Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 4 Dec 2024

8 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 3-4 case study with multiple choice answers.
Duration: 60-65 mins minutes

Round: Preparation round
Experience: A meeting was held where each and every selected candidate in test is assigned a buddy(company official).
Tips: You should maintain a good relation with him so that you can call him anytime to solve a case study together

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Each round (5 round) was HR based and case study was given.
Tips: Objective and clear with all resume points.

General Tips: Objective and clear with all resume points. Basically I am good at speaking,so I didn't prepare much for interview.
Skill Tips: Solved 3-4 case study with my PSG buddy. Solved 45-50 case studies before the interview from many materials.
Skills: Adapting to many situations., Leading different organization basically PORs.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: 20-30 people will be shortlisted.
Tips: Mckinsey looks for 3-4 spikes in your resume. For instance, Leadership Extraordinary papers Good at academics Music, Arts, etc.Shortlisting happens through resume. You have 30 seconds to impress the HR. Make a 1 page resume giving your key achievements. Contact seniors from the firms if you’re interested. Start preparing your resume in the month of August. Proofread and make 68 drafts till it becomes perfect. Do not write things which you’re not confident about. Explain achievements in a single line

Round: HR Interview
Tips: 15 minutes – general questions/conversation (about yourself, on resume points)

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Two cases would be given. The possible solutions and views should be discussed with the interviewer. It is more like a conversation between the interviewee and the interviewer. They check on the approach to the given problem.  Mainly break down your problem, take your time and don’t bounce onto the solution. Discuss the problem with them and move it like a conversation. Mckinsey interviews are interviewee driven. Move it in the direction you are comfortable with.
Tips: They would request you to ask one question to them – ask sensible questions such as growth curve, feedback about the interview, etc.

General Tips: Do not lie. Be confident and focus on a maximum of 2-3 sectors during placements.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Build the best resume, for getting shortlisted.
Tips: Your resume is the first impression you make for yourself on the company or the interviewing panel. Most companies have a resume shortlist for their interviews where they reduce the field from roughly 600 applicants to 20-30. So, your resume is of utmost importance.
Different companies look for different things in the resumes of their applicants. 
For example, the consulting firms look for people who are all-rounders and have spikes or achievements across the board. Other firms like people who are strong in the Positions of Responsibility department specially.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Mckinsey & Company had 3 rounds of interviews in total. 
Each interview consisted of a small case followed by a personal interview section. 
The cases that were asked were across the board. 
They varied from pricing new products to helping automobile companies improve their bottom line.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The personal interview section in Mckinsey I felt was quite important. 
They really wanted to know what my long term and short term plans in life were and how Mckinsey figured in them.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: McKinsey has an aptitude test, but the test results don't have a significant weight in final decision. 
Resume shortlist for consulting companies is perhaps the most competitive among all firms and therefore,
in the interest of meaningful utilization of time, it's best to start case study preparation only after the shortlist is out. There's typically little more than a month between then and placement day, which is more than enough to prepare for any interview.

General Tips: Application process to all companies starts typically with a resume shortlist and therefore it is of utmost importance to write a good, impressive resume. A lot of people with great credentials fail to make this initial mark because their resume is poorly organized. It's good to have resume points, but it's equally important, if not more, to write them properly. Writing a perfect resume is an art that needs to be learnt
and God bless McKinsey for conducting an amazingly helpful workshop on resume writing.
It's a great idea to attend the workshop even if you are completely sure of never joining McKinsey.

Resume-writing is an iterative and time consuming process. So, best start a fortnight before deadline. Remember that it's a one-time effort. Once a good resume is ready, it can be used throughout the placement season with minor modifications. Do it once and do it correct. It took me about four or five iterations to end up with my final resume. It's a good idea to show the resume to lots of colleagues and seniors and challenge them to tear it down word-by-word.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resume shortlist (around 20 people)
Tips: Resume shortlist- peaks in the resume: An all-round and dynamic personality, ability to multi-task and handle pressure, proactive nature and initiatives taken in PORs, achievements in the field of sports, literature and arts contribute in resume short listing.They look for people who have used their time in insti wisely and are passionate
about things they do. A crisp and well written resume forms a good first impression. Invest enough time to prepare the resume and get it reviewed by seniors.

