Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

9 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Mar 2024

Interview experience
Difficulty level

I applied via Campus Placement

1 Interview Round


Case Study Round

Guesstimate - No. of iPhones sold in India in a year

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user image Pushkar Kale

posted on 7 Feb 2017

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. A case study based on database management and the actions to be taken based on graphs and data provided for a new product launched by a company.
  • Q2. Tell me about yourself? What do you know about this profile? What have you learned during your 4 years in campus? Explain any one of your projects in detail, more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test taken on 75 questions on aptitude (Quant, Verbal, LR) + 10 questions on basic programming (2-3 on SQL). Sufficient time provided
Tips: Practice for aptitude from various sites or books if you are slow.
For programming just see some basic output type questions.
Total Questions: 85

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Test taken on 75 questions on aptitude (Quant, Verbal, LR) + 10 questions on basic programming (2-3 on SQL). Sufficient time provided
Tips: Practice for aptitude from various sites or books if you are slow.
For programming just see some basic output type questions.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Case was provided to all of us and 30 minutes given to write the answers to the questions asked. Questions were to make a table by taking minimum data from given 5 tables, find discrepancies in data, remove errors, propose schemes to increase customers based on current customer data and starting schemes for current customers.
After this the case was discussed individually for each candidate by the interviewer and all the unanswered questions as well as answered ones were discussed. He checked observation skills on the tables provided.
Finally he asked a puzzle
Tips: Observe the data carefully
Ask questions if you do not understand anything

College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 Feb 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. What do you expect from your first job and how do you think working as BAA at ZS would fulfill your requirements of a first job?
  • Q2. Tell me about yourself
  • Q3. Give me an instance when your team was in a crisis and how did your solution to the crisis helped your team to get out of it?
  • Q4. Tell me about an initiative that you have taken and what was its result?
  • Q5. Mention an instance which explains your team skills
  • Q6. What is your exact contribution to this event you organised?
  • Q7. Mention an instance when you had to deal with a lot of complex senseless data and what was your reaction to it?
  • Q8. Explain your BTP in layman terms and give me some examples where this could be used
  • Q9. Explain your internship.
  • Q10. Guesstimate: Estimate the number of dams in India

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The company does not look much into CGPA once you clear the test. The recruited students had CGPA’s ranging from 7.22 (mine) to 9.An online test which consists of quantitative, verbal, logical reasoning and attention to detail sections. It is a simple test for about an hour. CAT preparation is sufficient. As the test is easy, one should be able to solve almost all the questions correctly. The recruiters receive a detailed analysis of your test performance(like the time allocated to different questions etc. I got a glimpse of my performance sheet during one of the interview rounds) and it will be used until the last minute of their recruitment process.
Tips: Don’t waste much time on any single question. The questions are easy and you cannot move onto the next question until a question is answered. The time is also less and the individual sections are also timed. So act wisely

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Each group consisted of 10 members. The topic was same to all the groups. ‘Arvind Kejriwal’ was the topic of discussion.
Tips: Discuss sensibly. Don’t dominate others. Listening is as important as talking. Listen to what others have to say and make your point when you have something to say.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: During this phase a booklet consisting of a case is given to every one and you are expected to solve the questions in the case booklet in 30 minutes. We were given a case on market entry of a credit card company. There were questions on choosing a customer segment out of given set of segments, allocating different policies for different customer segments, advertising and marketing strategies etc.The case was pretty long and it took around 10 -15 mins just to understand the case. 8 -10 questions are present in the case booklet at certain intervals under different topics. It’s better to go through the entire case before solving any questions for some questions require knowledge from the topics in the earlier pages. Most of the questions require you to interpret various data and working with numbers to choose between different alternatives.The case usually looks complex but as you proceed with patience it will all start making sense. After the case solving is over and the booklets are collected, an interviewer takes the case interview on the same case after some time. She will, in all probability, ask you to explain everything that was done in the case booklet and also some more questions that are not present in the case booklet. I willingly left one-liners as answers for questions like advertising and marketing strategy because I wanted her to ask me the question again so that I could explain my answers in detail.
Tips: You have to be quick with numbers in the data interpretation questions. Questions might be a bit tougher than the usual CAT level. Apart from data interpretation and numbers, some questions on marketing and advertising strategies are also present. Don’t get psyched out by looking at the case. It is not so difficult but the ten page booklet with numbers and graphs might spin your head out of balance.

