Q1. 100 white eggs and 100 black eggs are distributed in 2 bags and now choosen a egg. The way to be distribute the eggs so that the probability of getting a black ...read more
Round: Test Experience: The test is conducted in hacker rank in Electrical DCF. The questions are asked in Probability, Coding, Data Structures and Algorithms. Tips: Just go through your probability notes and DSA notes and your Advanced and Computer Programming lab assignments. Duration: 60 minutes Total Questions: 8
Round: Technical Interview Experience: I stammerd a bit as it is my first interview but I was able to answer Q 1 and 3 and 2 with a small help as for 2 I was trying for answer which is "Not possible" as the sum of elements is odd. Tips: Be cool the questions will be easy. You just have to think peacefully and answer them. Question asked doesn't mean it will have an answer.
Skills: Probability, Data Structures and Algorithms., Aptitude Duration: 2.5 College Name: Indian Institute of Technology Madras Motivation: I want to do Reasearch and get patents which will be useful for my Higher Studies.
Round: Test Experience: MCQs are puzzles and basic probability problems. For 1 coding question, we had to write a pseudo code and for other the complete code in any programming language. Creative question was to test the thinking of the participant on some technological idea. Tips: Practice basic probability and pseudo code writing before going for the test. Duration: 60 minutes Total Questions: 8
General Tips: The company wants to see how innovative the participant is , so Creative question has a high weightage, so don't skip that question. Skills: Probability Concepts, Algorithms and Data Structures, Creative thinking Duration: 2 College Name: IIT Madras Motivation: I am interested in research internship in digital media. Also, I got a good positive feedback from seniors who interned there, about the work culture and quality of work company does.
Q1. Sort an array such that all elements at even indices are smaller than their neighbouring odd indexed elements, and all odd indexed elements are greater than the...read more