Motilal Nehru Institute National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

Your seniors at Motilal Nehru Institute National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. šŸ™

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Motilal Nehru Institute National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad Placement Interview Questions

Updated 15 Nov 2024

1 interview found

user image Yashika Chawla

posted on 28 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. 3 - 4 data structures based coding questions
  • Q2. Questions on project like problems faced or errors encountered
  • Q3. Memory layout of C programs
  • Q4. Storage of semaphores and many other questions based on semaphores
  • Q5. Questions based on operating system
  • Q6. The usual first question ..tell me about yourself
  • Q7. What irritates you ?
  • Q8. My CPI was 8.69, even then was asked why is it so low , why not 9 or above
  • Q9. Dream company and if you get selected, will you still aspire and study for your dream company
  • Q10. How many computer languages do you know ?
  • Q11. Some situation based questions
  • Q12. Why didn't you get selected in the last company that visited your college ?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The type of questions mainly comprised of aptitude, dbms, data structures, operating system, object oriented programming, networking and few basic questions on C programming language.
Tips: For Object Oriented programming Ā the book entitled as THINKING IN C++ volume 1 by BRUCE EKEL proved to be very useful.For C, read Dennis Ritchie thoroughly atleast twice.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45 or 50

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: The questions didn't make use of any tough algorithms. The solution too was quite simple but on the contrary there were several test cases which we generally overlook.
Tips: Sometimes practicing tough questions, we stumble across easy ones, so always start learning things from the ground level. Stay calm.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It was managerial interview and i expressed myself in the best way i could . The interviewer tried to trap me in my own answer but somehow i managed to satisfy him by my answers.
Tips: Stay confident and be yourself.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Initially, i gave naive approach to the solution but the interviewer gave me sometime to improvise the solution and i ended up with solution with log n complexity.
Tips: Practice coding questions based on Data Structures as much as possible but look at the solutions only after the exhaustive attempts of self trials.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This round was bit tough . To answer the questions on semaphore, you need to have very basic knowledge of the topic.
Tips: System programming book by Richard Stevens provides deep insight of the concepts.Have strong grip on subject knowledge too.

General Tips: 1) Once you kick off a start to practicing coding questions and understanding the concepts, you actually enjoy things.2) Group Study plays a very crucial role. Discuss questions with your friends and your seniors.3) If initially you get bulk of errors in programming questions , don't get disheartened .Try to run the program by compiling each and every line thoroughly and eventually you will end up with successful compilation and that happiness is priceless.
Skill Tips: Have a command on your domain.
Skills: programming Skills, communication skills, Skills to handle the situation.
Motivation: A software company with software engineer profile Ā and a good package too and both of them defines my field of interest :P
Funny Moments: when the result was declared with me and my friend both got selected, we both started jumping and crying aloud infront of everyone out there.And at the end when we were given chocolates , there was another box containing t-shirts ..and i was constantly looking there in the hope that soon, we would be given t-shirts too but to the dismay the handed all of them over to the third party :(
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