In case you could n’t solve any question in time, don’t worry, you will have ample amount of time to think and come up with an answer before the case interview. While solving the case don’t strain yourself by writing clear and detailed explanations, your won’t have enough time. Work the figures and present the answers. But while you are presenting the case to the interviewer explain everything in detail.

These non-numeric questions generally test your creativity and use this opportunity to impress the interviewer with some good answers. Trust me this will go a long way during the entire recruitment process. Practice cases from ‘case in point’ to get a hang of some good cases related to advertising and marketing strategies.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: A 40 minute one on one HR round with some senior ZS official. In my case, it was an american working in the Indian office who pretty much asked every possible HR question followed by guesstimate.
Tips: Be thorough with your CV. You should able to discuss ,for 2 minutes at-least, anything that is mentioned in your CV. Have some answers ready for the general HR questions. When asked, don’t just spit them out. Speak as if you are having a conversation with the interviewer. Do not panic during the interview. If you’re unable to understand a question, feel free to ask the question again, interviewers appreciate this. Take a few seconds before answering an unexpected question, this will help you in framing your answer well. In the CV, make sure you mention your exact role during an event/ sport and the result of your work as well. Be prompt and expect the unexpected. While solving the guesstimate make sure you have the right approach to solve the problem. When i was solving the guesstimate, I got stuck after a few minutes. So I told him that I wanted to solve the guesstimate using a different approach. I did but ended up with the wrong answer as i assumed some wrong statistics. It didn’t matter as my approach was right. So don’t worry about the answer, focus on the approach.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round of interview was with the partner of one of the ZS offices. 9 out of 10 people who made it to this round were hired. This round is to make sure that you’re a perfect fit for the organisation. Again a 20-30 minute HR interview ,mostly based on your CV and your interest in a particular job profile, was held.

I was asked to describe a situation when people looked down upon me and what I did to come out of it and how I got everyone to appreciate me after that. As to the answer for this question, I described my school journey from an average student to the state topper of RMO.
Tips: Have a solid answer for why you want this particular job. This round is a little bit intimidating but don’t give in. Feel free to ask questions. Asking questions is very important for several reasons during this round. One, you can change the tune of the interview by preventing the interviewer from cross questioning based on flawed answers. Two, it shows how much you have researched and thought about this job. The interviewer answered my questions for more than 10 mins and he actually seemed interested to answer my questions rather than rebuking me for asking too many. To ask some good questions, you must study the company in and out.
If there is anything special about you, this is your best chance to prove it and the impression you make on somebody like a partner will help a lot.

General Tips: Involvement in some kind of extracurricular activity is helpful in acing the behavioral rounds of the interview. This is particularly important because ZS generally employs rigorous behavioral rounds. Most of the recruits have had decent extra-academics. You can expect a good number of questions on various aspects of leadership qualities, team skills etc., from the extra academics mentioned. Involvement in hall activities, societies,sports - anything will do as long as you present them well.

Projects do matter. Recruiters are interested in knowing the practical applications of the projects like BTP. You must prepared to explain your projects in layman terms. Same With the internships, it doesn’t matter even if you have big names under your internship column.The work that was done during the period is all important.

Don’t worry too much about anything, be it CG or extra acads or whatever during the placements period. There isn’t much you can do now. Just prepare well. That’s all you can do. On top of everything, have that brash confidence that you are just as qualified as everyone else out there. After all we all have cleared same JEE. Good luck and happy hunting.
Skill Tips: CAT preparation helps a lot.
Skills: Quantitative skills, Case solving, logical reasoning skills
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: CAT like aptitude test. Easy questions, but a lot of them. Hence, speed would be of essence. Verbal, quantitative, DI and “attention to detail”-these are the skills that matter. Do not linger on any question. CAT-centric preparation may come in handy.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Shortlisting done on the basis of test cum profile. Not many people were eliminated during this round. Communication skills will help you. They give current topics usually. We were asked to discuss Kejriwal’s methods.
Tips: Speak clearly and make coherent points. Be polite and composed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interview lasted for 20-25 minutes. I was asked in detail about internships and projects. I had to solve a guesstimate as well.
Tips: Go through casebooks. Be thoroughly prepared with the details in your CV.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: One hour to solve a case booklet followed by a discussion. Question was about devising an incentive framework for the sales force of a company.
Tips: Basic logic and DI skills should suffice. Pace yourself to go through the entire booklet.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Basic logic and DI skills should suffice.
Tips: Pace yourself to go through the entire booklet.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is the final round if you manage to get past the previous rounds. Fifteen minute interview with the principal with another guy looking on. I was also asked to solve a math problem/puzzle involving some calculation; it’s difficulty slightly enhanced by the principal’s efforts to unsettle me.
Tips: The good news is that, if you make it to this round, you’re “almost” selected. Mostly an HR interview with pointed follow-up questions and cross questioning. So, think before you speak and be prepared backup your answers.

