Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

3 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. What is variable frequency drive?
  • Q2. How the connect two grids which are different frequencies?
  • Q3. Tell me what all electronic components you know
  • Q4. What is transistor and what are different zones of operations and some small questions about transistor
  • Q5. What are the different devices in substation,they asked me to draw single line diagram of substation also
  • Q6. Difference between 2-pole and 4-pole machine
  • Q7. Why you choose EEE
  • Q8. Where you want to work 'design side or maintenance' and Y?
  • Q9. What will you do if a big company like BHEL offers you a job with better pay?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Our group consisted of 15 members,after given the topic they gave little time to think.I could not able to begin the discussion but later i entered the discussion for more than 7 times with new ideas and I explained my ideas loudly and clearly by which I am able to draw the attention of all panel and co-students,which helped me to get through GD. I am not a expert in GD's but my small suggestions may help you.One thing in GD to kept in mind is our body posture and there is nothing to get emotional while discussing.Do not argue much about a single point, better thing is to bring a new idea into discussion and draw attention of all others.As far as possible make the discussion in pleasant manner.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: As this company is not a pure core company for us(electrical), questions asked were not into the core started with small questions like thevenin's,norton's theorems.slowly they increased the level of questions. My personal interview lasts for more than 20 min.I was little tensed when I am the next one to enter the interview room but once interview started I was very cool with a smile on my face.In technical questions, I answered almost all but for two questions I think I said frankly that I don't know sir.they gave me a paper to explain some answers with pen and paper.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Panel consisted of both technical(2) and HR(1) people.In between technical questions HR guy interfered in between and asked questions, HR guy is a cool one and so my HR part went pleasantly. They asked me whether i know what kind of work to be done in their company.I answered "maintenance sir" they he extended the question like "what kind of KICK(Satisfaction) you get by maintenance.I answered it nicely. I was very much satisfied with my answers and I think my performance in HR besides technical helped me to lead others.After interview I was the only one came out happily with a satisfaction on my face.

Skill Tips: These days CGPA matters as all companies(mainly public sector) selection process starts with a cut-off in CG.Only toppers are getting chances to face interviews all the time so try to maintain some good CG. When it comes to the point how to face technical round.Be strong with some basic definitions and small laws why because if we failed to answer them it will create a bad impression.Facing some good core questions is depends on your strength. HR :
My only suggestion is get ready with answers to some questions like 
a)Tell me about yourself.
b)Why you choose this branch?
c)Tell what do you know about our company 
d)What will you do if some other good company offers you a better job?
Apart from them some minimum things we should follow in personal interview and GD are 'dont loose tongue','address all the panel members while answering as every one will give you points(especially HR)'. Ok friends with these small suggestions that I can give you I am signing off ALL THE BEST.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 4 Sections:
1. Qualitative and quantitaive aptitude (Quick calculations, Qualitative analysis)
2. English (Class 12th)
3. HSBC basic information (General information about company)
4. Financial Quotient (Basic finance knowledge)
Section 1, 2, and 3 have negative marking but section 4 doesn't.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 1. They divded us into groups of 15 and each group had 4 GDs.
2. Topics
Is Arvind Kejriwal’s party good for India.
Role of retail FDI in Indian scenario.
3. Use references before making any argument during the discussion. Do not criticize somebody’s statement. Counter it with your perspective

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1. One on one interview to filter your technical know how of the subject (here finance and statistical analysis), Quantitative and Qualitative decision making. 
2. Questions : 
As an Analyst at HSBC how can you support the organization with your technical skills (from your branch)? 
Questions based on financial aspects, current affairs and their effects over global financial markets.Some real life situations were given to gauge my attitude.
Tips: Be clear and crisp in your response.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1. Checked multi-tasking abilities of the candidates. 
2. Questions: 
Personal Questions about family. They asked me about the creative things I had done so far. How you can bring change to society? 
3. Lasted for an hour.
Tips: DOs: Answer all the questions keeping in mind the position you’ve applied forand try to maintain your calm during the interview.

General Tips: Have a focused mind and since the whole process takes time, try to sleep well previous night.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A written test comprising of 4 sections - Quant, LA, About the Company and Accounting basics. Each section is given equal weightage and the duration of the test is 2/3 hours. Listen to the Company PPT as Section 3 (About the Company) questions are based on that. Section 4 can be cracked using the EECA course (IEM subject) content. There will be a seating arrangement for the test, so be well prepared. Maintain a CGPA > 7.5.
Tips: Basic information about Accounting (try going through the outline of Engineering Economy Costing and Accounting course of IEM); it comes very handy in the written test and Interview (basic information like Profitability, assets ratio, etc. will be sufficient). Some knowledge in Statistics (mostly Regression and some information in Data Mining may come handy). Try relating every work that you have done to statistics, if not numbers and show them how much you love numbers.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion round where each group of 8-9 students is given 10-15 mins to discuss and everyone is asked to conclude. General topics which feature in the current news will be given; our topics were IAC (Aaam Aadmi Party), FDI in Retail, Anna Hazare, etc.
Tips: Talk to your group and plan before entering the room so that it will be a healthy discussion. State your points cogently but don’t try to dominate and don’t allow others to dominate over you; conclude well.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: A technical interview with general questions like “Walk me through your CV”, etc., followed by questions on statistics and a bit of finance (provided you mention that you have some knowledge of that field).
Tips: You might be asked guesstimate questions; I was asked to locate an AC shop in Kolkata and mention the factors that I would take into consideration. Don’t panic if you don’t know something; be confident of whatever you say.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview will be taken by a senior manager. The prime task of the interviewer is to intimidate you, so he will fire questions at you, some of which might be beyond your domain/knowledge.
Tips: Just remain calm and answer what you can; even correct answers will invoke bizarre looks from the interviewer. Remember that he is not testing your knowledge; he only wants to test how well you handle pressure. Reaching this round implies that you are nearly in. In our case, only 3 students were shortlisted for the HR Interview and all 3 got selected. However, that doesn’t mean that you can be overconfident. Just be casual and give it your best shot.

General Tips: Try relating your projects to statistics. If possible, choose projects related to stats or which demand the use of at least a statistical tool.
Prepare for CAT as it will come in handy not only for this test, but for all the placement tests. Go through statistics, mainly regression, and have a basic knowledge of accounting. Try taking some IEM subjects like EECA/Financial Engineering (prove to be quite useful for all the finance and analytic companies, which is about 20% of all the companies which come on campus).
Skill Tips: It’s an Analyst profile, so math ability is expected. MATLAB or MINITAB may give you an edge over others.
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