The Centre Director will work with the Flintoclass headquarter to create their own operating budgets; financial forecasting; revenue and expenses management; payroll management; ensuring financial profitability and long-term sustainability of the centre.
The Centre Director must:
ensure the implementation of Flintoclass policies and procedures pertinent to operations, safety, and training
maintain records essential for control and evaluation; timely reporting to the Central Operations Team
engage in active listening with parents in order to build relationships; understand an individuals goals an interests; take the initiative to assist them in achieving them.
ensure the highest level of compliance management and safety requirements.
As the leader of the centre, the Centre Director is expected to
identify the needs of the staff at the centre
adhere to the Flintoclass protocol to recruit, interview, hire staff,
coordinate and/or provide staff orientation to educators and caregivers
direct, guide, and motivate the educators and caregivers, enabling them to perform at their best.
conduct timely performance evaluations of the staff; provide them with assistance for their professional growth and development.