1. Why you selected Genpact? 2. What is your hobbies? 3. What will you do if you are not selected?

I selected Genpact because of its strong reputation in the industry and its focus on career growth and development.
I selected Genpact because of its strong reputation in the industry
Genpact is known f...read more

Genpact is a fantastic place to start your career as a new hire. It offers a great working environment as well as a welcoming ambience that is good for both personal and corporate growth. Because of G...read more

1 Genpact is a multinational company and it helps the new employees to learn new things and also provide various information of business environment
2 my hobbies are browsing and gardening
3 I feel di...read more

Because Genpact comply is a multinational company, I have no job no money, my hobby is make food, reading books, and play cycle 🚴, eating food, xyz

Genpact is a fantastic place to start your career as a new hire. It offers a great working environment as well as a welcoming ambience that is good for both personal and corporate growth. Because of G...read more

Tell me about your self.ask manger.

Genpact is a fantastic place to start your career as a new hire. It offers a great working environment as well as a welcoming ambience that is good for both personal and corporate growth. Because of G...read more

this is google this is yahoo

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testinga faosdbasjldb asldnasljd asbnljdas lkasnd lkasndlkasdn alskd

> Because Genpact is a multinational company, i am select the Genpact company for my career development,
> not my hobbies, but only few my hobbies, is the reading of Islamic book, and travelling my h...read more

1) میں نے جنپیکٹ کمپنی کو منتخب کیا ہے کہ میں تعلیمی قابلیت میں اضافہ کا کیلۓ ، اور نیا کام سیکھنے کا موقع ملتا ، اور مجھے کافی دوست اس کمپنی میں کام کرنے والا ہے ، اس نے مجھے بتایا تھا ، اس کمپنی میں...read more
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