Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

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user image Sai Bharadwaj P

posted on 9 Dec 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was asked to explain each and every project in my CV and was asked cross questions. The interviewer also asked questions based on the topics related to my projects. I was also asked about various softwares I know which I mentioned in my resume. Most of the questions asked were related to hardware and practical applications. Most of the interviewers ask us to choose a topic in which we are comfortable and then ask us questions in that topic.
Tips: Be very confident and also very clear with the resume. Be prepared with the major subject of the projects. For example, if you have done a project on designing a controller for some system, then be thorough with control systems part.
When the interviewer asks if you have anything to ask him, ask him very specifically about his work and his team and it would be nice if the interviewer is asked some questions from you in return.
I even asked him the answers to most of the questions he asked me and also which I couldn't answer. He clarified my dubts and we had a great time.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Very simple interview. Typical HR questions. HR interview was just a formality. Just need to convince him that you won't leave the company and also if going for higher studies, you would go through GE only.
Tips: Smile and be friendly to the HR. Try to be a little informal.

General Tips: Clarify the interviewer about what topics you are not comfortable with.
Skill Tips: Be thorough with the projects done and the corresponding fields they are related to.
Skills: Power Electronics, Electrical Machines
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test conducted had three parts (each part is approximately one hour long).
Part-1: Tested mathematical and analytical skills. The questions were quite simple and one hour is more than necessary for this part. 
Part-2: Tested technical skills. The questions in this part are administered depending on your department (AE, ME, EE). Each of the three eligible department gets the appropriate technical test. I can only attest to the aerospace test. The aerospace test was mainly about fluid mechanics and jet propulsion. The questions can be easily answered if you have a good grasp of your third year syllabus on jet propulsion. 
Part-3: It was related to HR. They asked about why I thought GE was special, why I think I am special, what my career goals were, etc.
Tips: DOs: Be relaxed and answer the test attentively. GE places enormous importance on your technical knowledge. Therefore, do ensure that you prepare for the test by brushing up on your third-year jet propulsion course. 
DONTs: There will be enough time to complete the test, don’t rush.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview may in itself consist of two rounds (like I had). The three eligible departments are further divided based on your field of interest. In aerospace, there were three sub divisions: dynamics, structures, and aerodynamics. Each sub division has an expert panel to interview you. I went to the dynamics panel (two rounds). In the first round, they asked me fundamental questions about dynamics in aerospace engineering: vibration of a beam, natural frequencies, mode shapes, etc. Some questions on fundamentals of jet propulsion: Brayton cycle, parts of jet engine, etc. In the second round, they asked me questions more directly related to GE’s core interests: jet engines. Rotordynamics is an important aspect of jet engine R&D. They asked me about the various modes of a jet engine rotor: bouncing, pitching, bending, etc. They asked me about the critical speeds at which each of these modes would get excited.
Tips: DOs: The usual: be confident, relaxed, speak slowly and clearly. Be friendly.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR wants to know why you want to join GE. Don’t give cliched answers like GE is a big company, GE is great, etc. They already know that. They want to know why you feel GE is the right place for you. On the other hand, they also want to know why GE should take the trouble to hire you. Be confident and speak about your strengths and weaknesses, but don’t make it seem as though you are gloating. Having good communication skills will always help you in this round.
Tips: DOs: Speak freely, act like you are having a conversation and not a rigid interview. GE is a liberal company and they like people who are naturally confident and can speak comfortably. Smile. 
DONTs: Make it seem like your answers are rehearsed.

General Tips: GE needs to be convinced that you will not go on for higher studies. You have to convince them that you will work for them for a long period of time.
Strong technical basics, good academic profile, good and relevant projects are basic requirements. Publications are an added bonus. GE goes the extra length to make sure that they don’t hire students who will end up going abroad for higher studies. They literally grill you about your higher educational goals versus your professional goals and seek to know which is more important to you. All the best!
Skill Tips: Math ability is quite important but quantitative ability as required in CAT is not really necessary.
Programming: MATLAB, C, C++
Software: Simulink, ANSYS, FLUENT
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: CGPA of 8 is the minimum criteria.
10 aptitude questions: 15 minutes, no negative marking, level: medium/easy 
10 technical questions: 15 minutes, no negative marking, level: easy/medium (there were 2 sets: 1. structures; 2. aero/thermal; we had to choose one as per our interest) Basics should be clear, no formula was required to solve the technical paper.
Tips: Solve the technical paper related to your project field irrespective of the toughness of the paper.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Basic questions about:-
Subjects related to the project
Academic interests
50% of technical interview was based on projects.
Tips: The fundamentals should be strong.
You should have a clear idea of your project.

