Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

3 interviews found

user image Preetij Amin

posted on 16 Dec 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The tests are held using the platform of Cocubes. First section has HR questions such as "why Axtria?" and other stuff. I don't think its really necessary and I presume that nobody looks at it. The sections 2, 3 and 4 are fairly easy. But since the test is easy, you should also keep this in mind that the cutoff might be high. The coding section had basic question of C, C++ and Java. Don't worry even if you don't know java. All in all, the questions are very "do-able" and one should easily crack them.
Tips: I'd advice aspirants to go through the concepts of OOPs; just a brief glance at it, not necessarily mastering it. There's no negative marking, so try attempting all the questions. Also the test is of 2 hours with 60 minutes for sections 2, 3 and 4.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD round is quite simple. A group is formed of 8-10 people. Everyone gets a chance to speak, unless it's your bad day with a cartoon character in the same group with you.
One person didn't really want, but was forced to appear for the selection process. So from the very beginning, he was trying for a "suicide". So there was a bit of negation in arguments which might have killed us all. But the interviewers really want everyone to put up their points and gave equal opportunities.
Before proceeding with your points, each of us had to introduce ourselves and then put up our points. There was a lot of desperation in my GD, so there were moments when people were actually arguing. So one really had to grab their chance when speaking.
The other groups had topics like, "Social media in daily life", "Pros and cons of using Cloud", etc. Their GD was very methodical, everyone speaking turn by turn and in the end anyone was asked to conclude the session.
In the end, about 2 people are eliminated, so in order to fail, you really have to suck at public speaking. Otherwise, take it for granted that you're going through for the next round.
Tips: I'd suggest people to have a go at number 3 or 4, once you've gauged the nature of the discussion. Try to put up all your points very briefly, giving an example or two. Don't negate other people's arguments and agree with people who's thoughts are in line with yours. Even if you want to negate others, do it very subtly. Try to be involved as much as possible. Be the best listener, moderate the GD when you're not active and when you're speaking, be very confident.
Duration: 10-12 minutes

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: Since I did not have any background in analytics, the interviewer had to ask me other questions. At first she asked me about statistics, which I was not really confident about. At this point, I was almost certain to crash out. But luckily, the next question she asked me was the above guesstimate. This being one of my stronger skills, was quite OK for me, and I handled this question well enough. The interviewer was quite impressed with my approach and was smiling as if advertising for Colgate, at the end of the interview. This instilled some confidence in me, that I was going through, at least for this round. But this was, as one would say, lady luck, saving me. Other candidates, who had a background in analytics, were asked only about their previous internships (not too technical).
Tips: If you have a background in analytics, then just go through all your projects. If you do not have any such skills, then brush up your guesstimates. Other person who was like me, was asked to estimate the time after which a boiler needed maintenance (he was from Mechanical). Another guy was asked how would one determine that a person is fraud or not; if he withdrew about 10K in first three months and then 50K in the 4th month, from his credit card. So case-study and guesstimates are a must if you don't have analytics on your CV.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There was a panel of 3 interviewers. Other candidates (analytics guys) were simply asked to convince them that they would work for the company for the foresee-able future. I, on the other hand, was asked to convince them, why I am the guy for Axtria. I had to defend myself, for having internships in different backgrounds and how would I be suitable for analytics. Then they asked me that since I had worked in an logistics company, why did not I go for my own start-up. Again I said a few things, which was basically running around, why do I want to work for Axtria. Luckily, I managed to convince them in the end. But still I did not have that good a feeling about this round. When asked about higher studies, I told them that I had plans but not in the near future.
Tips: This one was pretty dependent on how you'd defend your CV. But otherwise, it should be a very simple experience for analytics guys. Axtria goes for elimination rather than selection in its process. So unless you really suck at giving interviews, you can give yourself a fair chance of getting selected. Also, since they have a 3 month long training period, it is not really necessary that you have analytics on you CV. But for a guy like me, you have to be very convincing about yourself and make them believe that Axtria and you are a match made in heaven.

General Tips: If you're confident with conversing in English and are convincing enough, it shouldn't be really difficult. Also, the conversion rate is about 0.5 i.e. half of the shortlisted people are going to get selected. So there's no need to be nervous.
Skills: Data Analysis, Probability And Statistics, Guesstimation Cases
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Funny Moments: After selection was complete, a girl asked: Sir, do we have to work on Sundays?
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user image P B Viswa Vardhan

posted on 14 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was organized by .After writing many tests in , I felt a little better and easier.
Tips: Answers the questions you know. Don't forget to tick all the left overs before submitting the test if there are no negative markings :P .Write the exam in your normal pace. Don't panic or get tensed. Just be your self
Duration: 50 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were 15 in the group. This wasn't like normal GDs. We were given a minute each to speak. I was the last member to speak. Almost all the points were covered. I did add new points and new dimensions to the discussion.
Tips: You will find many tips on the Internet.The most important thing I felt was " Create interest in people to listen to what you are speaking, And Speak the right things". Maintain Eye contact. Smile often. Always add points to the make the discussion constructive.

Round: Interview
Experience: I was a bit stressed out when he pointed out that I didn't do the works which actually I did them. But I always kept my cool. Answered him wisely.
Tips: Be Honest. take your time. Never admit the things which he will try to confuse you. Better answer him the right way than answering him quickly. Be a thoughtful person

Round: Interview
Experience: I was honest through out the interview.
Tips: Always be Honest. Keep your confidence levels high.Do your Homework. Prepare before hand for the most important HR questions. Don't fumble upon in front of the interviewer. Rehearse the answers which you have written down in front of a mirror or Best Friend. I prefer Friends to mirror as mirrors don't give you feedback :P .

General Tips: Be Honest.Just Recollect your past events.
Skill Tips: "Be yourself and " Sell the buyer what he is looking for ""
Skills: Quick learning, Confidence, Logical reasoning
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Good learning environment and Data Analysis is an emerging field.
Funny Moments: As soon as I entered the room HR was busy doing some phone calls and stuff, After a minute I asked him whether He was tensed :P :D
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user image Sahil Chhabra

posted on 18 Sep 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. For me there was just one interview combined of guesstimates and Puzzles

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Consisted of 5 sections - English, Quant, Logical Reasonong, Statistics, Probability/Analytical questions. 10 questions per section. Medium level difficulty. It was followed by an subjective test by 1 question. The question was describe the most challenging experience while working in a Team.10 mins for this question
Tips: Practise Quant and logical reasoning. Stay focussed and confident.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: First 1 min everyone has to speak then the group has to conclude in last 5 mins.
Tips: Reading newspaper is a must.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: 1. Estimate the length of your hairs.2. What will you infer from the data of your collage (if provided) consisting of name contact details rank and sitting/not sitting for placements.3. Divide a disk/circle into 8 equal parts.4. 100 coins to be put into infinite boxes. How to place so that by just taking the EXACT number of boxes I can have money of any denomination under 100.5. 10% discount followed by 15% discount and then vice-versa. Which is better for shopekeeper?
Tips: Ans to last 33. three cuts4. 1 2 4 8 16 32 375. same for both

General Tips: Read about the company and work profile before hand. It helps a lot to frame the answer of Why Axtria?
Skill Tips: Practise and stay confident
Skills: Quantitative, communication skills
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Analytical job. Tremendous growth opportunities.
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