General Tips: A high CG is preferrable, although I was a lower 7. Extraordinary achievements are not required. However, an involvement in something beyond academics should be demonstrated. Core industry, core academic and consulting internships/ projects help. Prior experience in consulting probably helped my case. They do look for a good technical background and a well rounded personality. Parting Advice: Case books. CAT preparation. CV revision. That’s the mantra, more or less.
Skill Tips: For my profile, Business Operations Associate, good aptitude would be required to clear the written test and communication skills, elementary case solving abilities to ace the interviews.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Feb 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Though my CGPA wasn’t up to the mark, exemplary performance in the online test helped. But apart from a couple of guys, the rest of the ones who made it to the initial shortlist had a CG > 7.5
Online Test in Takshashila was conducted. GMAT/CAT model based. Quant, Verbal, and the likes. Ensure that you get the highest possible score. The students selected had more or less a full score in this test.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD with a group of around 10 was conducted. General Knowledge and Current Affairs are the requisite skills.
Tips: Ensure that you contribute valuable points in the GD. In a group of 10 people, there isn’t much time to speak for more than a couple of minutes overall. But the points you make must be relevant and attention grabbing. Every person is required to conclude the GD. So, there’s a redeeming chance as well.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: There are three different cases based on the designation you’ve applied to: Analyst, Operations, Technology. The case may sound really weird in the beginning, esp. for Operations. They are mainly based on Performance Appraisals and Remuneration Design (for Operations). But, there’s an inherent simple trick based on math skills and data interpretation, and presence of mind. You are given around 40 minutes to solve the case and write down the reasonings and method of solving. Make the best use of them. After this, you will have around 30 minutes to make the interviewer understand the method and approach of solving the case.
Tips: Basic Quant Skills and Data Interpretation skills should sail you through. Don’t freak out. Just don’t. Everything else is easy. PS: Legible handwriting helps.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Basic resume drilling. Might Include a guesstimate question. The guesstimate may sometimes be based on the resume itself (like, in my case). For the guesstimate, math skills will help. And, a good flow chart approach to the problem.
Tips: Don’t falter on the resume drilling. Stand on your answers and don’t backtrack. About the guesstimate, use logical assumptions with a sound base. And, a neat and tidy solving method will appeal to the HR interviewer (and to the Principal later) Lastly, *Use a proper flowchart/mindtree.”

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: HR interview again, but with the Principal of the company (a big shot guy) along with a HR assessment guy in a corner. It’s mainly done to test how you interact with people of high stature. There might be a basic math question, which is more of a Stress Interview than a check for your quant skills.
Tips: The good news is that, if you make it to this round, you’re “almost” selected. All you need is presence of mind to crack this. To summarize, Don’t loss your cool. Don’t freak out. Appear confident. Basically, you are being screwed with. Keep this in your mind.

Skill Tips: Programming languages not required. The initial online test will be based on the lines of CAT/GMAT. HR interview and the Principal interview will have a guesstimate and a quant problem respectively.
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Interview Questions

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posted on 26 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The topic is not case-study based, rather something that you would be more generic.The crucial thing in the test is to crack the math questions, since the first shortlist after the test, has 30 odd people among more than 300 who sit for the test.
Tips: They are usually more logic based than the use of any convoluted math theory. Going through the company web-site would help to answer the HR part.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 6

