Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

5 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Jun 2017

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Pretty simple case study but very, very lengthy. You won't know when the half hour passed and would surely be unable to answer all questions fully after crunching all the data but don't worry. Remember to read the entire question booklet before the time is up. Remember the questions.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: You would be asked to explain your answers and methods which you used in round one. Tell them everything nicely and logically. They'll ask you why you didn't complete the entire thing and just frankly confess that time wasn't on your side. They'll give you give five minutes to read the remaining questions and prepare and answer. If you would have remembered the question before and prepared your answer beforehand, just say that and this interview will be a piece of cake.
Tips: Remember that everyone does so, so just be logical and give free flowing and composed answers better than others because after discussing outside, almost everyone has the same answer to the questions (in your set)

College Name: IIT Roorkee
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user image Anonymous

posted on 2 Feb 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I used to discuss about the preparation of the resume with my friends, which is how I learnt to prepare a resume. I also received some valuable insights from my seniors for the same. I also made sure that I get thoroughly acquainted with whatever I mention in my resume so that I am able to answer any questions that I’m asked pertaining to the resume.

Round: Test
Experience: I purchased some study materials for the CAT examination (MBA entrance test for IIMs) for the preparation of the written tests. I and my friends would also at times discuss some difficult questions which helped a lot.
The first round in the recruitment process of ZS Associates was an aptitude test. The paper involved sections on quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning and English. The paper was similar to the CAT paper.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The second round was the GD. The there were 10 candidates in my GD. The topic under scrutiny was ‘Dirty Picture: Good Entertainment or Bad Entertainment.’ During the GD I was seated 2nd to the last and before me all the candidates had gone for the motion except for one. Before my turn arrived to speak I had decided to speak for the motion, but I realized that all the points for the motion had exhausted and I speak for the motion my points would certainly clash with someone else’s thus there would be no novelty in my points. Hence at the last moment I decided to speak against the motion. This improvisation seemed to have helped me. From my group 7 to 8 marched into the next round.
Tips: Everyone would tell you to keep your aggression under check while participating in a GD which you may tend to forget; I would particularly stress upon this do not let aggression get loose.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There are huge numbers of books available in market which discusses about dealing with interviews. I read some of these books. I studied some of the questions frequently asked in the interviews and while framing answers to these questions I looked back at the years that I spent in the institute and tried to remember some instances which if included in some answers might make them more presentable.In HR interview the interviews asked me to brief them on my resume. They inquired about my internships and projects. Since they interviews were unaware of the biotechnology they were particularly inquisitive about my projects. This was not an elimination round.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The case study was about a shoe company who had both retail and wholesale clients. We had to suggest how the company should spread its representatives across the city. The constraint was that there were a limited number of representatives and maximum sales had to be achieved. The representatives had to be allocated to different areas considering the transportation, communication systems available in that area and the buyers in that area. I did not qualify for further rounds.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 2 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I mentioned about all my credentials in my resume in a very compact and precise manner, so that more information could be conveyed in as few words as possible. This I hoped would also impress the evaluators.
I had previously prepared a resume for my internship; I prepared my job resume with the help of this resume. I applied for only 2 companies and while applying in these companies I used the same resume but only ameliorated my areas of interest.

Round: Test
Experience: The first round was the interview round. The test was divided into three parts: aptitude, verbal ability and mathematics. All the three sections were very simple. The aptitude questions were very similar to those found in CAT preparation books. The only section that some found difficult to negotiate with was the verbal ability section.
Tips: Preparation for CAT or any other MBA entrance exam will help you ace the written test.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The second round was conducted in 4 phases. The first phase was the case study and the second phase was an interview based on the case study. The case study was about a shoe company that wanted to optimize their output and we had to suggest measures that can be implemented to do the same. Since I had no experience in the case study I was eliminated after the second phase itself.
Tips: Prepare for Case Study before appearing for ZS Associate for interview.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: ZS Associates is a consultancy firm which uses quantitative skills to solve business problems for their clients(cases). It deals with various industries but has majority of clients from pharmaceutical sector. Learn more about the company by visiting its site.
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The company screens the large number of initial applicants through a written test which is of around 90 minutes duration and consists of Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Attention to Detail. The paper was on the easier side that's why it was essential to try to answer each and every question. There was a time crunch though and therefore if you get stuck on a question, it is important to move forward and skip that question.
Tips: To get through this round, practice of the quant section of CAT should be more than enough. And try not to get stuck at one question, attempt all the questions to the best of your ability.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The written test was followed by a Group Discussion in which every year students are asked to discuss something from the current affairs. We had to discuss on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) during our gd. Students were evaluated in this round based on their fluency, quality of their ideas and their ability to control the group and put their views forth in a group. Try to make sure that your ideas are heard but don't get too aggressive at the same time. This is more of an eliminative round than a selective round i.e. most of the people (around 4-5 out of 8) progress to the next round.

