Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore

Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore Placement Interview Questions

Updated 6 Jan 2025

1 interview found

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Introduce Yourself- personally and academically.
  • Q2. Weaknesses and Strengths
  • Q3. When and how did you hear of our company. (Give them an answer more than just)
  • Q4. Why sales and operations ? (Show your motivation for the profile here)
  • Q5. How do you go about if you have to construct a house!
  • Q6. What is Quality ( in terms of products, service etc) (BTP in Power 'Quality' so basically I took that as the base of this question).
  • Q7. What puzzle/ C++ code you have solved recently
  • Q8. Family background
  • Q9. Weaknesses and Strengths.
  • Q10. Why do you consider that a weakness!! (Show the positive side of your weakness)
  • Q11. Are you comfortable working in this job location?
  • Q12. You have been selected. Congrats.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: This wasn't a shortlisting round. No negative marking. Each question for one mark in each section.
English - Passages, Synonyms, Fill ups, Tenses. ( Very general - class 6-10 like.)
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning- Charts, Relationships, Spotting errors, Sentence Correction. (Again very simple. Just need an introduction to each category- -----/)
Quantitative Analytics (Arithmetic Aptitude)- Profit-Loss. Pipes and Cistern. Time and Work. Speed- Distance. Class 9, 10 like calculative questions of area and volume. (Learn the formulas. Area and Volume of cylinder, prism etc.) Question like page number if you have torn 1500 pages starting from 90 page number of a book.
Tips: Try to attempt in a smart way. First do all the question, that seems easy in all sections, then go for the harder ones. Those who have done CAT can easily do it. But this no hard for other candidates (like me) as well. Normal Speed required, just be accurate. Get an introduction to the type of question in these sections on or -----/.
Duration: 65 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Test
Experience: This test was taken just after the first round.There were 2 coding questions- 10 and 20 marks respectively. 45 min. The test was done on platform.
Question 1- Given an array of integers and two integers. Find the number of digits present in the array between these two elements. (i.e. kinda the difference between the indices of the two elements -- Find the indices of the two given elements - say x and y and return (x-y+1) ).
Question 2- Maximum Rectangular Sum - Given a 2-D matrix. Find the max rectangular sum sub-matrix.
Some friends of mine got other set of questions like kth largest element in a BST.
Tips: CSE, EE and ME were eligible to appear for the test. Should be easy for the CSE guys. For other branch people like me (EE), if you aren't properly initiated in coding, practice such array based question from and dynamic programming too. I had attempted only first question. And some of my friends dint attempt any, but still cleared the test.
Duration: 45 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Parallel interview process. They dint actually tell us for exactly which profile were they taking which interviews (They came for two profiles- associate software ad associate implementation engineer). They choose your profile based on your interview performance.
For me it was for HR round, with a panel of 2. They were friendly, though serious. The interview seemed more like a discussion. Tell them why you want the job, what do you expect of it. When did u hear about it. I told them a senior of mine had asked me to go for supply and purchase management if I wasn't into technical stuff too much.
Tips: Confidence is the key. Show your motivation and how u got that motivation. Be frank (if you really want the job). Be yourself. Speak out your mind. Somewhere in middle, show your inclination towards the profile you are targeting but don't emphasize it much. Let them do their job. Tell them you can do whatever it takes. Don't be too manipulative or diplomatic.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: More of a discussion. Had to fill a job application form there and then. Two skillsets with respective ratings are needed to be filled. Was offered the job on spot. And the interviewer then talked about the salary breakup, benefits etc.
Tips: Just Chill. Keep smiling. Be positive and Trust yourself. All the best.

Skills: General Aptitude, General Awareness, Confidence
College Name: IIT Indore
Funny Moments: I had told him a puzzle which I could not solve. He said at last, "even I am bad at puzzles"
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