Round: Interview
Experience: 3 rounds of interviews. Interviews were focused on case studies. No separate HR round. Inter-personal skills were tested during the case study and conversation with the interviewer.
Tips: Case interview- Break the problem down, approach systematically, think on your feet, take cues from the interviewer and direct the solution accordingly. The problem solving approach and line of thought is tested. There is no single
solution for the cases. The approach is important, not the final answer. Striking a good rapport with the interviewer, projecting confidence, being yourself and enjoying the interview process is very important.

A few questions asked about the Case Study:
1) Identifying the reasons for loss incurred by a motel (relevant data was provided)
2) Evaluating different aspects of setting up a business
3) Guesstimate: Estimate the number of windows in a skyscraper
4) Estimate the scope of 4G in India. Is introducing 4G a good idea?reas
5) A foreign elevator company operating in India is incurring losses.
6)What are the likely issues and how can they be fixed

General Tips: These four/ five years in IIT are the most crucial years to mould the personality of an individual. Seize every opportunity you and make the most of it. Manage time well and prioritize various activities. Try to get industrial exposure through internships. Good communication skills and a confident personality are very important. I started preparation seriously after getting shortlisted . The company allotted
buddies from the firm who helped us with placement preparation. I started reading economic times from the beginning of 7th sem. One month was sufficient to prepare. However, one can start preparing puzzles and reading up Economic Times a little earlier.
Skill Tips: The standard HR questions can be found online. Also be prepared to answer questions like 'why do you want to join our company?', 'why do you prefer a career in investment banking over consulting' or vice versa. Know you resume inside out as some HR questions will be directly based on you resume. Highlight you role, achievement and learning outcome while answering such questions.

Case study videos by Victor Cheng are helpful in building a foundation. Case in point is a good book to start with. Interactive cases available on all consult websites are very helpful and give an interview like
experience. Case study books by Kellogg, Wharton, Harvard can be found on LAN. Solving a few cases in a structured and systematic manner will help in developing the required skills. The Economic Times and business magazines also help in developing a general business acumen which helps solve cases. Solve cases in groups of 3-4.

HR- know yourself and your resume thoroughly.
College Name: IIT Madras
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Jan 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Standard case study topics were asked like Business situations, profit increase, entering new market etc. Questions asked were regarding increasing revenue for a movie release, setting up new bank branches, telecom in rural areas, etc. Personal interview questions dealt with leadership skills. 

Skill Tips: ""
College Name: IIT Madras
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Shortlist is made based on resume. Last year, about 20 people were shortlisted from nearly 200 applicants. They look for people who have excelled in various verticals like academics, leadership qualities etc. After the shortlist based on resume, a workshop was held by the company where they explained the selection process. Each selected candidate was allotted a “buddy” in the company with whom they'll be constantly interacting and preparing for the interviews.The test paper consisted of business problems, similar to case interviews but in written format. Questions based on data interpretation were also asked. All questions were objective type questions. The written test is held just to make sure that all the shortlisted candidates clear a basic cut off of knowledge about data analysis and case studies.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Problems related to business will be given and they'll ask you to suggest a solution.
Tips: Some sample case interview questions are available on McKinsey's website.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Questions will be asked based on resume- to evaluate and validate resume points.
Tips: Try to express your personal story in an interesting and innovative way.

General Tips: A good CGPA and good core interns will be useful.In the resume, pitch about credentials and extracurricular activities you taken part in to show how you have contributed. Focus more on the impact of your achievements and try to quantify the impact.Attending the workshop conducted by the company (if done this year) is essential.
Skill Tips: "Leadership skills, like leading a team for Inter-IIT, being a core/ secretary would give you an edge over others."
Skills: Leadership Skills
College Name: IIT Madras
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume short listing
Experience: The process was mainly a selection process.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The personal interviews mainly consisted of HR questions.

Skill Tips: ""
College Name: IIT Madras
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