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What are AmbitionBox Best Places to Work Awards 2022?
AmbitionBox Best Places to Work in India 2022 are India’s largest employee choice awards & truly reflect where people in India really want to work. These awards recognize the top companies to work for purely based on ratings shared by employees on AmbitionBox who have worked with a particular company in the year 2021.
How is a company classified as Mega, Large, Mid-Sized, Small, and Tech Startup?
A company can be classified into one of the below categories based on its employee count in India
- Mega category if it has more than 50,000 employees
- Large category if it has 10001-50000 employees
- Mid-Sized category if it has 1001 to 10000 employees
- Small category if it has 501 to 1000 employees
- Tech Startup if
- It leverages technology for their business in a significant way
- Should not be a public company or started by another company
- It has been founded on or after 01-January-2012
- It has more than 500 employees in India
Even though my company has good ratings, why did it not make it to the ‘AmbitionBox Best Places to Work in India 2022’ list?
For a company to qualify it must fulfil the following criteria:
Winning an award depends on a variety of other reasons. Refer to the complete methodology here.
- Company must be a registered company in India.
- Company must not be a Government organisation, Staffing firm, Dealer/Franchisee, NGO/Social Service organisation, Industry Association, College/ School/University, Restaurant, Hotel, Airport, Hospital and alike.
- Company must not have influenced reviews or have tampered with the process of collecting authentic, unbiased reviews, including intentional or unintentional acts that violate the AmbitionBox Community Guidelines and/or Terms of Use.
- Company must not have been involved in any serious fraudulent or suspicious activities and should not be under scrutiny by their respective governing entities.
- Company must meet category eligibility criteria as well to qualify.
Winning an award depends on a variety of other reasons. Refer to the complete methodology here.
What is the timeframe of reviews and ratings considered for awards?
Reviews for companies wherein reviewers have worked in the company between 01 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 will be considered for awards.
How are companies ranked?
Companies are ranked based on the new overall rating that is calculated using our proprietary algorithm based on the ratings shared by employees who have worked in the company in 2021. In cases where 2 or more companies have the same rating, a joint rank is given. Ranks are awarded by Standard Competition ranking.
Can companies nominate themselves for Ambitionbox Best Places to Work in India Awards 2022?
No, companies cannot nominate themselves to participate in Awards. All companies on AmbitionBox are eligible for awards subject to fulfilling the award category qualifying criteria.
However, a company can increase its chances of qualifying by having sufficient reviews on AmbitionBox. Hence we encourage companies to ask their employees to fill honest reviews on AmbitionBox using this link.
However, a company can increase its chances of qualifying by having sufficient reviews on AmbitionBox. Hence we encourage companies to ask their employees to fill honest reviews on AmbitionBox using this link.
How does a company benefit from these awards?
If you believe your company has a really good work culture and a great employer brand, then get noticed by more than 1 Crore users every month on AmbitionBox with the ‘Best Places to Work in India’ award.
Not only this, all companies that make it to the list are also given a badge which can be showcased on the company’s website, social media platforms and presentations as a recognition from AmbitionBox. This helps companies attract and retain talent, and differentiate their overall employer brand from competitors.
Not only this, all companies that make it to the list are also given a badge which can be showcased on the company’s website, social media platforms and presentations as a recognition from AmbitionBox. This helps companies attract and retain talent, and differentiate their overall employer brand from competitors.
How are AmbitionBox Awards different from other awards?
- Unlike other awards, the companies cannot self nominate themselves for the AmbitionBox Best Places to Work in India Awards.
- No costs are involved in the process. Ranks are declared based on reviews and ratings given by the employees who have worked in the company.
- AmbitionBox is India’s #1 platform for company reviews and salary insights. Given our scale and reach, these awards truly showcase where Indians really want to work.
How will a reviewer's data be used?
Other than awards, the data will be used for displaying reviews and ratings on the respective company page on AmbitionBox. Find out more about our terms of use here.
How is the authenticity of reviews checked?
- Our proprietary algorithm filters and analyses multiple attributes of the review - spam, fake, abusive, duplicate and similar factors to decide the authenticity of a review.
- Any reported or flagged content is reviewed by a team of moderators and is removed if it doesn’t meet our community guidelines.
Have more questions?
If you have any other questions or queries, write to us at support@ambitionbox.com.