Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 27 Dec 2024

10 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2017

I was interviewed in Sep 2016.

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: It was done on the basis of extra curricular activities and PORs

College Name: IIT Kanpur
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user image Anonymous

posted on 31 Mar 2015

9 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had spent more than a month preparing my resume. I got it reviewed by my seniors and some professional organizations like VMock.

There was resume shortlisting which shortlisted 60 applications  which was followed by a Group Discussion after which only 35 remained.
Tips: Start early and get it reviewed by as many people as you can.

Round: Test
Experience: I had joined Career Launcher for my aptitude test.
Tips: Take notes of shortcut formulas and try to increase your speed.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Though I did not prepare much for the GDs, but I was regularly organizing the "Self Awakening Hour" in the campus in which we discussed the ideas for National Building and Youth Empowerment that eventually improved my communication skills.

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Have a basic knowledge of coding, finance and statistics.

Round: Case Study Interview
Tips: Practice Case studies and guesstimates as much as you can.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Tips: Puzzles are also an inevitable part. -----/ is the best source for practiscing puzzels. Do all the puzzles in there

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Never try to memorize any answer. Let it come out spontaneously in front of the panel. Just be confident and never fake anything. they will judge you on the basis of the work you have done during your campus stay. They want to see something different be it Social Services or something Inter-IIT.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: It judged our capability of teamwork shortlisted 24 applicants for final interview.

General Tips: Be confident. Prepare well. Have basic knowledge of coding statistics and finance. Case studies, Guesstimates, puzzles are important. Review your resume and most importantly, never fake.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 5 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 9 people in a group and an abstract topic was given. Thinking time 10 sec and discussion for 10 minutes.
Tips: You have to be well prepared for abstract topics and creative enough to give a different perspective.
Read newspapers regularly.
Duration: 10 minutes

Round: Group Activity
Experience: 6 people in a group were asked to make a movable structure from the given manual. We were given 10 seconds to view it, The total time was 15 minutes including the time to present, sell and add further points.
our group made a swing with lego sets and then i was asked to explain its shortcomings. I also suggested that we can use the given 4 wheels to make that product portable. I was selected among 25 candidates.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It went on for 20 minutes and there was a single panel of 4 members. I was initially nervous, but I was fine after a while. One of them asked me if i was tired. I said that I was rather excited. Then they said that they were tired so I was asked to entertain them. i shared a few incidents of mine. and my internship also. I drew down my designs. they were impressed.
But they said that I got a very dynamic personality and may nit be fit for the job profile. I understood that they were asking me 'why this company?' I answered that I never had fixed timetable in my entire day at IITK for 5 years, and that Schlumberger also had a flexible routine. They asked whether I knew anyone working there. I had the entire list. They asked me what would I do if I was given 10 million dollars. I understood that the question pointed out to my long term goals. I was truthful with my asnwers.
They asked about my family and then asked if I had any questions.

General Tips: Do consult your seniors.
Start early on your resume and prepare GDs, Mock interviews and tests within groups.
Do not set a particular company as a target because if you are not selected, that may lead to depression, which can kill your time and attitude. Do not give in to panic.
Do not take things for granted and don't demotivate anyone.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
Motivation: Found the brand name and the work culture good, and with a handsome salary.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The topic they gave us was one I had done a GD on with my friends. No, this wasn’t a dream come true as they are well known to give the same topics year after year. In Schlumberger,the more you shout the better prospective rig engineer they see in you. The supervisor often used to go out to fag, and this gave us time to catch our breaths and start shouting again as soon as he re-entered. Expectedly I got short listed and was called for the interview process.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was very easy and they focused on knowing why I was so interested in joining the company. I gave answers I believed in and was very honest. They asked me about how I would tackle a rebellious group of people in Africa. “Hotel Rwanda” came to the rescue and I thought I impressed them. I won't go into the details any more but the point is that
Schlumberger people were really looking for confident people who are ready to take challenges. The results came in the night and I wasn’t able to make it through.

General Tips: There are all sorts of people one will come across at IIT. There are people who are sure about themselves and then there are people who are not. The people who are sure about themselves are not to be discussed here as this article wants the private account of the writer.
It was really during the pleasant industry experience I had that I became less unsure about doing a job. I thought a lot and finally converged on a few sectors which could interest me and the job would involve something I would have fun doing. The criteria were interest factor and of course money. The funny thing is that the more you consult and seek public opinion, the more confused you get. This is because of the wide range of opportunities there are in all the sectors. So my advice here would be to choose something you would like to do. Doing something you don't like for at least a dozen hours a day, daily, would make you search for alternatives. So make
an informed decision but not a confused one.

