Propellence Consulting is looking for Tech Lead Autosar Engineer to join our dynamic team and embark on a rewarding career journey.As an AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) Engineer, your role is to design, develop, and implement software solutions for automotive systems following the AUTOSAR standard. AUTOSAR is a standardized software architecture that promotes the development of reusable and interoperable software components for automotive applications. Here are some key responsibilities and tasks typically associated with the role of an AUTOSAR Engineer:Software Development: Developing software components and modules using the AUTOSAR methodology and guidelines. This involves designing and implementing software architectures, interfaces, and services based on the AUTOSAR standard.AUTOSAR Configuration: Configuring AUTOSAR software components, including basic software modules, communication stacks, and application software. You define and customize the behavior of software components based on the specific requirements of the automotive system.Integration and Testing: Integrating AUTOSAR components into the overall automotive system architecture. You ensure the proper interaction and communication between software modules and perform integration testing to validate the functionality and compliance with the AUTOSAR standard.Communication Stack Development: Implementing communication stacks, such as CAN (Controller Area Network), LIN (Local Interconnect Network), Ethernet, or FlexRay, following the AUTOSAR communication stack architecture. You configure and optimize communication protocols and manage network management services.Software Configuration Management: Managing software configuration using version control systems and configuration management tools. You maintain software baselines, track changes, and ensure proper documentation and traceability of software versions.Diagnostic Services Integration: Integrating diagnostic services and protocols, such as UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services), into the AUTOSAR software architecture. You implement diagnostic features and ensure compliance with diagnostic standards and requirements.