Whitesource, CheckMarx, jenkins, ansible, github, openshit,. Note:Must have White source, Check Marx Experience.
Hands on experience on Tools like Jenkins, Ansible ,SonarQube, Nexus Repository, OpenShift and GitHub. Design & Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for all the applications using Jenkins tool with integration of Git, SonarQube, Nexus, White source, Check Marx, Ansible tools.
Create and managing all slave nodes of Jenkins by giving the Jenkins tools path.
Managing the code quality with Sonar dashboard and maintaining the admin rights. Maintaining Nexus server for storing the Artifacts.
Manage source code with Git repository and adding the webhooks in repositories to integrate with Jenkins for auto trigger of pipelines.
Maintaining the Ansible server for deployment purposes and writing all the play books for required applications.
Design & Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for the microservices and deploying in the OpenShift.
Taking care of all the DevOps Port opening.
Managing the Grafana reports(Pull data from GitHub, SonarQube, Jenkins with respective API services). Show more Show less