Fundraising from the banks through instruments like term loans, working capital. Liasioningwith banks with respect to the fresh sanctions, review, renewals of the creditfacilities Preparationof Proposal Note for Banks and address Bank Queries, Data requirements Preparation of CMA and Financial Reporting Formats of Banks Maintainingrelationship with the bank. HandlingL oan documentation and ROC charge compliances. CovenantManagement / Reporting to Banks along with timely compliance of varioussanction conditions HandlingBank stock audit and providing all the details to the bank. Handlingthe due diligence conducted by CA appointed by bank. Fair understanding of Loan and Debt Market instruments, Initiating, monitoring the deal from scratch till the closure of the transaction. Negotiating and pricing the Debt program to meet the organizational goal of borrowing at best possible rates. Experience of monitoring and reporting of covenants; calculation and reconciliation of interest payable, etc. DataManagement, Reporting to Rating Agencies as per their requirements .