Round: Test Experience: The first round was an online aptitude test. This was basically a 40 mins test which consisted of 40 questions and there were questions from three areas. Logical aptitude, english and accountancy. It was quite hard but anyone with very strong basics in the above mentioned subjects can surely crack it with ease. Tips: Accounting questions were mostly related to CPT. so, for anyone who has studied the CPT portions, cracking this test is really easy Total Questions: 40
Round: HR Interview Experience: The first round was an online aptitude test. This was basically a 40 mins test which consisted of 40 questions and there were questions from three areas. Logical aptitude, english and accountancy. It was quite hard but anyone with very strong basics in the above mentioned subjects can surely crack it with ease. Tips: Accounting questions were mostly related to CPT. so, for anyone who has studied the CPT portions, cracking this test is really easy
Round: HR Interview Experience: This was the second round for those who had cleared the online test. The above mentioned questions were the ones that were put forward and few more questions were asked based on what was mentioned in the resume. Tips: For those with amazing communication skills, this round is the one to create your lasting impression. A little preparedness is required from your end. And being confident is the key to clear this round.