Value proposition : Producing multiples shows will you will help define, refine and deliver a sharp value proposition for from the point of view of subscribers and listeners.
Storytelling : teaming with the host(s) to ensure that the narrative techniques, structure and scripting in each episode delivers great stories worth listening to. You need to be able to handle complexity, ideation, and speed of execution.
Production : working behind the scenes to research, find sources, book guests, organize recordings and manage schedules in an efficient and dependable manner.
Promotion : you ensure that your podcasts are constantly climbing the charts by finding newer listeners and discovering newer distribution avenues
Growth : working with the team to find various ways to promote your show and increase engagement.
Highly valued
Disciplined organization and planning in a way that makes the production of shows predictable, satisfying and efficient
Impeccable written and spoken communication that is both clear and powerful, in both one-on-one and group settings
Team play is essential because you will be working with your colleagues to create podcasts and related products that add to The Ken s brand
Documentation and knowledge management leading to well-organized processes and documents that help the entire team perform better
Resourcefulness , meaning a bias for action and finding ways to achieve goals in spite of frequent barriers or obstacles that might be hard to predict.
Creativity leading to newer and imaginative approaches to pitching, storytelling and production
Adaptability and resilience , meaning the ability to both stick to goals even while the course changes as required
Feedback mentality backed by the belief and practice of faster and better feedback loops in ideas, processes, and relationships
Enthusiasm , energy, and passion for the things you do