Fundamental Knowledge of VHDL: Understanding of VHDL programming basics and digital design principles. Familiarity with Design Tools: Basic exposure to tools such as AMD Vivado and SDK, with some knowledge of Petalinux, Verilog, and Intel Quartus. Introductory Experience in Interface Design: Understanding of high-speed interface concepts, cross-clock domain interactions, and the creation of simple test benches. Synthesis and Debugging Awareness: Basic understanding of synthesis processes and an introduction to debugging tools like ILA and Signal Tap for high-speed designs. Knowledge of Embedded Systems: Familiarity with embedded processor architectures and programmable logic. Hands-On Experience in Debugging: Basic skills in on-board debugging, troubleshooting mixed-signal designs, and understanding interface protocols like SPI and I2C. Interface Protocols Understanding: Introductory knowledge of Ethernet, PCIe, and LVDS interfaces. Programming Skills: Basic command of programming languages such as C and C++. Measurement Equipment Familiarity: Introductory experience with oscilloscopes and logic analyzers. Interest in Advanced Topics: Enthusiasm for learning about radar module design and high-speed memory interfaces