Work Content Position description The Institute of Statistical Science of Academia Sinica is seeking visionary scientists to join our interdisciplinary research community.
Applications are invited for tenure-track appointments as Full/Associate/Assistant Research Fellows (equivalent to Full/Associate/Assistant Professors in Universities).
This tenure-track faculty position expects candidates to have new insights into statistics, data sciences, and computer science-related fields, including artificial intelligence.
Academia Sinica, Taiwans most preeminent academic research institution, offers generous research funding, travel support, faculty housing, and other benefits.
The Institute of Statistical Science provides a secure and stimulating research environment, with more than 30 faculty members, supportive administrative and IT teams, and many international visiting scholars annually.
Unlike the universities, our faculty members have the freedom to choose to teach or not to teach.
Qualifications Candidates hold Ph.D.
degrees in statistics, data sciences, computer science, or any related fields.
Candidates with peer-reviewed papers or works published within the last five years are preferred.
Working Environment.
Operating Hours 08:30~17:30.
Work Place Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica.