Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

3 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: No CGPA criteria. One must be interested in finance, especially trading.

Round: Test
Experience: There are two stages of written tests.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The company gave a form to be filled by all the candidates just before the start of interviews. A few questions will be based on the answers one provides in the form. The form contained fields for all the academic information and around 20 short HR questions to be answered in 2-3 lines each. Again arithmetic ability is tested extensively in this round also. One should also be good with guesstimates. Examples include questions like 58*32, 5th root of .32768. Be confident of your answer.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was mostly an HR based interview. Questions based on CV (POR and intern especially) were also asked. Prepare for some basic HR questions. Show some enthusiasm while answering questions.

Skill Tips: These skills are tested extensively in the second written test and also in the interview. Math ability of the student plays a very important role in the selection process. CAT preparation would be good enough for the second written test. If you are serious about the company, start learning vedic maths or work on your arithmetic skills. Go through Investopedia for some finance related funda. Also, Futures First will start an online game called “Trade Moghul” sometime in August, so if you play that game and end up in the top 100 countrywide, you directly get an interview call.
Skills: Strong arithmetic skills, quantitative aptitude
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Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: If you are serious about the company, start following the markets, if possible do some online trading. Take up the Financial Engineering course offered by the Industrial Engineering Department in the Autumn Semester. Read the first chapter of John Hull Book thoroughly the night before the interviews.
Start preparing for the Quant questions early on, as they will not be easy. Also, to clear the first round of test, you need pretty decent Arithmetic skills, so start practicing some quick methods to solve multiplication problems.
Also, Futures First will start an online game called "Trade Moghul" sometime in August, so if you play that game and be in the Top 500 countrywide, you directly get an Interview call, basically you skip the first two tests and sit for the interviews directly.
However, be cautious, they come prepared with the record of all your transactions in the game, and will ask you about your strategies used to play the game.
Last piece of advice : the job is very demanding with the work timings being 11 AM to 10 PM and also extremely risky. The rate of firing of the company is pretty high, with less than 50 % of recruits making it to the second year of employment.
However the benefits moneywise are no doubt tremendous, with the Bonus package increasing exponentially each year.
So if you think you want to enter this competitive sector, only then sit for the interviews, otherwise, pursue a career someplace safe.
Skills: Quantitative ability, Mathematical aptitude, Ability to take stress
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Logical reasoning questions were pretty simple.

Calculations were very basic, completely based on BODMAS. (example 91/41 upto 3 significant digits)
Tips: The time available for each question is very limited. Try to complete all the logical reasoning questions (these are scoring and less prone to errors).
Duration: 25 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Interview
Experience: I had no knowledge of trading. I did not attend the company's Preplacement talk.
We had a lot of talk on my hobbies and interests and i explained him the reason i wanted to work in futures first. I could not complete the Guess estimate but i explained him the way to arrive at the solution.
Tips: The interviewer does not expect you to have a strong knowledge on trading but expects you to have interest in learning new things. Try to explain that you are more interested in learning, you have excelled in areas you're interested in and that you are very excited to work for them. What ever you say, be confident.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interviewer tried to bluff me telling that i got very less marks in the qualifying test and was just and the cut off. I was very confident that i would get more than what he was telling, So I said that there might be some error in correction and i would definitely get more than that. The interviewer actually like my confidence and my sincerity. (I rated myself very poor in mental math but i explained that i can calculate very quickly given me a piece of paper). I did not hesitate to tell them that i would leave the company if i don't find the work interesting.
Tips: The main aim of this round is to test your breaking point, so if you could stretch you limits here, its very easy to qualify this round. But answer every question logically because there will be a lot of follow up questions.

Skills: Logical reasoning, Mental math
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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