Round: Technical and hr Experience: 1.Write a program for finding whether prime number or not? 2. What is cloud computing? 3. Write a program using semaphore . 4. Why CTS ? 5. What is your mission and vision? 6. Do u have any questions for us ? 7. Where is the CTS headquartered .? 8. Why didn't go for Higher studies ? 9. What do you know about SDLC ? 10.What is the difference between structure and union .? 11. what is the difference between ATOI and ITOI ? 12. what is pointer ..? 13. create a table and write some 15 diff queries and retrieve? 14. Tell about yourself .. 15. Tell something about your final year project and draw the modal or architecture of ur project 16. Explain polymorphism concept in DBMS ..? 17. Joints and Normalisation 18 .Sorting ( quick , merge ….) 19. What is the difference between C and C++?? 20. What is the difference between C++ and Java?? 21. What is function overloading?? 22. What is inheritance and how to inherit only few outta all the objects from the base to the child class?? 23. What is linked list and detailed explanation? How to search linked list? 24. Program for sorting without a temporary variable?? 25.what all famous in your city???? 26. why have you joined in MIT??? 27.what’s your brother doing??? 28.why should i hire you?????