Working closely with the partner institutions to supervise the reintegration of Indian National returnee from above mentioned countries of destination to India.
To lead in developing thematic base and sectoral expertise of CI in Reintegration, Migration; maintain awareness of emerging trends in this sectoral and incorporate the new developments as appropriate into reintegration and migration programs with added focus and delivery at the Impact Level.
Explore and develop model migration related programs in coordination with field staff for effective program planning.
To foster new partnership while maintaining the existing partnership with donor s. Timely/regular reporting to the concern representatives of the donor on the progress and the challenges of the program
Provide knowledge solutions and bring innovation to Migration and Reintegration Programs and processes.
To take lead in developing policies, guidelines and working documents related to reintegration and mainstreaming Strategy aligned with the Organizational Strategy.
Conceptualize, design and develop program interventions and initiatives in the areas of reintegration through research, model programs, best practices to ensure the dignity and access of vulnerable communities in the project areas.
Support the implementation of programs through regular quality monitoring, providing expertise and advice wherever necessary and field level accompaniment to ensure the effective implementation of program.
Support and encourage the development of CI staff through workshops, trainings, consultations and filed level accompaniment to ensure that all staff understand the nuances of migration and reintegration for the quality implementation of CI programs.
Partnership Management
Identify the credible organizations in line with vision and mission of Caritas India and strengthen partnership for effective implementation
Building the perspectives and capacities of the natural partners on related thematic areas.
Provide support to the partners in the implementation of program through regular quality monitoring, providing expertise and advice wherever necessary and field level accompaniment to ensure the effective and quality implementation of program
Support and encourage the sectoral expertise of partners through trainings, workshops, consultations and field level accompaniment to ensure the development and sustainability of partner organizations for effective implementation of program
Develop format/tool to assess the level of knowledge and identify capacity needs of partners (where relevant).
Network Linkages
To develop and strengthen networking strategies of partners.
Facilitate linkages with Government of India and other relevant organizations/institutions on related thematic area
Contribute, facilitate and participate in International / National Networks for establishing, credibility and visibility of CI.
Planning and organization of CI International, National and State level events for strengthening network linkages in line with the organizational needs and specific objectives.
Facilitating / Organizing of national events and providing support to state level, interventions in related thematic area.
Knowledge Management
Facilitate/guide impact studies / research / assessments/process in the thematic issues for internal learning and dissemination.
Building and participating in knowledge platforms; dissemination of lessons learned, experience gained, new insights received for building related thematic knowledge base within CI.
Mobilization of knowledge, information, new trends in related thematic area and share the same with program team /operations for onward dissemination to partners.
Mobilization / dissemination of CI good practices to external stakeholders for creation of credibility / visibility of the organization
Resource Management / Mobilization Creation of CI Visibility
Value addition of perspectives and analysis into proposals for funding as and when required
Enlarging the network base to engage with academia, CSOs, Govt., to leverage knowledge, financial resources and solidarity to the cause.
Mobilize resources and engage in CSR activities to generate funds for CI programs.
Undertake measures to create visibility for CI.
Understanding of the socio-economic and political situation in general and specific to migration and at national / state / regional levels
Laws and policies related to migration, labor, refugees and returnees
Experience in organizing/undertaking research and studies
Possesses an understanding of current concepts and related frameworks/ approaches in related thematic area in the global / domestic scenario
Knowledge of global, regional and national initiatives /guidelines supported by governments, international agencies, NGOs etc. in related thematic area
Keen to learn, interpret ideas into concepts and bring innovation
Ability to work independently as well as in team
Is proactive with the inclination to take risks and delivering in challenging situations