There are so many things we cook up in our heads when stepping out of college and into the real world.

To begin with, what exactly does job satisfaction imply?

Although a subjective term, job satisfaction implies the positive emotional response at the work you do.

It could be a good salary package for some, while for others it might be the feeling of being content with what they do.

Read reviews of the company on AmbitionBox's website to know whether the employee's have job satisfaction in a particular company or not.

You can then decide on which company to choose accordingly.

But keeping all differences of opinion aside, here are a few reasons why job satisfaction is the single most important factor for your career success.

Let's get going!

1. Helps to set timely goals

If you are in a happy place at work and enjoy the culture and work, you will naturally plan your next three / five years in the same company.

You will plan and set goals based on the time frame. Develop yourself accordingly, gather as much experience possible.

A happy worker is more productive than a team of frowned faces.

Imagine Mr A and Mr B, both are working in the same organisation. Mr A has already found his joy in his work and toils hard, whereas Mr B struggles to find the zeal to continue.

Not to sound melodramatic, but in such situations, usually whom do you think would achieve his goals faster?

Don't stress your mind so much!

Mr A is your best bet. Mr A seeks a long career in the firm, thus toiling hard to achieve the goal he has set.

Mr B on the other hand, seeks every opportunity to find a different opportunity, starting from the bottom again.

This indeed adversely hits his productivity and professional growth.

Be like Mr A!

2. Helps to plan for a career growth

While making plans you have to keep in mind your personal goals as well.

For example, you are currently working as a Senior Sub Editor in a media house. Your next step will be to become the Desk Head.  

You wish there were short cuts, buts guess that's the worst plan.

So, naturally you will think of working your way up the ladder and take steps accordingly.

How do you work you way up?

  1. Learn New Skills.

2. Acquire relevant knowledge.

3. Focus on being productive.

4. Face new challenges & overcome them.

5. Identify your shortcomings & work on them.

6. Identify your strengths & multiply them.

All these things cant be achieved overnight. A proper plan has to be set in motion and worked upon to get desired results.

The best thing is to plan and work on one step at a time.

3. Job satisfaction can make you a teamplayer

There is no "I" in a team;

Bit cliched right?

Well on that cliched note, let me ask, who is a team player?

We believe someone who appreciates, boosts morale and can be trustworthy.

As a team, you know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and the leadership triumphs here.

Taking ownership not only sets the tone for your professional growth but also motivates your team to bring in better results.

If you are satisfied with your job, your equation with the team shall always grow, after all effort is directly proportional to appreciation.

4. Makes you open to challenges & innovation

So, when you are less fearful of the results, you will be bold enough to take up more challenges.

With encouraging bosses and colleagues, you will love to experiment without the fear of failure.

You will want to get out of your comfort zone by taking up new and much more challenging projects. Thereby helping you to grow in your career by gathering maximum experience.

This will help not only help you to create better products but will also make you much more confident.

This, in turn, will accelerate your career ahead in the game and leading to success.

5. Motivates you to remain dedicated to your goals

Now, let's admit it, none of these will be in effect if you are not dedicated and motivated.

The only way to be so is if you enjoy your work.

This will help you to align your goals along the same lines of the company’s/ team’s thereby enhancing your performance by leaps and bounds.

As mentioned, when you love your work there's a sense of satisfaction that prevails with every task accomplished each day.

You will feel motivated every day to push your limits, to take those extra steps for a better future.

6. Makes you stress-free and happy

It's best to choose a job which makes you happy because job satisfaction helps to reduce stress.

Working in an ambiance where you are valued and appreciated for your hard work naturally leads way to better mental health and also a healthier work-life balance.

We all know better mental health will let you focus better at work and produce great work.

So, now that we have explained the importance of job satisfaction for a successful career, hope you identify what makes you so content with your job and zoom away to success.

All the best!