1.No work life balance
2. No holiday
2. Big NO to Week Offs
3. Extra working times, get ready to work for 12 hours 365 days
4. Toxic culture
5. Work under highly pressure
6. Abusive culture
7. No support from high authority when in trouble
8. If you are well achiever, you may get promotion but if one of month you goes for low, you would be hashed.
9. Big no to work here
Previously Bajaj Auto finance Ltd was good after merging in to finserv it got hectic, bosses are always after you, no rest on week days after merging new managers are toxic
No leaves even it festivals
Insurance claim delay
Sundays no leaves
Large salary cuttings
No outings
You might think boring life
No esi and pf traing
My Pf was cutting after a year it's so bad
And some more what I cannot able to written here
Worst company if you give customer emi from your salary ur good collection officer if you can't do that ur job is not done complet in Baja finance bucket x
If you pay customer emi from your salary and you want some person use abuse language about ur family and if you tolerate thise you can join thise company
Every single department is operating on politics. No respect for real talent. Abusive Senior management team. Worst working culture. No holidays to employees. Pathetic HR team who don't do any work or support at all.