Communication ; Receiving Previous shift communication, start Communication from previous shift, Communication to line in charges regarding current day follow up 2
Man power; Attendance check & Man power reallocation planning, 3
Safety; Daily Safety Device online Monitoring Follow Up, Doing ODOS improvements related to safety, workability4
Quality; Q-Lick Data collection for Weld equipment error correction, Previous Robot Keeper Correction & follow up Planning, Vin Quality / inspection procedure checking, Biw Audit in bc2 - customer defect feedback to line
Morale; DMS system follow up/ audit, House Keeping Follow Up6
Quality; CO2 Robot WRC Error Reduction, Metal Dust Feed-back from Bc-I for correction, Robot Water Error And Gun Alignment Checking & Review, Biw Oil Application quantity inspection 7
Production; Force/ EPV Data cumulative collection & correction shift wise plan, Robot Water Nonstop data collection & correction plan with maint, Efficiency / Break down cause study with weld mgt
, / Maint
, team Education: BE Relevant /Total Experience: 3-5 Yrs