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The students shortlisted for the test are put divided into groups of 6-7 students and are given a topic to discuss on.Do not fight or try to be over-aggressive during the GD sessions, also do not hesitate to put forth any point you might fight relevant.
Tips: Sometimes students stick to one point when they talk, try and listen to other students' ideas and feel free to agree or disagree in a subtle way. You are asked to summarize the discussion in the end so be sure you keep in mind most of the points.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The case-study is a little different as compared to other major companies that come to Campus.You are given a booklet with a case-study, that has the overview of the case and certain data that you might need to analyse. You are given 30 mins to go through the booklet and come up with answers to several quantitative and qualitative questions in the booklet. Here some amount of Data Interpretation and fast math is necessary. You are then led to discuss the case with one of the interviewers.
Tips: Do not panic if you don't finish your going through the case in 30 mins. Be sure to put forth points during the discussion with the interviews and explain your strategy clearly so you earn marks for that.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: This a 20-25 minute interview where you are asked HR questions, and one puzzle or guesstimate. Guesstimates do not need heavy practice however try to look at few when you are preparing for the interview.
Tips: Do not worry about a weird guesstimate. The interviewers test your approach, and cracking it use of more common-sense than any specific strategy. Keep your HR questions well rehearsed however learn to fake spontaneity.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Most students going to this round as usually hired by the Company, so you have a 90% chance of getting in.This is more of an informal discussion where your talk about your resume, your activities on campus and your interest in ZS. The partners are senior members at ZS and are very keen on understanding how you fit in the Company.
Tips: Try to drive the conversation towards topics you are comfortable with, but very carefully. This interview will test how cool you are while talking to Senior members and what your drive for working with the Company is like.

General Tips: While ZS does not need rigorous case-interview preparation, since there are more and more Consultancies coming to campus, it would be an add on if you go through case-material available in abundance with seniors and batch-mates.
Skills: Case study, Puzzle solving
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user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Jan 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All the sections are extremely simple and no special skill is needed to sail through all of them. The skills looked for in this round are leadership, communication, team contribution and rational thinking.
Tips: It is extremely important not to get stuck on a particular question. The system is such that the next question can only be seen if you answer this. So, keep moving through the questions at a uniform pace and in the unusual case of encountering a question taking more time than expected, move on to the next one by filling in some random answer.
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We had a group of 10-12 people and were given some non-abstract topics.
Tips: Try to be voluble, but don’t make senseless arguments. Be prepared to listen, but interject if you feel that the discussion is going off track. Try to be polite. And remember that it is a group discussion and not a group argument, so blindly opposing every point being put forth is not going to help as you will be asked to summarize the discussion at the end. It is not necessary to start the discussion but try not to put off speaking till the very end because it will be very difficult and awkward trying to get a chance to speak halfway through the stipulated time and the only way to get through is to make some contribution. Towards the end when summarizing, don’t just mention your points or your views. Mention all the points discussed briefly and present the consensus of the group even though it might not be your view.

Round: Interview
Experience: An HR interview by one of the ZS executives. Will usually be a one on one round consisting of questions on the resume and the usual HR questions, a guesstimate/puzzle.
Tips: Maintain a level head. Be conversant about everything in one’s CV. Prepare for the usual HR questions. Be consistent in your answers. The worst thing that can happen to you during a PR is to let the interviewer find you contradicting or rather not corroborating something which you said a couple of minutes ago. When the interviewer tries to contradict something you said or convince you otherwise, like in my case, don’t interject him. Listen to what he has to say and at the end politely present your point. Be sure not to change your stand about that, or you’ll be marked as easily persuadable. Apart from all this, try not to be nervous and do maintain a calm composure as the interviewers will usually be very friendly.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: ou will be given a booklet containing information about a case and some questions and given 30 minutes to solve it. At the end of the 30 minutes, you will have a one on one case interview with one of the executives where you’ll present the results of your analysis and the reasons for those. In our case, we had a shoe company which supplies to warehouses, which in turn supplies to retailers. The company has some fixed sales force and the sales representatives visit both the warehouses and the retailers. Now the owner is considering splitting the sales force as reps who visit warehouses and reps visiting retailers. So, you are given the task of deciding the optimum sales force distribution based on some given data. The second problem was that the owner decided to give awards to managers having outstanding sales figures. Some data is given and you are to decide what is the best parameter for the prize and to how many people the prize is to be given and why. The third problem consisted of some more data which had an inconsistency and we were supposed to single it out analytically. Basic data interpretation and logical thinking. Although the case might sound complicated when presented without the data, rest assured that it is a fairly simple one with the kind of data provided and no special practice or training is required to solve it.
Tips: Don’t get psyched on reading the case, there are a lot of trappings and other outward decorations designed to keep you entangled. Browse through them and get to the actual data. You will find that the case is a fairly simple one. Don’t start doubting yourself and go looking for a hidden nuance or some invisible clue. To crack this round remember, as they so often say, that the simplest explanation is usually the right one.You don’t actually need to write lengthy explanations at how you arrived at the answer because the interviewer is not going read them anyway. At the end of the 30 minutes, the answer sheets will be taken from you, but they will be given back to you during the one-on-one session, where you will have to explain to the interviewer how you arrived at those conclusions. So, write only important numbers and calculations. Avoid writing anything which you can’t explain later. Also, if you can’t finish one of the three questions in time, dont fret. Try and remember what was asked and think of an approach to solve it. You’ll have some time before you are called for the one on one, so if you have an approach ready you can take another look at the data and answer that question.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Only the candidates who have cleared both Personal Interview and Case Interview will be called for this round. It will be a one-on-one HR interview with one of the partners at ZS. The principal (that is what they call the interviewer) will try and intimidate you with his attitude. It will almost be a repeat of the personal interview, but only this time the person at the other end of the table will not be so friendly. He received a couple of phone calls during the interview, on his blackberry (both of which were wrong numbers! :P) and on both those occasions there was an impatient attitude which can easily give an impression that this impatience is pretty much a direct result of the interview :P
Tips: The ability of the candidate to interact with people of higher status than himself is evaluated in this round and also how he responds under pressure. Don’t lose your cool, keep a level head and don’t get intimidated. At the same time, try not to give an arrogant impression. It will be a rapid fire session, so it will be of great help if you practice a few HR questions beforehand. Don’t get psyched by this impatient attitude routine. It is just another intimidation routine, so brace yourself and appear confident.

