Established in 2009, Absolute Sports is the parent company of,, and
We are a subsidiary of Nazara Technologies, the only publicly listed Indian gaming / diversified media company..
Sportskeeda is a global sports content platform that covers the world's biggest sports and esports subjects and serves over 100 Million fans every month.
Our passionate team comprises top content creators from around the world who produce hundreds of well-researched content pieces on a daily basis.
Sportskeeda has market leadership in multiple sports in the US, being #10 in Comscore rankings and a very close #2 in India (All Sports).. is a NFL-focused property in the US with +11M monthly users.. is a leading soap opera content destination in the US.. is a dynamic and thriving online platform dedicated to providing gamers of all skill levels with top-notch content, valuable resources, and an engaging community..
We are a Great Place to Work certified organization, with employees and contributors working from various corners of the globe..
The Opportunity.
Experience:2-3 years of experience.
Nature of Employment:Contract.
At Sportskeeda we are constantly building exciting products and we are looking for someone with experience in community marketing and network effects within the community..
Key Responsibilities:.
Promote Sports and non sports related products in reddit communities to build initial awareness and Buzz.
Own End to End promotional content, process and reporting framework for reddit and other communities.
Brainstorm new communities by potential and project growth plans.
Stakeholder communication and reporting on project progress.
Strategize new product launch strategy with growth hacking mindset.
Suggest Product Ideas from community conversations.
Gather Feedback on existing Products from the community and work with the product team on those..
Become a Product marketing manager and advocate in the reddit communities.
Handles objections/complaints from the community and turns them into opportunities..
Figure out case studies from similar products and from competitors..
Deep interest and experience in how communities work (Primarily Reddit, Quora, Discord, forums, YT and more).
Has at least 2-3 years of experience in reddit marketing and profile building.
Understands Business Problems related products launches and suggest solutions.
Able to Plan, Strategize and present growth/marketing plans.
Understands Data and capable of reporting in Spreadsheets/Dashboards.
Has an established network on reddit primarily communities in getting promotions through.
(reddit, Quora, Forum website, YT, other Social platforms).
Has an ownership mindset and takes initiatives vs waiting.
Comfortable working in a fast paced environment.
Can Quickly Pivot strategies basis ongoing results.
Keeps an eye out for competitors products and strategies.