Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 22 Dec 2024

6 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: It was with the help of seniors. Its always better to go through some seniors resumes before writing one. I also sent my resume to some seniors so as to get a feedback and to make the appropriate changes. Resume should not be taken as a 1 day job. Every point in the resume should be clear and should reflect the intended qualities. Also the proof reading task to identify small mistakes can be given to juniors. Yes , in the starting session of the placements I used to attend the ppts as they started in the last semester only. They help a lot in deciding about the companies but if one is not writing anything down then its very difficult to recall the points from a ppt that one has attended 2 months back. Its always better to have a conversation with seniors in different jobs so as to have an idea about the job profiles and work conditions so that a clear decision can be made.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: At the time of placements only a doc file with some standard HR questions was circulated within the batch. I went through it and prepared the HR questions once. I also gained some insight into case studies by the documents circulated by the batch mates.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: I didn't think that solving puzzles beforehand helps in an interview as if you already know them then its very difficult to hide it from the interviewer.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I just took basic GD fundaes that are available on google and from some of the friends who had attended some TIME and IMS GD sessions. Since I was preparing for CAT to some extent and used to appear for MOCK CATS. So it helped a lot in the tests as most of the tests are CAT based. So it’s better to go through some CAT practice books to prepare for the tests.

Skill Tips: Be properly dressed in an interview. Suit is not necessary but do get nice formals and a tie. It always helps to create a good impression as it tells them that you are interested in the company.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I started with resumes of my seniors ( try having a look at seniors having a similar profile as yours, that helps), generally looking for a good format and how to put my points across. I noticed that the general pattern of all the good resumes was three fold: 1. Identifying the problem and defining it well. 2. What measures were taken.. 3. What results were obtained. Try to model all your subpoints in such a pattern. Using the list of adjectives and verbs given at MITs website ( google for MIT Resume writing tips) helps quite a lot. After prep of 1st draft, getting it edited by friends and seniors/elders is one of the most important steps. Don’t be shy about it, its better if your mistakes are pointed out by them rather then the interviewer ?.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: There is a folder of case questions and a HLPQ(huge list of personality questions) floating around in the institute. Try getting hold of it. It is more then sufficient

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Prepare for CAT seriously, even if you don’t intend to do an MBA. It helps brush up your quantitative and analytical skills, which is the test basis for many a companies. In my case( in my group of friends), I found that whoever dint try giving CAT, eventually ended up suffering because of bad quantitative and DI skills. Everyone thinks that they will practice DI, but nobody does it finally. For interviews, write down the answers to questions in HLPQ in a similar threefold format, wherever possible : 1. problem faced. 2. Actions taken. 3. results. Dont learn the answers ( esp. language) by heart, doesn't help you in any way. Ask our friends to question you and practice. For interview, there is an approach saying that you should prepare a timeline & help of what happened in your life (major incidents) and then try to pick out some major incidents. Didn't follow that approach myself, so cant say
how much effective it is.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GDs No point doing it individually. Pick up a topic and do GD.

College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I took help from my friends to prepare my resume. Also inputs from my seniors were very fruitful. Yes, I attended all the Pre-Placement talks. I think these PPTs are very important as they give the insight of the company and help you set your priorities.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: For GDs the workshop conducted by IMS was very helpful. Also various other useful sites are listed below: -----/ -----.html. I prepared in groups and I believe preparing this way is very helpful.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Firstly this BePrepared is very useful for various interview experiences. In order to prepare for HR Questions I took help from my friends.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Questions asked in the Interviews
Tell me about yourself, your family background. Describe a time when you were leading and influencing the direction of a project or task to deliver significant results Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and you were able to solve it.( details of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved). Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of having limited resources or time. ( details of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved). Describe a situation when you changed your decision after being influenced by others. Describe any innovative idea given by you and to what extent has it been implemented. Do you have any teaching experience, if yes then describe it. Describe a situation where you have carry forwarded the work of your predecessor and to what extent have you been successful in completing it.
Tips: First and foremost go through the site of the company. One should prepare thoroughly the for the HR interview. Also one should be consistent right from the beginning of the Selection procedure of the i.e written test, questionnaire and both round of interviews.

Skill Tips: Regarding dress you are expected to be in formals. Don't get nervous during the interview. Take your time to think and then answer the questions.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I took help from my friends to prepare my resume. Also inputs from my seniors were very fruitful. Yes, I attended all the Pre-Placement talks. I think these PPT’s are very important as they give the insight of the company and help you set your priorities.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The selection procedure for P&G includes one written test and then 2 rounds of HR interviews. After the test around 40 candidates were shortlisted and at the end 6 were made final offers. Walk us through the GDs/Interviews of this company. The questions that you were asked and other details that you may remember would be of great help. (You may not write the answers you gave). Questions asked in the Interviews
• Tell me about yourself, your family background.
• Describe a time when you were leading and influencing the direction of a project or task to deliver significant
• Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and you were able to solve it.( details of the context, the
action you took and the results that were achieved)
• Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of having limited resources or time. ( details
of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved)
• Describe a situation when you changed your decision after being influenced by others.
• Describe any innovative idea given by you and to what extent has it been implemented.
• Do you have any teaching experience, if yes then describe it.
• Describe a situation where you have carry forwarded the work of your predecessor and to what extent have you
been successful in completing it.

General Tips: First and foremost go through the site of the company. One should prepare thoroughly the for the HR interview. Also one should be consistent right from the beginning of the Selection procedure of the i.e written test, questionnaire and both round of interviews
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Feb 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: One written aptitude test of comprehension, basic maths and DI (requirement of only clearing the overall cutoff). Online psychometric test. Two rounds of interview both HR based, identical questions in both. Questions like
a.Leadership role
b.Resource constraint with innovation  
c. One instance where you convinced someone  
d. A difficult decision that you had to make.

College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Feb 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The answer to the first question should be short (max. two lines) but should bring out the strong talking points of your resume. In my case, I stressed on my organizational and leadership skills. The answer to this question would invariantly lead to the next question related to the topic that you mentioned strongly. Here onwards, in each answer you should bring in a topic which you are comfortable talking about so that the interviewer asks the next question on the very same topic.
While Answering the second question, I brought in the point of my keen interest in varied project works, because my EDP was a strong point of my resume.
Tips: 1.Preparation and practice is a must2.Consistency is very very important.
3.Preparing questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview is also a must.
4.Practice in the form of saying out aloud also helps a lot.

General Tips: I wish you luck for whatever you choose to do in future.
Skill Tips: Stress more on the strong point of your resume.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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