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: The next round is Case Interview which probably is the most critical round of all. In this, the interviewer explains a Case Study superficially to you and gives you 30 minutes in which you are supposed to answer 4 questions. (all of which have two parts). After 30 minutes, you are supposed to present the answers tothose four questions to the interviewer. The case study of each of the three profiles differs from the other according to the requirements of the profile you are applying for (Ex- BTA profiles are asked to write SQL commands) While appearing for this round, you'll face shortage of time. So make sure you are able to at least get an idea of how to approach those four problems. If you can, try to complete all the questions along with the calculations in the allotted time but if you can't do so, at least have a basic approach ready on how to go about each of the questions. The interviewer will allow you to perform the calculation in front of him (after the allotted 30 minutes) too. You don't want to end up in a situation where you've solved two or three questions perfectly and have no clue with the fourth one. Also, try to have a discussion with your interviewer. Don't be afraid to put forward your hypothesis or alternative answers even if their is a chance that they might be incorrect. The questions will be quite logical, so if you back yourselves and don't get nervous, you'll be able to solve them.

Round: Interview
Experience: Through the previous three stages, the company tested your skills for this job. The purpose of the next two is to find out whether you'll be a good fit for the company and whether you are interested in this job. The interview starts with basic HR questions like "Tell me about yourself"and "What are your major strengths and weaknesses" and proceeded to few others such as "If I ask a friend about you, how do you think he'll describe you?"After this the candidate is asked situational questions such as "Give me an instance when your attention to detail mattered" or "Tell me an instance when things didn't go as planned in a team and how you handled that situation." Be prepared to answer these kind of questions with instances which are mentioned in your resume. (This is where your Thomso or Cognizance, BAJA or FSAE or any other group work comes in) After this, some puzzles/guesstimates are asked from the candidate. ("Estimate the number of pizzas sold in IIT Roorkee campus in a month", "Estimate the number of streetlights in Roorkee) This is followed by the HR Round which is taken by some high level employee ("Principal") of ZS who makes the final call regarding the selection of candidate. It is more or less an extension of the Behavioral Round.

General Tips: Make sure you prepare for aptitude even if you're not appearing for CAT. Almost all companies (even the technical ones) take quantitative ability based tests and mere inherent ability won't be enough to get you to the next round.Try to read up on few case studies (Vault Study Guide, Ace your Case, Wharton Case study guides) to help you with qualitative case studies asked in flipkart etc. Prepare for GD by forming groups amongst your own and practice talking on current affairs as well as abstract topics (for companies like Schlum). You must prepare for the standard HR questions like Tell me about yourself, Your strength and weakness,A few Instances by writing your answers and trying to improve them. Give Interviews to your friends and ask for their feedback. Being well versed with your Resume is a must! You should also prepare Guesstimates from the net. Some Indian guesstimates can be found Last but not the least, be confident and don't lose faith in yourself and your abilities even if you screw up a few interviews (believe me, most of you will). You don't want to be in a situation when you had an opportunity and you lost it because you'd lost confidence. Also, try to be as honest and frank in the interview as you can. Make sure you give evidence of each and every answer from your past (if possible from your Resume) about your strength, weakness and other questions and to show how these qualities can be an asset for the company. Best of luck!
Skills: Aptitude, Case studies, Group discussion, Guesstimates
College Name: IIT Roorkee
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user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written test was on the CAT pattern. Verbal section and Quant section, level was also
comparable to CAT.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: A well organised GD, everyone was given time to start and conclude. The topic
was "should films like dirty picture be allowed in India". Marks were given for points given in the discussion.

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: first, a case study. It was mainly calculationbased, doable problem. had to understand some graphs for the calculations. It was more like a DataInterpretation problem in CAT.

Round: Interview
Experience: Second interview had parts of HR, was asked questions like 'strengths, weaknesses, way of doing work,how do you ensure your work is correct, any difficult situation faced, how do you cope with them, extracurricular activities' etc..I was also asked a guestimate, had to estimate the demand for a professionalmusic school all over india. This was asked because my extra activity was music. I guessed first the no. ofschools in india and then on that basis calculated no. of students that may be interested in music as aprofession.

Round: Interview
Experience: Third one was again mostly HR related.

Skill Tips: For the interviews, prepared basic HR
questions like 'tell me about yourself, strengths and weaknesses' etc.. Prepared for guesstimations from
random sources, available easily on the net. Prepared for case studies from vault guide for case interviews,
available on the net.
College Name: IIT Roorkee
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