Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi
Your seniors at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi
Your seniors at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
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MindTickleI was interviewed in Oct 2021.
Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This round was conducted by the Interview Vector, Usually first two rounds are conducted by Interview vector on behalf of mindtickle, Interviewer joined the call on time. He gave his introduction and asked to introduce me. He asked about some of my projects and internships than directly jumped to DSA questions. He shared me the Leetcode question link and I have to write the code there and have to submit it. After that I have to paste my solution on a Google doc shared by him and have to write my approach, Time complexity and space complexity of the solution. So he asked two questions in this round and I solved first one completely and second one partially, questions were of medium and hard difficulty level respectively.
Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This round was also conducted by the Interview Vector, we started with the Introduction that she told me that their will be no correct or wrong answer for this round they will check by thinking ability and how vast I can think in designing a system. Than she gave me the problem statement in which I have to design an online Transport renter service. she also shared some requirements with me and shared a google doc where I have to write all the things that will come in my mind. So we discussed about the DB and tables that we will be requiring in this service, we also discussed for different enitities that we'll be requiring than our time gets over and we winded up and Thanked each other and dropped the call.
Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This round was taken by the SDE-2 of the MindTickle and it was also a system design round. We both started with the introduction then he gave me the problem statement to design a chess board game. We both started discussing on it, I started writing down the entities and services that we'll be requring. Than he told me to write the methods in each service and implement them, I got confused in them and started messing up the things. we discussed various things related to methods and services implementation and our time got over than he winded up and asked for any questions and we dropped the call.
Tip 1 : Prepare system design
Tip 2 : Practice as many DSA questions.
Tip 1 : Add Internship and project details clearly
Tip 2 : Add Github links to your projects