Matlab Programmer salary at IQRA Software Technologies ranges between ₹2.2
to ₹3.6
per year for employees with experience between 1 year to 3 years. Salary
estimates are based on
4 latest salaries received
from various employees of IQRA Software Technologies.
Experience wise IQRA Software Technologies Matlab Programmer salaries in New Delhi
Last Updated: 14 Mar 2023
Experience | Avg Annual Salary |
1 year (AmbitionBox Estimate) |
- ₹2.5
2 years (AmbitionBox Estimate) |
- ₹2.8
Login to view exact salary
| |
3 years (AmbitionBox Estimate) |
- ₹4.1
IQRA Software Technologies Matlab Programmer Salary FAQs
What is the salary of Matlab Programmer at IQRA Software Technologies New Delhi?
How does the salary of a Matlab Programmer at IQRA Software Technologies New Delhi compare with the average salary range for this job?
What is the estimated take home salary of a Matlab Programmer at IQRA Software Technologies in New Delhi?
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