Importance of GDs and Aptitude tests:
We used to organize wing GDs and had detailed conversations over a variety of topics ranging from contemporary politics to issues of social relevance. Looking up to the placement site for the GD topics the companies gave won't hurt. It helped us a lot in building up an opinion and feeling confidant. Besides it also made us recognize our weaknesses and gave us a chance to improve upon them. The rest of the things, I did when the SPO notified
about them. For example the SPO would, from time to time, announce deadlines to make versions of our resumes and if one just follows them, it's enough. While making the resume, I used to discuss with friends and then alone and only then, write. Resume making workshops are also a great help. I wasn’t a serious CAT aspirant and so I was skeptical as to whether I would be able to compete in the initial short listing round of companies where they ask specifically, aptitude and English questions. But fortunately, there was this company which came about a week before the actual placements started and took its aptitude test. When I wasn’t short listed, I realized the importance it had in the process. I had a week's time and I somehow managed to improve upon my aptitude skills. My advice to the students is that they should at least be giving serious attention to their English comprehension skills and aptitude. You don't want to have an excellent resume (I don't mean that I had one) and a high CPI and not even clearing the first round.

In Retrospection, I think that the most important part of the placement process is that it is a really good “learning experience”. I think I matured along the process and started feeling a lot surer about myself. I realized that friends are forever and the times of stress are the only time you realize their value.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD was a standard one. A list of objects was provided which were to be ranked according to their necessity on a mission to moon. The group was to discuss and the individuals were to mark it later.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: PI was mostly HR related questions. During the interview I had realized the stark difference between the company work profile and my expectations and had apprised them of the same.

General Tips: Most of the times, things go on as they are supposed to, we do what we are assigned, meet deadlines and get it over with. Knowing what to do after four or five years of study at IIT is one of those deciding phases where we have to do something out of routine, think about what we actually want, what we can get from where we are. Here is an account of how I went about making my decisions and preparing for it. In one of those routine placement
talks, a speaker remarked, ‘there are two ways you can choose a career- by extrapolation from what you have right now and by interpolation from your long term goal’. This helps one realize the importance of identification of long term goal. In my opinion, once a person is convinced about that, it is easy to pull off an interview; more importantly, it is easy to identify which options to prepare for.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Activity
Experience: The group activity of Schlums was again easy and I got selected for the next round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Since my btp is funded by Schlumberger it wasn't tough for me to convince them. My interview was mostly based on my btp work and a few questions testing my basics in manufacturing processes. The general HR questions were like: why Schlumberger, any failures in life, how I tackled them and so on. The interview didn't last too long. I couldn't attend the informal session as I had Transocean interview at that time.

General Tips: The first 2 months I was busy preparing for GRE and hence didn't have much time to prepare foR placements. But I kept on attending all the PPTs to find about the kind of work done, the kind of people who work there and the subsequent growth opportunities. That also helped me in identifying the companies that I need to target. Next was the resume making. It involved talking to few of the seniors and then tailoring my resume according to the company’s requirements. Another issue was that looking at my resume the companies shouldn't feel that I intend to app too and hence I had to very carefully choose the stuff that I wanted to mention in my resume, even if that meant concealing some of the achievements because they gave the impression that I would eventually go for higher studies. Also it’s important to be completely honest in the resume or else one can falter in the interview process.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Jan 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I didn't prepare for this company and was not sure of getting shortlisted but luckily or unluckily, I was. Group discussion topics are generally arbitrary. They primarily check your creativity.As my whole group was good so most of us were selected for the next round. It was a group activity. Group performance was okay. Then the next was one to one interview which I didn't get through it.
Tips: They generally check the team skills, creativity and leadership.

College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Jan 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I was also shortlisted for Schlumberger but could not make it through the interviews. But, was finally placed in Coca-Cola.
Tips: If you are preparing for a core job then make sure you revise your core courses either in the summers or before because you might not get sufficient time during the semester and do it thoroughly as they would be highly beneficial for the technical interview.