General Tips: The best preparation would be to talk to the seniors or friends working at the company. That is the best source of funda. Apart from that, no special skills are required to clear all the rounds.
Skill Tips: A decent CGPA - 7.5 to 8.0. Although it is not necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of all the core subjects since it will consist of HR interviews only. A fundamental idea of the concepts will always give a good impression in the rare chance of the interviewer being from the same stream. Expect a question on one of your projects or internships, which will be asked mainly to test if you were committed to your task in that particular instant. So, one should be conversant about all the projects in his resume. Any extraordinary extra-curricular achievement is always an added bonus, but by Day 5, this might be seen as an over qualification. Involvement in different spheres of extra-academic activities will show the interviewer that you are an outgoing person. ZS does not look for any outstanding achievements like many Day 1 companies, but rather a good balance in the resume. So, the extra academic involvement need not just be an Inter IIT Gold or speaking in a global conference. It might as well be captain of a hall team, G.Sec of the Department society, as in my case. No such skills were required in BAA profile but good quantitative and analytic ability gives one an upper hand in the Case Interview round. As mentioned before, there is no need to have an extraordinary project or internship; it’s enough if you know what you did. A good resume is one regarding which you can converse freely with the examiner and keep him occupied for at least 10 minutes. This is extremely important as there will be two rounds of HR interviews usually.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online test with basic quantitative and verbal ability sections.
Tips: CAT preparation is more than enough.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group size is 10 . Topic is mostly based on current affairs.
Tips: Knowledge of what is happening in the world is important. In my case, the topic was whether Kingfisher Airlines should be bailed out or not.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: 30 minutes of quantitative case study to be solved individually. After the time elapses, the interviewer will ask about the solution and the approach behind it.
Tips: Quick arithmetic and being logically sound is important. Prepare from any case book such as Kellogs etc.

Round: Behavorial Interview
Experience: Simple HR questions about extra-acads, BTP (see above), personal habits etc are asked.
Tips: Focus is on time management. May ask a specific situation where you faced a time crunch situation and managed it.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Almost all the candidates who go through this get selected. The senior partner asks some questions about the resume and basic HR questions.

General Tips: One can expect questions about the BTech Project. Apart from the technicalities, the overall usage and commercialization of the project is important, since ZS is more interested in those lines. They’ll also ask about how to commercialize the technology behind the BTech project. Good internships are of course handy to make an impression.
Skill Tips: The company does look into CGPA much once you clear the cut-off. This year they recruited students with CGPA ranging from 7.5 to 9.2. Some amount of extra academic involvement is advisable. Inter-halls are fine. They ask in detail about the participation, time management, team work and leadership skills. Good participation in few events is also good and can be defended well in the above mentioned areas. No programming skills required. Ability to do mental calculations is important. They ask for a quantitative case study ( 3o minutes time), which involves some calculations. Quick arithmetic is fine.
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user image mvas chaitanya

posted on 18 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I could'nt recall the exact number of questions and the duration but, they were pretty easy and basic. Anyone with little practice would be able to ace them easily. There was adequate time and overall it was a childsplay.
Tips: Prepare yourself thoroughly with the basic elementary maths. Having a habit of reading would help in answering reading comprehension quickly. Grammar was very easy.

