Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

9 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume should not exceed two pages according to placement norms so I had to make sure that I write down all my extra-curricular and my academic achievements in a compact manner to ensure that all of them fit in my resume. There were 11 extra-curricular activities that I managed to pen down. I used only one resume in all the companies only changed my areas of interest to make them compatible with the profile on offer. I also mentioned about my projects and internships.
Tips: A person may have diverse areas of interest but he has to ensure that not all should be mentioned in any company. Only a select few areas of interest, which are simpatico with the profile, have to be mentioned in the resume. You cannot mention structural engineering as an area of interest in while applying in a company like Oracle.

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: I felt the interview was a stress interview. The questions asked in the interviews were:
Which is the one moment of your life that you would never like to be reminded of?What is that part of your life that you would want to permanently discard?The focus was mainly on to test the confidence of the person under pressure situation and not his technical knowledge.
The interviewers also asked me to speak what I knew about Schlumberger. This is where I believe I made a terrible blunder. Firstly, Schlumberger had come to the campus to recruit on the very first day of the recruitment season hence there was not a lot of time left for company research and secondly, I did not believe that my resume could get shortlisted in the very first place, thus I did not find it necessary to do the company research.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Schlumberger recruits mainly for the post of Field Engineer. They require people who have worked in a team and have very good communication skills. They want people with dynamic personalities and those who can easily adjust in any environment. Also the profile required the Field Engineer to be on rigs and off shore for most periods.Schlumberger shortlisted certain candidates. This process was carried out based on the resume. I don’t know the criteria on which the shortlist was prepared; CGPA certainly wasn’t the sole criterion considering that I had average CGPA but still made it to the shortlist.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume that I used while applying in different companies was nearly the same, however I did incorporate certain changes in areas of interest and the projects to make them more compatible with the profile of the company in which I was applying for; for instance while applying in Schlumberger I highlighted some of the technical projects.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was the last person to be interviewed, thus the interviewer was tired. He firstly asked me to talk about myself. Then he asked me to mention some quality that differentiates me form the rest and about which i had not mentioned in my resume. I told him about my second year internship which i did under a professor who got so impressed with my work that he turned up the following year in the institute to hire some research scholars.
After this question a foreign official of the company came to accompany the lone Indian interviewer.
He asked some questions like ‘What is the official website of Schlumberger?’ and when was the last time I had visited the website?
Next the interviewer asked me to specify an incident when I had to make a tough decision. I narrated a situation that I faced while I was the chairperson of SAE (a department level student body). Being the chairperson I had to cut short the team going into next year’s tournament in spite of the fact that everyone had done a good job that particular year.
Then he started asking about SAE’s activities. Lastly, he asked me to talk about my dream job. I told him that my dream job is the project that i was dealing with back then, this job involved leading a team.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Schlumberger is a very famous company as far as placements in IIT. The package is among the highest packages offered by companies coming for placements here. It is necessary that you go through their site which is Go thought Wikipedia section of the company.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: It contains all significant achievements of your life till now. Know your resume well. I mentioned my Internships and Extracurricular Activities in detail specifically for this company. They would go through your resume and ask you questions from it. So keep it concise and don’t fake anything.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interview was totally an HR interview and contained mostly personal questions. The interview lasted for around 20-25 minutes.
Tips: Be yourself, don’t fake anything, keep calm, try to lighten the mood, be smartly and appropriately dressed.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: The first source of information about the company was the company’s website. Also apart from that I also interacted with a lot of seniors from my college who are already working there.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms. Resume is one of the most important parts in placement preparation. A student should dedicate at least 3-4 days for resume preparation. I specifically highlighted my extracurricular with facts and figures and tried to write about my projects in short as my technical knowledge was poor. I used to change my “Area of Interests” as well as subjects studied according to the company. I tried to write those field as my interests in which I had thorough knowledge. Schlumberger looks for people with all round performance and specially if you are into sports its a added advantage.
Tips: Try to include details about your achievements in sports.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The final round was an interview. There were two interviewers, one was an IIT Roorkee alumni and other was a senior personnel from one of their foreign offices. They were trying to make it a stress interview. I remained very cheerful throughout the interview and this helped me a lot I guess.
The first question was regarding my look (I keep a bald head). I defended it by saying that I am confident and hence I like it. After hearing that I am from Bhopal, they gave me a virtual situation to answer. They asked me what I would do if I am posted in Sudan and the Sudanese people hate Indians. Additionally I had to keep in mind that I am just a six month old recruit in Schlumberger and there are around eight senior employees who are from Sudan. My first response to such a situation was that I would ask for a replacement. He laughed at me and told me that it is not a solution. Then I explained to him that I would try to make my fellow workers understand that may be Indians are good at something and it is because of this we are called for such jobs. I also told him that I would tell them about our history and that we Indians are a very peaceful race and haven’t had wars for thousands of years. He then asked me if I was trying to project that Indians are superior to other races to which I replied no. I said that we are first humans and then citizens of some country and because of the upbringing we may be good at something while others may be better at something else. I said the same thing in different ways twice or thrice, so the Indian guy interrupted me and asked whether I have a habit of speaking too much. To this I said that yes and also told him that this might be because I am a bit stressed out. He literally shouted that I am boring as hell but I was still laughing.
He then moved on to my resume and asked me about my intern in detail and also asked me about my extracurricular activities. On hearing about all this he said that I look like a guy who would go for an MBA and leave Schlumberger within a period of 2 years. I responded that I had never had such thoughts and I would like to experience industry culture for few years. He also asked where I see myself in five years to which I gave a lucid and simple reply.
The foreigner asked that being an Indian I would be strongly attached to my family and asked would my father have any issues if I go outside. The Indian asked whether I had a girlfriend and would she have a problem if I was to go out. To all this I replied that they would have a problem initially but they are all educated individuals and they know that it is part and parcel of professional life to move out of a place/country and eventually they would be able to adjust accordingly.The interview concluded with me asking few questions related to profile and Schlumberger culture.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Many of my seniors work at Schlumberger. They were the main source of information about the company and the kind of work there.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms. From what I got to know from others who had appeared for Schlumberger’s interview, is that they look for all-round performance i.e. academics plus extracurricular activities as well. So I did include all that in my resume. Students were shortlisted for the next round on the basis of their resume. Almost all the students with CGPA greater than 6.5 were shortlisted for the next round. More than 100 students were shortlisted.
Tips: Just make sure that you have done good research about the company – what they do, where are they located etc. – and prepare answers to some standard HR interview questions. It all comes down to your verbal skills and how you present yourselves in the other rounds.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: I got relevant information about the company from a lot of my seniors. I also went through the company website as this was also very important. At the same time I also got relevant information about the company from their pre-placement talk.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms. I usually changed my “Areas of Interest” as per the company profile. For Schlumberger I laid emphasis on extracurricular activities and especially on any achievements related to sports.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The final round was the interview round and almost all the questions were HR questions. I was asked questions like ‘We’ll be posting you across some of the harshest terrains across the globe, would you be able to survive under such rigorous conditions?’ From my resume they upheld a notion that I was a “mama’s boy” and surviving under such distressing conditions won’t be possible for me. I tried to convince them about my vigour of surviving in difficult conditions but to no avail. I wasn’t selected for a job by the company.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Most of the information regarding the company was obtained by attending the Pre Placement Talk. It was really informative as it told what the company actually does as well as the working conditions.
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user image Aditya Pratap Yadav

