Your seniors at MAEER's MIT College of Engineering, Pune helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Round: Aptitude Round Experience: The company came to our college campus offering an internship at their Tokyo center. The students were shortlisted based on their academic performance. The written aptitude test lasted for one hour and consisted of general questions on mathematics, logical reasoning, verbal ability along with a few basic programming questions. Tips: The mathematics section was easy with simple questions on percents, profit and loss etc. analytical and logical reasoning was a bit tricky. Do brush up on basic concepts especially OOPs for the technical section.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: This was a completely technical round. The main topics asked consisted of data structures, databases and algorithms. I was also asked in depth about my project topic. Tips: know all the details about your project that you may have done earlier. If you have done any internship before, then do explain about your role, responsibilities and technical skills that you have gained through it. Keep brushing up on basics of data structures and databases.
Round: HR Interview Experience: This was a HR interview. The HR head along with the Japanese RnD team(through video conferencing)interviewed me. Tips: Do not panic and be true to yourself. Answer clearly and honestly.