Skill Tips: Important subjects for structure are: FEM, Vibration, Mechanics etc.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 13 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Not mentioned before but later in the offer letter i found that CGPA must be more than 7.5. It was a technical test. Heat transfer, thermodynamics, stress, material strength, fluid mechanics were all asked. Time management and accuracy is essential.
Tips: Questions are not hard (average) but time is very less . So one must be quick and accurate. Don’t waste time on a single question if you are stuck.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview for short listed students based on their field (thermal or structures). I am from thermal background. All my questions were based on heat transfer and my project. Some of my friends were asked questions on fluid mechanics, turbo machinery. The questions which were asked to me were: 1. They gave me a plate and asked to discuss the heat transfer through it . Later they asked me about how to find the heat transfer coefficient (I answered: Nu=h*l/K). Then they asked me the significance of Nu. After this they asked me about Re, Pr numbers (some other numbers in fluid mechanics). They asked about Bi number, significance of Bi number , lumped body assumption and when this assumption can be taken. They also asked me to prove that. They asked me about CFD modelling, Finite Element Analysis as my projects were based on that. They are very particular about physical significance of terms and majority of my questions were on that.
Tips: Do not mug up concepts as they ask every question in detail. Your answer to the first question leads them to their next question. Even if you do not know the answer, try to work out from basic concepts. You might even get help from the interviewer if your approach is good. If you are completely unaware of the question, tell them frankly about that and they might ask you other question where you might be able to impress them rather than wasting time with something you don’t know the answer to.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General HR questions for short listed candidates (Technical is a bit difficult, once you clear that be confident; HR is very simple)
Tips: Be confident and maintain eye contact. In the middle of the HR interview, he might ask you suddenly about your academic project. So, stay conscious.

Skill Tips: People with knowledge or experience in CFD modelling have an edge(especially for thermal and aerospace). People who are very good at stress analysis, strength and structures are preferred ( for Manufacturing specialization and aerospace)
Academic credentials (My CGPA 8.18) was not that great but i answered all the questions in the interview) are very important . All the questions are related to the basic concepts but student must be well aware of them.
Be thorough with the basics of Thermodynamics, heat transfer , fluid mechanics (for thermal and aerospace students) stress analysis, material strengths , design of machine elements (for manufacturing specialization). Don’t mug up the formulae , know about their physical significance. Most of the questions will be on basics, don’t waste ur time mugging big equations and derivations. The GATE book saved me a lot of my time. I went through it to get a basic idea of all the concepts and for each concept present there, I browsed the internet to get a further insight.
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user image Aman Tripathi

posted on 29 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: A decent effort is required in making CV... All technical projects and internships should be written effectively.
POR is not required.

Round: Test
Experience: Nice experience..
Tips: Knowledge of design matters
Duration: 60 min minutes

Round: Interview
Tips: Prepare Design subjects properly. Try to Know the Physical significance of every possible topic.
Keep Calm and if you a little bit answer try to frame it..interviewer will help u if u r on right track.
But don't stick to a question if u have no idea about that..

Round: Interview
Tips: If you are mentioning your strengths and weakness then be ready with at least one example.
Focus on your strength
Think and answer
Try to give real answer

General Tips: If you are in Mechanical System Design. You have a high chance. Prepare all design subjects.
Skills: Technical Knowledge
Motivation: Dream company for people who want to work in core engineering.
Edison Engineering Development programme is world recognized
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user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There is a preliminary exam comprising 5 papers following which one has to write One Math and Quantitative paper and One or more Core papers depending on the student’’s interest. Core subjects: A. Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics B. Structures C. Controls D. Programming ( Based on C tricks etc ).
Tips: Decent grasp over Math and Quant is good enough. Good knowledge in core subjects mentioned above. Complete grip on knowedge imparted through projects and field work. Do’s: One is advised to take more than one paper in case One is unsure of which paper to take. In this manner, one has high probability of getting shortlisted.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Completely technical based questions depending on which profile they have chosen you for.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: If they want to evaluate your knowledge in two or more fields they will tell you to sit for one more round. This may not be compulsory for all. If a person is interested to give tech interview in one more field they conduct this.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Frankly, this is fun. Same old questions regarding positives and negatives.
Tips: Just try and show yourself as an asset to the company in a respectful manner. Be confident. After clearing tech round, this should not be a problem.

General Tips: Written test isn’t that hard .It’s completely based on fundamentals of the subject. What one has read in 4 years is enough, there’s no need for extra preparation.One should have command over the subjects before turning up for the interview.
Skill Tips: CGPA > 8.0, Good knowledge in any of the fields namely, structures, fluid mechanics, controls, tools and programming (tools - Ansys, fluent etc, programming - scientific programming C is a must, any other known programming language would be an added advantage). Decent math & quantitative ability. Proficiency with core subjects. Proficiency with the scientific programming would be of added advantage.
Skills: Programming, Quantitative Aptitude
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