions based on that.
Tips: Speed is very important in aptitude.
Duration: 32 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: In group discussion, they were looking for good communication skills. They asked each and everyone to express their views on the topic.
Tips: Try to speak based on content and do not babble out of context.
Duration: 25 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer emphasized on OOPS , inheritance, polymorphism,etc. and he asked me to explain an subject to him.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interviewer asked me common questions initially, like why would you like to join IBM, tell me about your academic background, etc.
As my interview progressed he was basically talking to me about topics like why is a student of 8.5 cgpa not able to explain the basics of the
Tips: HR is always the simplest one. What they look for is your communication skills, be confident and speak slowly as you and interviewer have plenty of time.
HR is mainly a formality and be confident in what you speak.

General Tips: Try to brush up your any company that you apply, they only look for basics and your logical reasoning. 
Try to read operating system, c/c++ and data structure as it can help you in preparing for any company.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Simple questions were asked.
Section 1, 2 and 3 were for 13, 4 and 15 minutes respectively. Sections 2 and 3 had negative marking.
Tips: The faster the better
Duration: 32 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Just a mandatory gd,mostly everyone clears. . Each member had to
conclude in the end.
Tips: Speak confidently and give good points.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Simple and basic questions were asked that can be answered without preparation,on topics like OOPS concepts, simple C++ programs, universal gates, etc. Details on projects and industrial training were also asked,

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Basic Hr questions were asked, like about yourself, why IBM, about higher studies, etc. In case of some difficult situation, how will you handle it.
It was a straight forward process with straight forward panel members. Well worth the wait.

General Tips: Communication skills matter the most. Answer confidently and don't give up.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test procedure had 3 stages :- 
(1) There were some 15 question on matrix (simple ones ,like if row and columns were exchanged then what is number at matrix [2][3]) ...
(2) We were given questions on number series (you can easily get the pattern for these part on the net) some 12 in 4 minutes..(all questions were easy...)
(3) Quantitative test of 15 questions in 15 minutes ..
Tips: Skip the questions that you find difficult. Try and solve as many questions as you can .
Try and attempt max no'of questions in quantitative part of selection
procedure,and keep ur basics ready
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: In this round , all the group members were given 30 sec to express their view , then 10-15 minutes of open discussion (they give chance to each and ever member to keep their views).
In the end they asked each and every member to give some conclusion.
Tips: Be confident, try and speak something.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was only for 20 minutes .
They asked me questions on c, c++(classes), and then the interviewer made
me write something in HTML (since i had mentioned this language in my resume).
Then they asked us to select a subject of our choice from our academics and explain.  I selected processors.


Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round was easy. The interviewer was kind . He asked me about my family background. Then he asked me to explain working of induction motor. He also asked me to pick one subject from ece and explain

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were three sections:
SECTION-1 [matrix test]15 question – 13 min .[ No negative marks for this section]
SECTION-2 [Number series test] 20 question 4 min. 15 mins mathematical[Negative marking(1/4) for this section]
SECTION-3 [Analytical type(Apti)]12 question 15 min .[ Negative marking(1/4) for this section]
Duration: 32 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: They checked only communication skills/
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer concentrated mainly on the basics of C/C++,OS concepts. It was for about 20 minutes.
He asked me to write a program in c++ to reverse the digit.
Tips: One thing that really matters is your project.... so prepare well

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was for about 15 minutes .
They tested communication skills.
Common questions were asked, like: Tell me about yourself, Why IBM, what makes you different from others etc and finally it ended with Do you have any questions?

General Tips: Concentrate in the basics of C/C++ ,OS questions and your project work.Be cool during the process.
All the best to all of you.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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