Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 22 Dec 2024

1 interview found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had attended a resume making workshop by McKinsey, that gave me some idea. But mostly it was by incorporating feedback (again and again and again) by some seniors.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: For these, I just came up with a list of questions that could be possibly asked by a recruiter. Coming up with such a list is fairly easy if you put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter. Some sample questions:
Tell us something about yourself?
Why this company? Why this work?
What are your strengths/ weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What kind of importance do you attach to ethics?
Can you work alone? In teams?
And so on. These questions do carry a lot of importance from a recruiters point of view and hence should be given a lot of time. Its not that difficult. Just pick up or make up some question which you think that your interviewer might ask and start thinking about how you would answer it; keep working on the answer and keep refining it until you are satisfied with it. Discuss your answers with some select few seniors (select few because you don't want to end up having a lot of opinions; and anyway, a seniors or anyone else's opinion should be strictly treated like an opinion- incorporate it only if it makes sense to you; do not blindly incorporate something just because somebody else has said it should be. Whatever answer you give, it has to be given with a lot of confidence, and that';s only possible if you can relate to the answer!) Some of these question can be very tricky. Take the following question for example: What are your weaknesses? Now you have to be very careful in answering such a question. You don't want to say something like I procrastinate a lot even though it might be true! Neither can you afford to raise an amused eyebrow by saying
something like My integrity is make greatest strength and my greatest weakness. You could say something like I spend most of my time working, and so my personal life takes a hit. Basically you have pointed out a weakness that you cannot balance your professional and personal life, but the recruiter would not give a damn as long as it's the personal part you cannot balance!

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: For puzzles (logic and math): Google!

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Lots of ebooks (Harvard, Wharton, Vault etc) available in the campus

Skill Tips: Be thorough with your resume, practice a lot of puzzles, brainteasers and cases. If you are sitting for a finance based company, read up a little on the area in which the company works (you will have to convince them of your interest in finance!). Think about and prepare answers on as many general questions as you can. Don't forget to suit up!
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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