Don't panic while solving logical ability questions. It's ok to leave some, if they don't "strike" at that point of time. Make sure you go through all questions once, whether or not you've answered them.

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: There were just 30 min to solve 3 questions which had sub-parts in them (9 in all). I was able to complete them just on time. it was a race with time and I enjoyed it.
Tips: Since time is a severe constraint, the key is to get a grasp of what data is given in the question quickly. There were many tables of data and the only deciding factor would be one's ability to understand the question quickly. Once you understand the question, getting the solution is EASY. So read the question quickly and carefully. Understand it and you would be able to do it. It was just a simple problem of arithmetic. HOLD YOUR NERVE. DON'T PANIC.

Round: Interview
Experience: I was asked to explain the solution to the problem that I solved in 30 minutes. It was cool. The interviewer was interested in my approach. I just explained what I did from the solution sheet.
Tips: Don't try to explain anything that you did'nt solve there during the stipulated time. especially if it invlves soem calculations. Be honest. Don't give answers that you picked up from people outside the room. They'll easily spot it. Some of my friends who did'nt answer all questions of the case were also got selected. BE HONEST. It's good to have a smile on your face. Be honest and keep smiling. "People like those who like themselves" :)

Round: Interview
Experience: It started with the standard question "tell me about yourself", later a guestimate was asked/a puzzle to some others. Again, I can't disclose it because of the non-disclosure agreement. there were follow up questions based on introduction and questions related to resume. the interviewer was very friendly and it was really cool. went on for about 20-25 minutes.
Tips: I repeat the quote "People like those who like themselves". You should feel good about yourself and that confidence should radiate from your face. keep smiling (a genuine smile, not a made up one. It's very easy to differentiate between one that comes from heart and lips :P ) . Prepare for this question well in advance. USE THE RIGHT WORDS ("I get tensed on having to manage several thing at once" and "I feel a bit uneasy when I have too many things on my plate, I'm trying to overcome this by maintaining a to-do list", both the statements mean the same but the latter can make a lot of difference . Have a clear idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Back them with examples. write your life story like an inspiring movie script. It does'nt matter even if there were no big spikes. You should be able to communicate to the interviewer that "I know myself. I believe in myself. I mean business". Be honest. liars are easily spotted. Just be yourself. DON'T FAKE anything.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interviewer was poker faced with absolutely no emotion on his face. To my astonishment, he later asked me questions from my engineering (metallurgy), which I did'nt expect in the wildest of my dreams (I was interviewing for a consultancy :P). it went on for about 20 minutes.
Tips: Don't panic. Stick to an answer, once you have given one. Don't change it, even if asked to. CONFIDENCE is the key. have a smile on your face and tell yourself that the interviewer is having a tough time trying to hide his emotions (he bursted out into laughter after my interview), which will give you some comfort. They want to see how you react under pressure. Just have a smile on your face and answer the questions, not his emotions. REMEMBER, Integrity has no substitute.

General Tips: "People like those who like themselves", have a review of your life, write your story the way it inspires you. Confidence radiates only if you feel good about yourself. prepare well and that will add to your confidence. Be honest. Be yourself. Keep smiling.
Skill Tips: Prepare for the question "tell me about yourself" well in advance. your strengths and weaknesses backed with examples of real life instances and how you are trying to overcome your weaknesses. KEEP SMILING.

Be well prepared for the aptitude test. It was very basic, so i'm not mentioning any books here.
Skills: Working under pressure, Your awareness about yourself, Confidence
Motivation: The profile was Business Operations Associate. I wanted to get into a job that would give insights into the way business is carried out, the problems and functioning. ZS being a reputed firm and given the profile, i applied for it.
Funny Moments: I was waiting for the result after giving the stress interview. The company people were coming out once every 10 minutes, calling some name and informing them whether or not they were selected. One of my friend who had 3 lengthy HR interviews (I had 2 very short ones :P) was informed of his selection, even before I gave my case interview. I had a feeling that the interviews went well, but just then a guy who was with me for quite some time was informed of his rejection. I was confused, when a guy came out and called my name, pulse was on the rise. He came towards me with a poker face, stood in front of me for a while and said "Congratulations, we are making the offer. Thank you for bearing with us through out the day" :D (earlier in the interview, i had mentioned that i had'nt eaten anything since morning, the later part was a reply to that). Those words gave a lot of satisfaction, a parker and a tray of ferro rocher chocolates :P :D
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