Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

What if you can't knock at your Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

1 interview found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written part is one of the important part for any psu because getting high marks in written exam will secure your seat, which also gives you flexibility in your interview so be focused on written part.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Now question comes to interview...any offcampus interview judge student technical as well as analytical ability which is different from campus interview , which based on preconception.So don't be happy or sad about college marks...that will help you little....the most important thing about interview is that how you start....according to starting many conception devloped in interviewer intellect..which may help or hinder further process..(i was the first guy in my panel so little tension can't ruled out specially in my case, but most important thing was that i kept speaking i can do it, it was also due to my first off campus interview)..No of interviewer panel was consisted of 5 members including one director which was subject of talking that point of time , so i was little bit tensed.....But as the first question come to me i take my gear first question was as usual tell me about yourself....(one important thing i would like to mention that they didn't even look at my long list of file which i prepare)......ok well speak about myself... they ask me about my strenght and me prove it .....they ask some hr tricky question in that point of time....but intial jerk they started asking basic electrical question ...most of the question were more important thing is that one of them will watching my body of them encouraging of them asking counter question if i went overalll it was mixed interview....technically most of the question come from my project side which i never taken seriously during my college days(i think no one taking that seriously)....but i think you have to prepare on your project as well as your training session throughly which is utmost leave things in god hand because some guys may have interview time of 5 minutes which contrary to me which was around 45 minutes due to director effect...well it was finished with mixed answer

College Name: BIT MESRA
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