General Tips: From the beginning itself I was involved a lot in extracurricular activities:
1. I was involved in Roboclub,
2. Coordinated Robogames in Techkriti,
3. Was a part of Boeing Abhyast Phase 2 and 3,
4. Did 2 summer projects under roboclub, also organized robotics workshop in schools as a representative of a startup in robotics.
I did an internship in Nokia Research Centre, University of California Berkeley.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 17 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I chipped in 3-4 times. My points were accepted by the group in general. Also I expressed my support and extended a point mentioned by another person in the group. It was a decent discussion with very little arguments or chaos.
Tips: Be patient. Listen to what others have to say. Make sure that whatever you say is relevant and adds value to the
discussion, no matter how fewer words you speak.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: A group of 7 students were given 3 minutes to choose a design for a toy car. 7 minutes to implement it from memory and another 5 minutes to sell it to the invigilators.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It started with tell me something about yourself. In my answer I mentioned that I want to do a field job from where the next series of questions came. Why a field job? Why not an office job? Why not higher studies? Why not MBA? How long do you plan to stay in the field? How do you think you will be able to do it after say 3 years when you plan to settle down? What has been your involvement in campus? Tell in brief 3 initiatives you took as the president of the hostel. Are you afraid of water? Do you swim? Do you have any relatives in the oil field? What companies did you interview with? I answered the questions honestly. After 2-3 rounds of cross questioning, every time I was able to give them a reason for a particular choice I made.

General Tips: I was sure that I do not want to go for higher studies just after IIT, but still gave GRE thinking that after 2 years I may apply. Because of the same reason, I ruled out the option for CAT and GMAT and chose to do a job. Now looking at the list I have mentioned in the companies I interviewed with, it becomes apparent that I did not decide which sector to go for. But it was not like that. I realized that it was not possible for me to try my hand at every option I had. So, I decided to prepare for core and consulting. Consulting because what I learnt from seniors I thought I would enjoy it and core because it was one area I thought I had a good grip on and was easier to prepare. For core, you can revise some of the basics of courses like EE 370, EE 610, C/C++, VHDL/Verilog (try to do it a little bit early as during the placement semester a lot of other things will take up your time). Also you should be thorough with your internship and thesis. You can easily impress the interviewer in these areas if you have a good hold on them. To prepare for consulting, I read a few cases by myself (a whole bunch of consulting guides are available on the SPO placement portal). Then attended the mock sessions organized by the consulting club. Also formed groups of three to practice more case studies. Because of inadequate reading I think I lacked a basic practical approach as compared to my peers. I was bad at guess estimates in particular and prayed till the last day that I may not face one. Resume is also a very important aspect in your preparation. Prepare it well in advance, take feedback from a couple of seniors working in that particular sector and do incorporate those changes which you think will help improve its impact on the recruiter. Practice is the only way out to crack GD’s and tests. Don’t do too much of it either. First and foremost try to find out what kind of a job you would want to do by gathering information by reading about it yourself, talking to people working in that industry, matching it with your priorities and your long term goals. It sounds difficult but trust me it’s better to do some thinking now then to regret later.

Prepare your resume well. Even if it is a small point in your resume be prepared to speak at least 2-3
meaningful sentences about it.

No matter however trivial it seems, please do not rush with whatever you are saying. First think and develop a strong argument to support your statement. Also please try to avoid any preconceived notions you might have formed during preparation time to interfere with your attitude on the final day. Stay focused to answer the question asked to you then.

No matter what do not speak until you are sure, but once you are don't change your answer until and unless the interviewer points out the flaw in your assumption.

Be genuine and sound convincing. Once you take a stand, be firm on it no matter whatever extreme situations the interviewer throws on you. Start reading about whatever sector interests you. It’s never too early to start. Prior knowledge will count a lot not only in your preparations but will also help you in making better decisions about what you want. As it will happen, some interviews will go good some bad, don't get disheartened because no good will come out of it. Moreover, you will spoil the next interviews. Go with a smile in every interview and be yourself. Just think about doing well in this interview and nothing else. Hope you make the most out of the time and resources you have and enjoy as well.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: 60 applications were shortlisted.

I had spent more than a month in its preparation.
Tips: Since resume making is an iterative process, start early and get it reviewed by as many as you can.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: They were looking for people who thought differently.

35 out of 60 were selected.

Round: task activity
Experience: Our ability to work in a team was judged and 24 candidates were selected.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Do not try to memorize any answer. be spontaneous and frank in front of the panel

College Name: IIT KANPUR
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