Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Round: Resume Shortlist Tips: Not in your hands. Just try to make as good a resume as you can.
Round: Puzzle Interview Experience: Very common puzzle questions. Had a good chat with the interviewer. Tips: Make sure you make the interviewer aware of your thought process while solving a problem.
Round: HR Interview Experience: Again, common questions like why this company? What's the plan 2 years down the line? Tips: Speak the truth. Never make up anything. Ask questions about your profile.
General Tips: Don't worry about it. Its a great learning experience. Let this learning be accompanied by joy. Skills: Calmness, Aptitude, Attitude College Name: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Motivation: Startup environment backed by one of country's biggest corporate house ensures lots of responsibilities and a steep learning curve along with great money. Funny Moments: The whole puzzle interview was fun.