National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur

Durgapur, West Bengal

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 3 Jan 2025

1 interview found

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written round consisted of 200 questions in 2 hours
1> Technical section (100 questions)
2> Numerical aptitude (25 questions)
3> Logical Reasoning (25 questions)
4> General Awareness (25 questions)
5> English (25 questions)

The level of difficulty of the technical section was quite easy. Most of the questions were for checking the overall concepts and none of them included lengthy calculations. Though time is a factor as you have to solve 100 questions in about 1 hour.
One interesting fact about the exam was that both unanswered questions and wrongly answered questions would cost you negative 1/4th marks and thus it is better to attempt all questions. Some of the questions were from ‘uncommon’ sections like Polymer processing, materials of construction etc.

The mathematical aptitude and logical reasoning questions were very easy and practicing R.S Agarwall level questions would be sufficient. Unlike other PSU exams like ONGC, EIL etc., the general awareness section of SAIL’s exam consisted mostly of contemporary ‘hot topics’ and current affairs rather than generic topics like history, geography.
Tips: For the Technical section I would recommend solving :
1> Chemical engineering objective questions by Ram Prasad
3> 1 marks questions from previous year GATE papers.

I would recommend the following books for the general awareness sections
1> Lucent’s General Knowledge
2> Monthly current affairs magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan, Competition success etc.
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 200

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Around 40 people were selected for the GD-PI round for a total of 11 general seats in chemical engineering. Among all the PSU’s, the GD round of SAIL was the most interesting and unique. The GD round itself consisted of 3 separate rounds which continued for about 2 hours.
There were about 10 people in each group and about 5 judges.

Round 1
A general topic was given to the group for discussion. The discussion continued for 20 minutes and the group was not directed to present a final conclusion.
The judges scored each participant on the basis of how they were able to communicate and present their point of view

Round 2
10 qualities like honesty, integrity, knowledge etc. were listed and the group was given a task to order the qualities on the basis of which is most requisite of a politician. Initially each individual had to give his order and submit it to the judges and then the topic would be up for discussion for a period of about 20 minutes. At the end of the discussion, the group was asked to present a final conclusive order.
The judges scored each individual on the basis of
1> How well he was able to communicate his point of view
2> Whether the final order varied from the order that he had submitted initially. That is whether he was able to justify his point of view and persuade others or else he was himself swayed by others in the discussion.

Round 3
The group was presented with a case study. The scenario was that the CEO of a bank was going to retire and his replacement was to be selected out of 5 probable candidates. The profile of the bank and its future path was given to us and also the profiles of the 5 candidates in a 5-6 pages long document. Each individual was given 20 minutes to read the document and present his choice. The topic was then open for discussion for about 20 minutes. At the end of the discussion, the group was asked to come to a final conclusion.
The judges graded each candidate on the basis of
1> How well was he able to communicate his point of view
2> Whether he had read the case study in detail and was clear about his choice.
3> Whether he was able to justify his choice to the other members of the group.
Tips: The judges graded each candidate on the basis of
1> How well was he able to communicate his point of view
2> Whether he had read the case study in detail and was clear about his choice.
3> Whether he was able to justify his choice to the other members of the group.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The technical interview was of very short duration of about 15 minutes and wasnt tough either. The interviewer might try to confuse you a bit.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR questions were mostly directed towards the extracurricular activities that I had done during college

College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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