Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 4 Dec 2024

33 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Stanley Johnson

posted on 23 Aug 2015

I applied via Campus Placement

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Aptitude and Data Analytics sections mostly had Probabilty and Statistics questions while the third section had Data Structures and Algorithm questions.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview focusses on your strengths

Skills: Probability and Statistics
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: Prestigious company , A possible ppo
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Interview Questions

user image Rohith Aralikatti

posted on 23 Aug 2015

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jan 2016.

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Good problems. But found it hard to manage time. Section 1 and 2 mostly had questions from statistics and probability. Section three had basic algorithm questions
Tips: Don't worry about problems you have no clue about. Just be calm and focus on questions that you do know
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: We talked about my previous projects and internships. Interviewer was friendly and helpful
Tips: Remain Calm and don't be afraid of asking questions if you don't understand a question

General Tips: Don't sit quietly in the interview. Think out loud. The interviewers help out. Chill.
Skills: Probability and Statistics., Data structures and Algorithms.
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: Challenging Work. Fantastic Future prospects.
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core Interview Questions

user image Nivedita Janardhan

posted on 23 Aug 2015

I applied via Campus Placement

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were three sections Quantitative aptititude, Data Analytics and Computer Science. Doing well in any one of the section will be enough to get shortlisted for the internview. But try scoring in other sections as well. Data Analytics is quite similar to that of quantitative aptitide.
Tips: Probability is very important. Being good only at that may lead to get the internship offer. I strongly recommend to revise JEE probability. If you have done a course, going through that will be better.
Duration: 45 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I did internship in NAL banglore based on numerical methods to solve partial differential equations. Interviewer asked about the methods I used, mae me solve a couple of partial Differential Equations analytically as well as numerically. Interviewer being really good at Fluid Mechanics, understood the importance of my internship and also explained different ways PDE's are used in Finance. I had really nice talk about Fluid Mechanics. This interview lasted for 1 hour
Tips: Be very good with your resume and especially your Projects and Internship Experience. They will ask about it in and out.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: The probabiliy questions were sly tough but they will help you through the process. It is about how you approach the problem more than the final answer.
Tips: Again revise your probability concepts thoroughly.

General Tips: Talk to seniors and get valuable advice and do everything they
Skill Tips: Do not panic. Be very honest and tell them if you do not anything. You need not hesitate to ask any kind of questions.
Skills: Analytical , Communication
Duration: 2 months
College Name: IIT Madras
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1.5 hrs for objective questions (35 questions) and 1.5 hrs for subjective questions (35 questions). In both the objective and subjective questions the sections were: Graph theory, Math(Probability, Linear Algebra) and Algorithms. This was the selection round.
Tips: Marking was linear no negatives. Cut off was not revealed.
Duration: 3 hours minutes
Total Questions: 70

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Based on the written test and your resume interviews are scheduled. I had 3 rounds. Technical rounds are very heavy. They mostly ask questions on your projects and test your skills in probability,

Datastructures and algorithms (DSA), puzzle solving. They want to know how you solve the problem and not just the final solution. So it is always helpful to be verbose and think out loud. If you are stuck somewhere it is not a bad idea to ask for hints. I was asked a lot of questions on DSA, Dynamic programming, Machine learning and many questions on my projects (since many had mathematical modelling)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Trying to understand the way you solve a problem. Your understanding of the job. Your preferences etc.This will be a talk with the higher management who do another analysis of you preferences and understand what kind of a person you are and if you will be able to handle some of the tough conditions that ITC employees work in.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 2 tests - objective and subjective.Each test was of one and half hour.Marking scheme and the cut off marks were not revealed.Questions: Topics: Graphtheory, Algorithms, Probability, and Linear Algebra.Model: Each test had three subgroups
Tips: Courses: Elec course in probability and data structures and algorithms helped to solve the questions asked. My maths elective was Linear algebra.
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were 3 technical rounds. 1st round - algorithms and Machine learning (ML). 2nd round - probability, algorithms. 3rd round - probability, Machine learning, algorithms, puzzles and logical questions.
Tips: Look more towards approach rather than answer. 

They don’t look at speed. Once you generate idea then they will give time and also help you.

Skill Tips: Tested in coding, how you think and even tested on algorithms.

