Round: Test Experience: The techinical aptitude test was above average level and had conceptual problem . Some good questions were there from C,C++. persistent basically concentrates on every subject and now a days also concentrate more on software engineering. C.C++,OS,DBMS,Computer Architecture,Networking and some microprocessor part was covered in those 60 quesn of technical. Then 20 min for programming .Immediately after that 10 min for essay writing. Tips: Most of the times we are prepared for interview but not for technica aptitude . The test requires sound basic knowledge of each field ,do prepare software engg questions well .At least 45+ correct questions would give chance of next round if code done is correct . The code is evaluated only if you qualify in tech apti. File handling program may be tough and tricky one,rest all are easy. Duration: 90 minutes Total Questions: 60
Round: Technical Interview Experience: tech 1 : my project was in AI so related questions first ,he wanted a basic intro of all. after seeing resume and mentioning of hackerrank and seeing all achievements started of the Interviwer : So you are hacker ? S : No not at all hacker i practise prog on hackerank. I : so what are types of hackers S : Black hat,white hat. I : so can they be potential terrorsit S :yes at times with wrong intention they are potential terrorist asked me to explain eg and did it ,satisfied . I : so introduce yourself I : so tell me fuzzy logic told him I : tell me algorithms you know some brief intro S : told him about A* algo,fleming bird algo,salesperson problem .(took lot of time) I : explain me this project S : told him some of conditions as all were not possible ,some talk on optimization of length of code etc. I : So tell me about programming sites S : told them all about codechef,hackerrank,spoj. I : Now say i have char ch='n' my name starts with n say how will it get stored I : so what all microprocessor has I : how many type of interrupts , and in detail eg (I wasnt sure ,gave eg but told that i was not sure) I : implement circular link list I : insert element in circular link list. I : constant variables,volatile variables. I : What are stack and queue and thier application. I : where are variables stored (dyanmic allocation and static with the global and static varoable he wanted) I : now here comes puzzle from nowhere : 3 cans each full with capacity 3,5,7 liter make it 5,5,5 (I thought there might be some way and kept talking every moment ,is there large supply of water ,can we spill it all he denied) so i couldnt do it then he asked whether i need another vessel and asked how much quantity ,i told 5. he said consider it ,did it in seconds and so he again said that was way easy now do original problem . I tried a lot he kept talking on mobile for 5 min (worst part). I : so he asked me again some question on queue ,its implementation I : then went to OS ,priority queue scheduling basic idea and code. So i am finished with you .said thank you sir .
Tips: Yes everyone is tense for firts round ,but the interviewer are very friendly ,almost all of them . They ask technical questions and check if you can go out of box in tech as well as thinking aspect. Continous interaction with interviewer is must .
Round: Technical Interview Experience: TECH 2: I : so shivshankar introduce yourself. I : What are all these sites and ranks ,explained him in detail . I : area of intrest asked i told DS. I : so find out middle of link list when no of nodes are not known.(did it) was happy for explanaiton. I : reverse a link list i did interative and was expecting him to say for recurrsive ,again did it . I : gave a array problem easy one I : another probelm where he incremented array name ,so it was lvalue error (he gave no expression). I : gave structure question . I : asked for another resume and threw a paper with apti quesn on it ,did that just a hour before only . I : asked about higher studies and why mathematics specialization only? I : asked virtual function description and abstract class too . I : graph implementation , dijkastras algo basic explanation ,if code is known then code too. I : asked family background
Tips: This will be purely on data strcutures and algorithm if area of intrest is DS and algo ,if not it will be a mix of algo plus any other your favourite subject . Many may get This round directly ,so if you perform in this round you go directly to HR. so you face only one interview then 2.
Round: HR Interview Experience: HR round : In my case HR was bit diffrent ,all candidate had pure HR questions ,mine this round also went technical + HR with two diffrent interviewers. HR1 : so shivshankar right ! introduce yourself . HR1 : how was your day ,and here comes technical part i was again told to tell link list problem solutions all of them . HR1 : what was your apti program how you implemented it ,told him all tricks and full method (very happy by explantion around 10 min explantion). HR1 : some structure and union related questions ,like size of structure ,diffrence,classes struct diff etc. HR1 : what you know about persi ,tell him somethings apart from ppt will be good ,and have contact in very company which you are giving. HR1 : further education intrest ,why in that field. HR1 : any time in engg disaggrement of decesion regarding project? HR1 : any questions for me !! i asked about project for BE which persi sponsors.
now switched my interview to his friend HR2 : again link list reverse question and some discussion on it . HR2 : hashing discussion and collision resolving technique on hashing. HR2 : that collision point again repeat and how you resolved it and some i2i discussion . Hr2 : what all was in your project of i2i . HR2 : queue application asked again . HR2 : BE project basic idea ,platform and implementation idea . HR2 : Why not further education HR2 : family background . he said it was nice talking to you ,dont look back start preparing for MPC we will meet soon in persistent. Came forward to shake hands.
Tips: HR guys are very cool . Mostly candidates dont get rejected from HR. If selected for HR can assume that you are selected. They co operate a lot and expect truth only and some info must be known about company.
General Tips: Be technically strong and have confidence ,all good will follow. Skill Tips: Atleast one of C++ or java must be good with basics. Rest all try to make code for every problem of operating system and do geeksforgeeks. Skills: Algorithm, Data Structures, Java, C++, Operating System, DBMS College Name: Government College Of Engineering, Aurangabad Motivation: This is core software company with lot of innovation ,thats all a programmer wants
PERSISTENT SYSTEMS Interview Questions by Designation