posted on 22 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Generally, an abstract topic is given but ours was an exception. The panel judges you on the basis of how well you are with group dynamics. They seem to be looking for a natural leader. Note: Fluency in English was not a judging point in our selection.
Tips: Google up 'group dynamics of GD'.
Never shout, misplaced aggression will surely get you out of the game.
Listening is appreciated. 
Talking longer than everyone else is not the same as leading a group.
One aspect of showing leadership skills is heeding to others.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The questions were asked very casually and it was as far as it can get from a stress interview.
Tips: Know your resume in and out.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: An oil rig was to be made from a Mechanix kit. The tallest rig was to win.
Tips: Take lead in designing and division of labour among the group. Talking in Hindi in a group was not looked down upon. Our group conversed in Hindi and won and had the max uys selected for the next round. If asked to leave the group in the middle of the activity, make sure that you are still taking interest in the group even if from afar.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: roti-pani, kapda-makaan.
 Jokes apart, it is Schlumberger!
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user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: This is basically to test the way you work in groups. That is why oneneeds to practice in working in groups a lot. Limited time, case studies, thought procedure, ideas, creativity,coordination, taking initiative, communication skills.
Tips: The company is a complete English speaking inclined company and hence require people with goodspeaking abilities. Improve your english speaking abilities.

Round: Other Interview
Tips: The interview will all the time be focused on how have you made your life, what do you think you are, what have you learned, how do you work, what do you do for motivation, and similar common interview questions. Cracking schlum is not difficult if you actually are aware of yourselves, that is why I said sit andtalk to yourselves everyday.Another important thing while preparing for the interview questions is to describe all things with examplesfrom your life. That would be enough for the person to understand that "fatte nahi maare hain".And remember that you are not afraid of going to field and work if you want to make it to schlumberger andobviously you won't if you want to work hard in life

Skill Tips: "Schlum believes in a filtering on the basis of resume, which many feel is random but it is not. I will actuallytell you certain points for making a resume that not only schlum but everyone looks for.The following points are what a company actually looks for to be in your resume...u2022 Content and formal factors u2013 should be clear and concise; write less and reveal more type of CVu2019su2022 Attractiveness and Qualification; free of spelling errors, properly formattedu2022 Grades: for success of training on the job AND future successu2022 Chronological order of dates and also dates must be easy to findu2022 Overview of basic qualifications and specific, professional skillsu2022 Extracurricular activities (sports, dramatics, music etc)u2022 Holder of important positions"
College Name: IIT Roorkee
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user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The process was a GD on the topic which derived from group to group and mostly on social topics whichhardly needs any preparation, the next round was a personal interview and the final was a group activity.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was full of cross questioning. I tried to convince the interviewer with each of my answer andnever say things which might be caught as loopholes. 
Tips: Show what you have gained in your life, the effortsmade, show leadership skills, about teamwork. That is enough.

General Tips: Overall the process was excellent and enjoyable. Although it went on from 6pm to 4am every part ofenjoyable, thrilling. Its easy if you can just live that time leaving all your worries for the next placement day apart even if you have a next process just after 2-3 hrs.
Skill Tips: "I think one just need to know about the company and show interest in the company during the interview.The most apt thing to do would be to say what exactly the interviewer wants, because most of the time theinterviewer searches his views and similarities in the candidate. Show your efforts you have made in youlife, your education etc. Preparation could be just in terms of being a little aware of the current topics."
College Name: IIT Roorkee
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