Core courses like digital systems, networks and systems, DSP, and depending on profile related courses should be revised. Projects and interns will matter for core.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: : A test is there with 30 objective and around 12 subjective questions. If you end up solving 4 out of the 12, you’ll be through.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: they 3-4 rounds of technical interview
Tips: They would look for good coding skills for the CS profiles. Having Machine learning would be a big plus on your resume. For the math profile, they ask a lot of probability and algebra questions. A course in discrete math will help a lot. PoRs aren’t important at all and no prior finance knowledge is important. They ask questions about the subjective questions that you solved in the previous round.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was an online test. Questions were from Probability, Graph theory, linear algebra , hard core mathematics , coding and algorithms. Objective- 1 hour, Subjective – 2 hours
Tips: It requires deep knowledge of the above.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were 2 rounds of technical interview. Speed was not a problem for GS unlike other companies. Its more aboutknowledge than speed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In HR round, they ask simple questions, if you reach HR round, it means that youare almost selected. Minors like physics or mathematics and Computation helps for GS.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It is important to score well in the objective section atleast. Usually, the questions are so hard, that people walk off within a few minutes of the test. It can take as much as 1 hour to get even 1 question.  For the subjective questions, do write all the steps, as they also look for the approach to the problem.
Duration: 150minutes minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Try to tell your thoughts to them; if you are unable to solve the problem, and if you don’t tell them your approach, you’ll get rejected. Even if the final answer is not correct, if the approach is correct, you’ll be selected

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Objective part of the test had total 10 questions and weren't any basic questions. The questions were hard for those who didn't do any related course.Subjective part had questions regarding proofs from graph theory,algorithms and Stochastic process questions.  E.g.: If the probability of an insect dying from time t to t+dt is a function f (t)(which is given).What is the expected time of survival of insect/how many insects would still be surviving at the end of a certain interval of time. Step marks were awarded in the subjective part of test,so it was okay even if your answer isn't correct.I answered only 2 out of 12 subjective questions.
Tips: Don't leave in between the test.
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 3-4 rounds of interviews were held, 35 minutes each round.Questions asked in interview depended on which objective section you have answered in the test.I had attempted maths so Maths puzzle questions were asked. Questions kept on getting tougher.    Interviewer asked a question and left the room. We had to get the answer before he came back.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Only two candidates had HR interviews and this seemed random. The only common denominator being that they both took part in GS Quantify.Interviewers were friendly and helpful and if we asked questions in return,they showed curiosity.

General Tips: Doing a course on Discreet Mathematics will help a lot with the test and revise that before the test.Do a lot of puzzles before appearing for this interview.
Skill Tips: Mention any math course except for the compulsory ones,MA101&102 in your resume.If your minor is Management or Economics mention it and mention any online finance courses if done.Highlight any achievements and attending the McKinsey resume workshop will be very useful.
Skills: Out of the box thinking., How well you can think under pressure., How can you adapt the solution to a simple problem to a much larger/complex one.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: GS has a paper-based test consisting of both subjective and objective questions. The pattern for the test typically varies every year. 
However, the paper tests candidates on pre-calculus math, probability (up to and including random processes), some linear algebra and basic calculus, analytics and puzzles. There's also separate section on computer science including graph theory. 
The criterion for qualification to the final interview round is that the student should do exceedingly well and at least one of math and computer science sections but not necessarily in both. 
In my case, for example, being from electrical engineering background, I had very little expertise in computer science. But I did well in the math section and hence got a call for the interview.
Tips: Most analytics firms won't bother that much about resume. The more important part would be their written test. This is where they will filter out most students. 
Firms other than GS have fairly simple aptitude tests. Most companies also have a coding section in their tests. I would urge everyone to start early enough and get familiar with programming and C++ / C / Python. This is one thing that I did not do and should have done.

If you are good at math (or computer science), the test is a cakewalk. 
If you are not so confident, I would suggest that you choose your strong area (math / computer science) and prepare from the start of the semester. 
40 Puzzles and Problems in Probability and Mathematical Statistics and Heard on the Street are good sources for gaining confidence in probability.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview, as such, does not require any preparation different from what is required for
the written test. There's little or no HR component to the interviews. 
This holds for GS as well as most other analytics firms.

General Tips: Most analytics firms won't bother that much about resume. 
The more important part would be their written test. This is where they will filter out most students.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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