The company before being divisioned into different vertical was okay to work with but the aftermath of its branching out into Radiate Digital from Radiate E Service, it started to lose its coroporate charm, much to an extent that every day seems that I was being confided into doldrum of some monotony corporate culture. I respect Mr. Sanjeev's (co-founder) innovative touch to vivify the company's almost dead vibrant working culture but of no avail. My reporting manager Mr. Kamal Singh was very approachable his team-handling skill, to my point of view, has been a reason for company's deadening spirit that it had once. Today the company is replete with some sycophants and those employees who work there just for paycheck, no real loyalty for the company. Overall, while I enjoyed freedom of working there, I did not like beiwas forced to work on content I used to write six years back. It fretted me a lot that a deputy manager has to do content writing befitting of a junior content executive.
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