Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

6 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 9 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: There was a resume based selection in which they were looking for guys with overall good personality with a little bit of technical background. There was no written test.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the interview they were not concerned about my technical knowledge. I had prepared for technical questions related to my internship and my final year thesis project but I was asked no questions from the same.

They inquired about other aspects of my internship and grilled me on the same. So my advice for all those appearing for Nestle is that they should prepare for the internship properly. They also asked me general HR questions like what are my strengths and weaknesses. They were interested in knowing about my long term and short term goals and where do I see myself after 5-10 years.

They also tested me on my knowledge about the company. They asked me what do I know about Nestle and what all Nestle products have I used. They also asked me questions about Nestle’s competitors and their products.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 9 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Initially there was selection based on a minimum CGPA criterion and the resume. The shortlisted candidates were called in for a group discussion (GD).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were only two rounds of interviews. They were both HR and technical interview. They asked me a lot of general questions like tell me about yourself and what sets you apart from others. They asked me why should Nestle choose me and over other applicants and also inquired about being relocated, working on weekends and on working in a rural area. They wanted to know what motivates me and also about my family and family background. In all they wanted to know more about my personality and whether I will fit into a team environment. They asked me to give examples where I had worked in team and how did I handle tough situations. Besides these questions they also asked me the following questions:

1) Why didn’t you go for an MS?
I told him that I'm not interested in doing MS. I supported my argument with these two points.
I always wanted to work in the industry (in field), and both my internships were in the industry
I rejected an internship offer from "Cadence" (which was a research oriented profile)

2) Will you be able to work at our plants located in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh?
Me: I'm from South India. I survived in Roorkee (Food, weather everything was new for me here etc.) for more than 3 years. This gives me the confidence that new places are not going to be an issue for me.

On the technical side they asked the questions mostly from my final year B.Tech thesis project and one of the guys asked me question from instrumentation as well.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I referred to some of my seniors resumes for preparing my own resume. Then I prepared a rough draft and mailed it to some of my seniors who did a thorough review of my resume. I received some valuable insights from them and finally I prepared my final resume. While applying in different companies I only altered my “areas of interests”, for instance while applying in core companies I mentioned my areas of interest as the core subjects.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview was mainly technical and the questions revolved around the topics like ‘Turbo Machinery’ and ‘Heat and Mass Transfer’. I had already asked my seniors about the kind of questions that might be asked and prepared for the interviews accordingly.
The HR questions asked were ‘Tell us about yourself’ and ‘Why do you want to join Nestle?’

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: The company recruited students from two branches – mechanical engineering and industrial engineering. The work of mechanical engineering students in the company is to look into refrigeration and turbo machinery aspects of the plant.
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: My resume was simple and was a mix of both technical stuff and extracurricular activities. It was as per the norms of the placement cell of our institute.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview (HR and technical, 30 minutes). Some of the questions asked were:
What did you have for lunch? (Ice breaking question)
This question is not a part of their judgment. It’s just a type of ice breaker, an initiative of HR people to make you comfortable with the atmosphere. Be happy, carry a smile and its obvious to be nervous but don’t panic. Interact with them, don’t answer this question in a couple of words yet please don’t give all the ingredients of your diet. Utilize this question to loosen up a bit.
Tell me about yourself and your family (emphasis was on family)
Nestle is a company that looks into values and ethics with deep consideration. Frame your answer with less emphasis on you and more on your family. Try introducing them to your family ethics, moral teachings, their role in your life etc. Be honest and don’t exaggerate.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: All questions were based on my resume. It is strictly advisable to be thorough with your resume and be prepared for practical questions related to your projects. Some of the technical questions asked were:
1) Explain your project during the internship with ITC (emphasis on result)
2nd year internship project: Cooling towers
2) What type of cooling tower would be advisable for a humid area? I explained them my reasons for the choice that I’ll make using proper psychrometric chart. My answer was not completely correct but they were happy with the level of detail to which I was able to think about at that moment.
3) What is design speed of a turbine? I was not at all confident with the answer. I was framing my answer by judging the reaction of the interviewer. He was also helping me to explain what I was thinking.
4) What will happen to the power being produced if wind speed increases? I said it would increase but they didn’t agree with it and said that gears will be present to modulate the speed of generator accordingly. So I twisted a little suggesting that I didn’t included gears into my consideration and I was emphasizing on the energy limits that can be captured by the turbine. Show some presence of mind. It would be of real help.
5) Really Important one and asked abruptly: How was your CAT exam? I didn’t appear for it but if you do, try and decline it politely.
6) What sort of work you are looking for?
I was also asked questions related to my project (difference between a HAWT and VAWT (horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines).

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Nestle is a very famous company and most of us have used one or the other product of Nestle. Also some of my seniors working there gave a very positive feedback about the company.
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Nestle required all its candidates to fill a form. It consisted of some HR type questions. Some of the questions were-

Mention your strengths/weaknesses.
What are your career goals?
Give one instance where you demonstrated leadership skills.
Give one instance where you failed.
The short listing for the next round was based on the CGPA. Almost all the students with CGPA greater than 6.5 or 7 from Production and Industrial Engineering got shortlisted for the next round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The next round of the selection process was an interview. The interview was a mix of technical and HR questions. Nestle does put a lot of stress on family background of the candidate. Also they often ask questions like “Why don’t you go for MBA?” or “Why don’t you go for MS?” So every candidate should prepare answers to these questions. Some of the questions asked were-
1) Difference between accuracy and precision
2) 7 basic quality tools and 7 advanced quality tools
3) Histogram, Line diagram and Venn diagram
4) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Another very specific question asked by the interviewers to almost every candidate was “Would you able to work/survive in a remotely located plant?” So the interested candidates should prepare an answer to this question. One can cite examples from his/her travelling experiences or stay at different places for considerable time periods to support their answer.
Tips: You can easily find the standard HR interview questions on the net. Some of the standard questions are like “Tell us about yourself”, “Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line”, “What are your strengths/weaknesses” etc. Prepare the answers, if not in full then at least the points, to all these questions. Think of some instances from your life or from your resume that you can use as examples while answering these questions.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: I got information about the company and the profile offered from the pre-placement talk and the website.
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms.
The first shortlist was done on the basis of resumes and the “minimum CGPA” criteria to apply for the company was 6.00

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The final round was the personal interview round where HR questions as well as technical questions were asked. Being a mechanical engineer I was asked technical question only on my core subjects. They asked me about my “areas of interest”, to which I replied ‘Dynamics of materials and Kinematics of materials’. They asked me few questions from that, but very soon all their questions got exhausted and they asked me for my other areas of interest, this time I said thermodynamics. They also asked me about Stroke Yoke mechanism and ‘cooling towers’.

The HR (Human Resource) questions were the ones that I feel I could not suitably reply to. They were looking for people who were very clear in their ideas. They also laid emphasis on family values.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Most of the information regarding the company was obtained by attending the Pre Placement Talk. It is better to know about the products of Nestle that one uses in their homes. They also like to know what all idea you have about the work that they are offering. They also lay emphasis on family values.
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